So Paradox 2.20 is buggy as hell

If you’ve tried to do much playing on version 2.20, you’ve probably noticed that it’s full of bugs. Torotoro hasn’t announced a 2.21 patch yet, but it’s certainly in the works. Until then, it’s hard to recommend playing this version. We’re continuing with the translation, but I don’t think I’ll be releasing a translation patch for 2.20. However, as usual, the latest files are on the repository and are (almost) always guaranteed to work. Just grab the RpgMakerVXAce Translator and a zip of the master branch from Or just wait until all the problems are fixed.

Paradox 2.20 is finally here!

Okay, so not updating this blog since the first of July was incredibly shitty on my part. In 5 years, I’ve never gone more than about 3 months between updates…. To be honest, I thought 2.20 would have been out months ago, and as the delay dragged on, it became a convenient excuse to not get any translation done. And when I’m not getting work done, typically neither is anyone else.

Anyway! Torotoro finally released version 2.20 of MGQ Paradox, and I’m now busy merging everything into the new version. There will almost definitely end up being a 2.21, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. Any further versions will just be minor bug fixes anyway.

The new version adds new request scenes for Sonya that depend on what sex toy you equip her with, and it also adds request scenes for Beelzebubs B and C. The meat of the update is in completely redoing the post-game Labyrinth of Chaos and massive changes to weapons, skills, and characters.

I haven’t decided on a course of action for a 2.20 patch given the immense number of changes. Anything we release quickly would be full of outdated and incorrect descriptions from the previous version, but fixing everything will take weeks. I’ll see how things are looking by this weekend and decide. Until then, happy holidays and such!

P.S. I’m going to do another post highlighting monster girl games released this year and some upcoming ones.

Final MGQ Paradox Part 1 Patch

Final MGQ Paradox Part 1 Patch:!GAwmwQoS!0QLtFZMtCf3UHzwvu37O8BPMVXZ77-nQBOBD7-2gW_E

Untested! Literally anyone could have created this off the bitbucket files. This is a patch for part 1, not part 2.

Still waiting on ytinasni to get back to me on getting the translation program to work on part 2. In the meantime, I wrote a script to chop the events file into 8000+ separate files and a script to do some renumbering on RPGMaker function calls so that maybe git won’t barf quite as hard as it was. Probably would have been faster to manually fix thousands of numbering issues than writing the script, but you don’t know when you start that a 5 minute script will take 5 hours. This is why I’m not a programmer. (just replace Perl with Python and that was my day)