So Paradox 2.20 is buggy as hell

If you’ve tried to do much playing on version 2.20, you’ve probably noticed that it’s full of bugs. Torotoro hasn’t announced a 2.21 patch yet, but it’s certainly in the works. Until then, it’s hard to recommend playing this version. We’re continuing with the translation, but I don’t think I’ll be releasing a translation patch for 2.20. However, as usual, the latest files are on the repository and are (almost) always guaranteed to work. Just grab the RpgMakerVXAce Translator and a zip of the master branch from Or just wait until all the problems are fixed.


  1. While i have not played 2.20 yet I suspected that it would be buggy, I also thought that you would not release a patch in 2 seconds but would wait so no time would be wasted. While I’m happy that my guess was right I also would have loved a surprise like that there is no bugs and its all finished. Oh ce lavie

    • passerby4554

      I need to click that stupid box when I do my first comment so that I can subscribe. Wish there as a bigger button at the top of the page, but oh well.

    • Degenerate

      Excellent, I’ve been looking for a discord channel to keep myself updated on TL progress as well as the game itself.

  2. CwHart

    Thanks for the info, I havent even touched 2.20 as of yet cause I knew it prolly has its share of bugs. Also curious is Artee (Rogue) waiting for a certain patch before he continues his translation, or did he take a break. Notice he was been gone since October.

  3. Cellulanus

    For now I’m just going to wait for a complete translation patch. I’ll be happy as long as I know you aren’t dead.

    Please don’t die.

  4. No

    Lo and behold, for He, The One, The Only, the Chosen by Fate to provide has appeared.

    Alas, fate has presented such a perilous journey, a dangerous struggle that Dargoth The Almighty and Rouge, he who descended from Odinsleep, will have to overcome.
    Faith shall remain in the hearts of us, lesser beings, waiting for the promised patch, for it is the One who can appease the needs of those below Him, The Only, The Chosen.

    May His holiness remain untarnished as He scouts the Moonrune fields.

    • passerby4554

      If you download the master files or the repository, there should be a file called “progress” to see how far everything is going.

      • Sterling White

        So, how exactly do the files work?

        It’s a bunch of internet explorer-opening files containing what, to me is, complete gibberish.

      • Menthols

        Progress hasn’t been updated in almost a full year, so I don’t know why people keep telling others to check it. The only way to see how much progress has been done is to tediously check through the commits on the bitbucket page. If you’re curious about H-scenes then look for notable commits that mention them, or certain contributors like Artee. Or of course you can manually translate it and check through the castle 1 by 1. I doubt progress will be updated until Dargoth creates a new official patch.

        • passerby4554

          We do have a small ring of amateur translators that choose specific requests to translate. Some of our translated scenes were even put into the game, and if you had any real patience, you would do the process everyone else is doing. there has been more progress than you think, and you’d know it if you had bothered being patient.

            • Menthols

              Of course I was talking about the progress file, not actual progress. Thank you for pointing it out though, some people struggle a bit with common sense.

          • Menthols

            @passerby4554 “and if you had any real patience, you would do the process everyone else is doing”

            I just can’t help myself, did you even read what I wrote? Are you referring to the process that I detailed for the guy above who asked how far along the translations are?

            I figured I would give him some actual help since your reply to him was completely worthless. Or is checking the progress file that hasn’t been updated in 6 months “the process that everyone with patience goes through”?

            Also let me clarify I’m not complaining about the progress file not being updated because, yes I do have patience and I understand that it gets updated when a new official translation patch is released. I’m saying that I don’t understand why people like you keep telling others to check it when it hasn’t been updated with all the new translations.

            You are misinforming them and leading them to believe that no work has been done when in fact a lot of work has been done since then, because you are too lazy to give them any real help. Eh I don’t know what I would expect from a guy who uses “we are” and “our” when referencing the translation team, even though he’s not a part of it.

            • passerby4554

              For one thing, I am not misinforming anyone about anything. and secondly, how dare you. I will let this go, but in the future, try to restrain yourself.

          • Seigi no Mikata

            Passerby we are getting tired of your passive-aggressive comments and pretentious attitude. You claim to be putting out the lion’s share of the translation work with your ‘team of four’ and attempt to be a smartass over here on the comments section. Why hasn’t Dargoth and co. picked your team up if you are so considerably skilled and efficient?

            Maybe because you’re a right asshole is what. Take the discord channel you’ve set up for instance. I’ve been a member for quite a while, watching as you run it into the ground with shitty management and insistence on having people comply with your idiotic whims.

            “I will let this go”? Who in the fuck exactly do you think you are? And no, I am not the other guy you were responding to. I’m simply someone who was looking through the comments and noticed what a downright highfaluting shit you were being. Eat some humble pie, Passerby.

            • ArzorX

              well I invite you to check the bitbucket and review the scenes of honey pot, succubus monk and the 2 scenes of spider princess that were made by the group that passerby mentioned so if they are that bad that scenes wont be uploaded in the bitbuket

            • Passed You By

              Passerby really did run his Discord into the ground, I tried to talk sense into him, but his autism and OCD are overpoweringly MAX STAT. Kid’s too fucking stupid to reflect upon things.

              By the time he started polling people to check if his ideas are f**king retarded, all the sane people had already left the Discord so ofc he only got circlejerk reactions!

              Someone ought to make a new Discord without this kid.

  5. Anonymous

    When i enter labyrynth of chaos white rabbit say’s something about medals,
    I’m not so good at kanji, but what she meant is that these medals will not be accessible until part 3?

    • Anonymous

      As far as I can tell, there’s a medal reward at some point in the Labyrinth that won’t carry into the 3rd chapter, as it will appear in the 3rd chapter. The medal is only for ‘self-satisfaction.’ It recommends creating a separate save to be safe. Presumable, the medal(s) will just be removed from your inventory when importing into Part 3.

      The text is in Map644, event 8 if you need to reference it.

  6. Tomoya Okazaki

    This is probably a stupid question, but does Laplace and the drain lab make it into this chapter? Just curious to see if anyone knows. Thanks and leaving a comment so that I can keep tabs too ^_-.

  7. Anonymous

    Hey btw, what about Part 1 Vore Scenes ? Is there an update on part 1 patch, and how does this work? I have only 2 Exe things in the rpg translatoor thing, there should be 3 there

  8. Gareki(sp)

    passerby4554 I’m sorry did not answer before, I tried the game these weeks it’s great I just wanted to say that you do a good job, keep going 🙂

    • passerby4554

      Well, thank you; just to be clear, I’m not really a part of the translation team, but that doesn’t mean I’m not happy to help others here and there,

  9. Aaron Martin

    So are we talking game breaking, screw your save file bugs or “that’s not quite right” but still playable bugs? In any case thank you very much Dargoth and team for translating this, and continuing to do so. Huge project and you deserve tons of respect for doing this. Peace and prosperity to you and yours.

    • Konstantine

      I’m pretty sure this ““that’s not quite right” but still playable bugs” . And I’m not sure ToroToro will fix those bugs, as he mentioned already that 2.20 is last patch for second part. Anyway if you want to play, you can just use files from repository.

      • CwHart

        There is always a final patch to clear up whatever issues are in the game. I cant see them ignoring whatever bugs might be in the game, specially glaring problems

  10. Kajukin

    Could we make a list with the bugs here that founded? I startet a new game in 2.20, and it will help me to figured out what praty i will make ^^
    soo RAPIER SKILL on ALICE are buggy
    Some thing else to notice?

    • Smashmalla

      Things that don’t work.
      HP regen (per turn) skills/abilities
      Counter/ magic counter
      Evasion/ magic evasion
      Divine destiny (lasts 2 turns not 3)
      Auto revive’s granted by skills like the medicine one.

  11. jchris1_2000

    Any idea when they will finish part 2 for a translation to be done? I can play through 1 again and finish leveling everybody with the current classes I suppose but an idea would be nice

  12. Boss

    Hi, im finding a problem using the Ytinashi Translator. After doing the steps in wich i use the game select and the modifications in Script, when i try to run the Translator.exe, it throws an exception during the process, Saying: ERROR: reference to object not establiced as instance of an object(or something like that, my console is not in English) right after: Building armors.rvdata2:

    System.NullReferenceException: Referencia a objeto no establecida como instancia de un objeto.
    en Ytinasni.RpgMaker.Translator.Translator.DataFile_Items.BuildDataFiles[StreamType](RubyObjectBindingMap objectBindingMap, Dictionary`2 textFileLines, Dictionary`2 resultStreams)
    en Ytinasni.RpgMaker.Translator.Translator.Run(Boolean runExportPhase, Boolean runImportPhase)
    en Ytinasni.RpgMaker.Translator.Program.b__0()
    en Ytinasni.RpgMaker.Initialize.Run(Action fn)
    en Ytinasni.RpgMaker.Initialize.Init(String[] args, Action fn)

    Does anyone know how can i solve it?

    • Ritokure

      Had the same problem, and as far as I can tell, this is simply a compatibility issue – long story short, I’m 99% sure 2.20 is NOT compatible with 2.11 and earlier.

      For example, I checked the script extractions of versions 2.11 and 2.0 and compared them to Dargoth’s translation. It has plenty of small differences that makes them incompatible, like for example the fact that in the original 2.11 and 2.0 the Labyrinth of Chaos is in the file “Map646”, while in 2.20 and Dargoth’s translation it isn’t.

      So, I’m pretty sure your only options are to either dig in Dargoth’s BitBucket for an earlier, compatible version or update your MGQ:P to 2.20 and get used to bugs for now.

      • They are no longer working from a patch for Part 1, as everything from Part 1 is in Part 2, sans the Part 1 sex scenes (though they can be accessed in Part 2 if you copy the graphics folder from Part 1 into Part 2). The Part 1 content in Part 2 will be translated, however the story content for Part 2 takes priority.

    • Kajukin

      No. But it seems so…they whant this Product as a stand alone Product and with this amount of buggs it couldn’t…in my Opinion ^_^’

  13. MGQPfan

    Wouldn’t it be faster to decript the “.rgss3a” file to translate the data in RPG maker (Making a new project and then copy paste the data and ressource files)?
    That way you could just copy paste the translated stuff from part 1 to the file of part 2.

  14. Anonymous

    The goddess Ilias appearing in the original trilogy and the same one that is sealed or and another and the Goddess Ilias appearing at the beginning of the Paradox and another and the Goddess Ilias who is at the end of Part 2 of the Paradox and the same one that appears at the beginning of the game someone draws my doubt.

    • The sealed Loli Illias is the one from the original Trilogy. The one from the beginning of the game is the Paradox Illias, who’s also the one destroyed at the end of Part 2. I can’t remember if its confirmed or just implied, but the one who does the evaluations is actually a copy put there by the White Rabbit to play out the dialogue, similar to the Tamamo copy she uses to trick Nanabi in Part 1. There’s also the Illias who’s in charge of the “Angels won the Great War” world that the Seven Seraphim are from, but we haven’t seen her yet.

      • Anonymous

        Thank you and I read somewhere and that the ilias of the world in which the Archangels won the war that makes the assessment when you lose to Sonia Chaos

        • Fanservicefan

          Kinda hard to read your comment but yes, Angel World Ilias conducts the evaluation when you lose to Sonya Chaos.

            • passerby4554

              I used google translate to get a basic understanding. She greets Luka and says that she’s a different goddess than the one he knows/has, then she explains about Sonya Chaos, then finally ends with a “I hope to see you again soon”, with the lewd face icon to boot. In full honesty and to my knowledge, it’s the only Ilias evaluation that doesn’t chide Luka for losing, other than Adramelek I think.

            • Arj

              Thanks! Man, I can’t wait to play Part 2 in English. I played it in Jap, but I have no clue what anyone said… It’s kinda funny though, just seeing what happens, but not understanding what is said.

  15. Anonymous

    Sorry for Asking but i remember a mess of translation for Paradox part 1, you could get the idea of what was happening anyway, i don’t know if it was all with google translator but there isn’t one like that for part 2?

    • Anonymous

      Not that I know of, but I know you could get the translate app for your phone which works on images. It’s a little slow but you can get an idea of what’s going on.

  16. Anonymous

    So I havn’t updated part 2 at all, downloaded the base game from the dlsite when it came out and never updated it because I was scared how it would react to the patch. If I manually patch from bitbucket will it only work for the new version?

  17. No

    Hey Dargoth, a little question/doubt.
    Have you considered changing Chrome’s name to Kurome?
    Rogue said that at the time he didn’t know that Chrome was actually Kurome (for her sister is called Shirome).

  18. Ana

    I’ve been thinking about trying to translate the game myself for months, but all the same decided to wait for the translation. However since I was too much anxious about discovering what will happen further in the storyline, I finally decided to break open the decrypted archive and edit the non-translated things.
    So far, I’ve only managed to translate the events from the Finoa Village, but there is one thing I’m not sure about. If I somehow manage to finish the translation, I’d like to put it up somewhere where others can easily get it. However, I haven’t got a single clue about making patches and things like that, so I’d probably have to upload the entire game directory, which will be quite tiresome.

    • Fanservicefan

      Not the whole directory. Just the map file.

      However, from what you said you seemed to have made your attempt via the VX Ace editor itself as opposed to using insanity Ytinasni’s patcher program, which rips all that stuff (maps, scripts, etc) as .txt files that you can freely edit and can easily be sent around via bitbucket, email, pastebin, and such. Assuming you haven’t used it yet and you saved your work via the VX Ace editor, you can use that program to extract the scripts and whatnot.

      Though if I’m wrong, do let me know. Dargoth can use the help and I’m sure he’d like to see how you did.

      • Ana

        Yeah, it was the editor itself. I tried using the patch program, but it just refuses to work on my laptop. I did save the work, but have no idea which script is the exact one I have to use. It’s not brilliant work, as I have no enormous knowledge of Japanese, and neither it or English are my first language, but I’d be glad to help in any way I can, as I have a lot of free time on my hands.

        • Fanservicefan

          Hmm, what error pops up when you try to extract the scripts with the patcher program? It uses up a lot of memory when it’s active and makes a separate “blobs” folder containing clusters of the game as a whole (as opposed to the decrypter which merely extracts image files and various data in its proprietary .rvdata2 file format) so you’d need some space as well. Even more when recompiling since that process basically takes the stuff from both the “blobs” folder and the scripts you changed to incorporate whatever you changed into the game. A way to test things before making a custom patch.

          But I digress. The Finoa Village map files are “Map025.rvdata2” for outdoors and “Map026.rvdata2” for indoors. If you know Dargoth’s email, send those to him. Alternatively, chuck it onto some filesharing site and I’ll check it out myself.

          • Ana

            The patcher program always tells me I shall use the directory with the game.exe file, even when I’m doing so. Whether it’s because I’m using Windows 10 or something else, I don’t know. Never saw his email, but I think it wouldn’t be troubling to find it. If not, I’ll be glad to send it to you.

            • Fanservicefan

              I feel more comfortable with you using a file hosting service. MEGA, Mediafire, and the like.

            • Ana

              Fanservicefan – Yeah, sure, I’ll put it up on Mediafire probably, when I’m done with at least 2 or 3 more maps.
              Casian – Could have, yet I felt more like using RPG Maker directly, since I haven’t been using it for ages, and I wanted to get familiar with it once again.

            • Ana

              Anyways, here is the first translated map –
              I just want to see whether it works on someone else’s laptop/PC.
              It’s v 2.11.00, but I think it should work on another one.
              I tried to keep most of the lines as close to the original as I could, but for the others I had to improvise a bit. It’s not as good as Dargoth’s, but I enjoyed doing it, and I hope it will be useful to someone 🙂

  19. Anonymous

    If I ever get to go back in time being a kid again knowing what I know now.

    I promise I’ll learn jap and help Dargoth translate these games!

    • MagamiNoMeshitsukai

      Well, it’s never to late… I’ve started Japanese two years ago because years ago I had so much fun learning English as my second tongue and wanted to recreate that feeling (aaand just having played the original MGQ there might have been another reason as well).
      I don’t regret it…

      • 女神の 召使

        And that typo in my name just goes to show that there still much to learn (damn romaji). Let’s do it properly this time

  20. Anonymous

    I’m chilling at Port Merle waiting for translations. How far can I venture in the story before finding japanese text?

      • 女神の召使

        Your definitely gonna see a lot of Japanese from part 1 onwards. Only the first 1,5 areas after that are fully translated after that only the dialogue that matters storywise.
        Everything up to the colloseum has those translated story bits I believe (I’m already past that point but thats the last story relevant bitbucket entry).

  21. Anonymous

    Why do a lot of the request scenes not work? The screen just goes black and says “……….” then nothing happens.

  22. Anonymous

    Just a small suggestion, when part 3 comes out, it will obviously come out on DLsite Jap site first, prob a week later it will come out on the english site. If you can wait the week, or buy it twice, I’d suggest waiting and buying it on the English site. Hopefully if toro see’s how many english fans MGQP has and are willing to buy their games…….they will start translating the games themselves, and stop forcing us to rely on Dargoth!

    Just a thought.

    • FlamingoOverride

      An official english patch for the original MGQ bombed. Not going to happen. Fans don’t want to pay extra for english, and translating these things cost money, even for Dargoth and Co.

      • lordkane01

        Well if the official English translation for MGQ had of been decent people would of bought it but there were many areas where the translation was poorly done.
        Kind of sad when random people doing it on there own time are more accurate then official translations but I am used to it as even with manga the ones that get released in the U.S. often have parts that are just totally wrong especially in the naming department.
        So for now you get better quality from people like Dargoth and other translators that do it on there own.

  23. Anonymous

    So something just came to mind.


    Heinrich joins the team on the angel route. If you go back in time or in the future or whatever to an alternate reality…. Say the original time line. When Heinrich visits the sealed sinners prison, he is going to see his name, and possibly feel his ghost much like how Luka did.

    I’m just curious if this happens, how do you think he will react seeing his name being imprisoned by the goddess he currently worships so much.

  24. Anonymous

    Anyone else getting constant and random lag spikes/fps drop?
    Happens frequently when opening the menu.
    Tried this on a fresh, untranslated copy and got the same results, was this also part of the Bethesda-tier glitchy experience?

  25. B.L.

    Hey guys, I’ve got a technical issue. My copy of Paradox 2 doesn’t have a Script directory to put the new translation files into, it has Audio, Graphics, Save, and System directories. So…where do I put the new translation files for Yitnasi?

  26. H.H.

    Excuse me, could someone happen to me at the ITH (Interactive Text Hooker)? I do not know why, but when I download the official page and open it, I always get an error when I try to use it in the game and this, before, did not happen to me.

  27. H.H.

    Also … is there someone of kind soul, who has a save of the game, with all the characters of both routes? And if possible, with some of the complete maze finished? It’s just that … I reset my computer and I lost my saved and so … I need help.

    • EbonyCaesar

      I have all of the characters from both routes except panty sensei and the third perverted friend (I forget his name). I haven’t done anything with the maze yet thought.

  28. Anonymous

    as I do not know Japanese would like to know why in that tartarus there are two black alice’s and why one was accompanying the hero heinrich.

    • Arj

      If you try to fight that worlds Black Alice with Heinrich in your party, she won’t show up. If you try it with the “witch Black Alice” in your party, she will leave your party until you exit the castle. So it’s probably the same one you fight as is in your party, but as to why I have no idea… Maybe she was doing the same thing with Heinrich as Luka and Alice did in the original trilogy.

      • I’ve heard there are some implications of Black Alice and Heinrich having been like Luka and Alice in the original trilogy (which I still haven’t played) and that their falling out may have been what turned her so evil, but I’ve also seen some people say that Lillith and Lillim’s line about how Heinrich stole away Black Alice’s love was a mistranslation. The alt versions of them in Paradox seem to confirm it, however.

    • tylander

      I am having the same issue. You used to be able to hit the “show items in raw data” to be able to input the items/weapons you wanted but since the new update, it hasn’t worked for me. I’m far from an expert, but my current hypothesis is that the increase in possible stats and the new items from LoC may have passed the scope of what the save editor can edit currently. In other words, just like you couldn’t put in numbers for attack, defense, etc. higher than 9999, the corresponding numbers for the new items and weapons might not even exist in the save editor, making the file un-editable aside from what is currently part of the save file itself. I also tried using the RPG Ace editor to no avail so we might just have to rely on cheat engine for now. Like I said earlier, this is all conjecture on my part so maybe one of the veterans like Passerby, Casian and Co. will have an idea.

      • passerby4554

        I’m a veteran? Heh, and they say flattery gets you nowhere. Anyhow, he’s right. I’ve personally used the save editor, but I had to use an old save that was before 2.20, since opening the save editor with a 2.20 save doesn’t work for the item raw data. Tylander’s theory has some solid conjecture, and it could very well be the reason it doesn’t work right now; as far as I can tell, I think people are trying to work out the kinks or waiting until 2.21’s patch in order to see if it works then. We just have to be patient and I bet by the time it’s the summer of this year, either 2.21 comes out and we can use Save editor again or 2.21 comes out and we can just play normally. We’ll just have to wait and find out.

        • tylander

          Wow! I honestly wasn’t expecting an actual reply. Thanks for providing some clarification since up to this point, I only half believed my own theory XD. I hope you’re right that the save editor will be updated to accommodate saves for MGQP2.

          As an aside, although I’ve never needed assistance with the patching process, I appreciate all of the contributions you’ve made to the community with your tutorials for those not as technologically savvy as the rest of us. I thought it would be nice to mention this since I see a lot of comments thanking Dargoth and Co. (as they well should), but basically zero comments thanking you for your efforts as well.

          • I never used a save editor before
            can it multiply those exp and skill point consumables so you can upgrade your favorite waifus to top performance without needing to farm the la croix tower for years until they get max level max job?
            still waiting on part 1 until part 2 is playable

            now the second question: is there a table with every item by number somewhere?
            because it shows the items and equipment by number (ex: item#216) instead of their names (ex: angel seed) and i’m afraid of changing something i shouldn’t instead of just getting 99 of archangel/genius/ancestry seed and be done with it

  29. Hello Guys,

    @Dargoth and his mighty team ^^
    Shirome discovered that the multiplier you assigned to the dark skill from Sonya’s chaos weapon is wrong
    You put it as 1400%, but it does more damage on a per hit basis than eternal darkness, which has 1800%.

    Thanks you so much for your hard work guys.

  30. Anonymous

    Hello o/ I have a doubt about buff skills, for example, if i use Page 1001 of Divine Protection that rise all status will stack with the dance skill that makes the same thing ?

  31. Kajukin


    I have to chose wich part i will go, Marine or Pirate. Are both translated jet?

  32. Anonymous

    anyone know a game like mgq paradox without the hentai part? like a classic rpg with good story telling and a bestiary of classic mythological creatures. thx

      • I played this a bit ago. It should be mentioned that there IS hentai in it, but it has a lot more focus on the story telling. It’s also a strategy RPG akin to something like Fire Emblem rather than Paradoxes Dragon Quest-style gameplay. There are also three different main stories diverging at the first chapter based on which of the three heroines you choose as your main love interest (you commit to a path by making a choice during an event with one of them in either chapter 2 or 3 (there’s an event each for two of them and doing and NOT doing them and/or /choosing to follow through with the events will set you on the third path). i suggest doing them in the order of the Swordswoman (this story is better if you haven’t played the others first), the Magician girl (the best overall story imo), and then the Elf (not a great story, but a good cooldown from the other two).

          • There’s no route or merged plot where you get all 3 (though there is ONE scene involving all 3, but you need them to be equipped with NG+ only costumes), you have to play through the game 3 separate times to see them all. There are a lot of secondary female characters who have scenes with main character that can be done in any route, though.

        • BTW there are other two games in this series with similar gameplay, you can check them on vndb. Castle Meister is better (imho) than Kamidori in terms of plot, but have only one main heroine (no routes) and not so good (imho) gameplay (in Kamidori you can enjoy it for 150+ hours, in Castle Meister is about 70-90 and then it become boring)..

          • If their’s an English translation, I’d be interested, but as far as I know the only Eushally games with translations are Kamidori and that baby making Bancho game. I sort of want to play Himegari and that elf slave princess game referenced in both plus that goddess fighter thing series that Yuela’s cameo costume is from (guess I just want to play all the cameo costume games, come to think of it :P), but from what I’ve heard most Eushally games go untranslated do to too little interest for the amount of work they take to translate.

            • Konstantine

              Most of Eushully games have full interface translation patches, all gameplay is translated, but story isn’t. Though their game with best plot (Ikusa Megami Zero) have full translaiton, but quality isn’t good.

              Both games mentioned by me have interface translation. You can easily read the story with machine translation and/or Parser dictionaries. You just need basic knowledge of Japanese and enough patience to adjust your brain to broken English.

  33. So buggy that we dont even have it on anime sharing yet…
    I want the new sonia scenes :(((((
    not a single good doujin release, and MGQP2 still isn’t playable yet, this year started crappy

    • You can buy it from DLsite. Part 1 and Part 2 are about 30 USD each. If you buy it rather than tracking down a pirated version, you’ll be able to get the updated versions of the game as soon as they’re released and guarantee that they’ll be compatible with Dargoth’s patch.

  34. Andy

    can someone pls help me to understand the manually patch. the read me file says something about ytinasni.rpgmaker.patchmaker.exe. but i can not see it anywhere.

  35. Anonymous

    Can anyone tell me how far the progress is thus far? Im currently doing the marine/navy arc and see a lot japanese fragments, not sure if thats a sign that Im already at the end of the translation or it was just overlooked though.

  36. S45

    Anyone know why I can’t use ‘Stealth Steal’ at all? Every single time I do get my characters to listen to me and use it, I get a message sayng ‘couldn’t steal anything from X’

  37. Anonymous

    Warning this question may contain spoilers from Part 2 of the game
    A doubt I have, I heard about the Loli Illias and the Illias of the Original universe, but in the end Luka kills her AI goes my question as that he came back to life and ended up in the universe paradox.
    Another question I have and the paradox was originated when Illias of the paradox did not destroy Remine, ai another question, why they were trying to bring Henrich back.
    Sorry if some of the following points have already been answered before.

    • insane77


      The loli ilias that is your companion is the illias of the original universe. The paradox was caused when luka defeated Black Alice and she was sent to another time line due an experiment that was conducted there, which lead to the great disaster that created the tartarus pits. I do not believe that the luka we are playing as is the original, rather we are the paradox luka.

  38. Some Random Dude 101

    Why is the size repository file in bitbucket changed after downloaded? It said it was 75.5MB, but shrinks into 14MB when downloaded?

  39. Anonymous

    While everyone is waiting for a new release you should check out the Monster girl quest new game plus by Ectasy. The discord has been getting some new test builds recently.

  40. OtaKael

    Out of curiousity, can anyone confirm for me whether the japanese DLSite release is also bugged? I know the english one is, but I was reading the japanese reviews on the JP DLsite and none of them seem to mention any bugs or problems. They’re all unanimously praising the game, which is not a problem of course, the game’s amazing, but it just makes me wonder if maybe only the english DLsite release got fucked.

    • Anonymous

      Pretty sure it’s both. There’s a blog or something where people post bugs for Paradox that TTR sometimes posts in and from what I saw, they were well aware of the issues. (The site is aimed at Japanese players.)

    • Anonymous

      I’m almost sure JP and EN DLsite releases are the exact same thing, unless it’s an officially translated game of course. And most reviews were written long before 2.20 so even if people are angry about the bugs it’s not going to get review bombed in real time, it’s not steam lol.

  41. Arj

    Hey, I have a spoiler heavy question.

    In the original trilogy, Marcellus and his merry friends killed Alice XV, but they never did that in the Paradox universe. So do we know where the Paradox’s main-universe version of her is, or what happened to her? I might have missed that, or just can’t remember…

    • Marcellus never killed her, but when the Tartarus popped up, she went investigating in the one leading to the “Monsters Won The War” world. She disappeared for years, but showed up again after the White Rabbit knocked Alice XVI to Illiasville at the beginning of the game. I believe she started helping out the 3 ancient Succubi sisters (though I might be wrong about this part) and eventually asked Marcellus to kill her at the end of Part 2 to help slow down the chaos, which he does (presumably when she went into the Tartarus, she learned about the paradox and that’s why did all these things after coming back).

  42. Anonymous

    Is it me or do the most recent files in bitbucket crash the game? I’m getting a crash on start-up related to a script called Script_00000254_【WF-RGSS】Exit-EX 終了処理 (as far as I can tell)

  43. Anonymous

    i want to ask if anyone can fix this

    *Error – v2.20.00 – 2018-02-16 18:26:19 (Friday)
    Exception : NoMethodError
    undefined method `<' for nil:NilClass
    ["( ベース/GameObject ):320:in `targets_for_opponents'", "( ベース/GameObject ):244:in `make_targets'", "( ターゲット拡張_102 ):264:in `make_targets'", "( エンチャント/note ):1687:in `block in invoke_counter_attack'", "( エンチャント/note ):1679:in `times'", "( エンチャント/note ):1679:in `invoke_counter_attack'", "( 修正8 ):69:in `block (3 levels) in process_invoke_item'", "( 修正8 ):67:in `each'", "( 修正8 ):67:in `block (2 levels) in process_invoke_item'", "( 修正8 ):51:in `each'", "( 修正8 ):51:in `each_with_index'", "( 修正8 ):51:in `block in process_invoke_item'", "( 修正8 ):44:in `times'", "( 修正8 ):44:in `process_invoke_item'", "( ベース/Scene ):645:in `use_item'", "( 変数拡張 ):192:in `use_item'", "( Scene_Battle ):592:in `execute_action'", "( ベース/Scene ):612:in `process_action'", "( 付随/時間停止 ):350:in `turn_end'", "( ベース/Scene ):609:in `process_action'", "( Scene_Battle ):48:in `update'", "( Scene_Base ):14:in `main'", "( ベース/Module ):130:in `run'", "( 【WF-RGSS】Exit-EX 終了処理 ):118:in `run'", "( 【WF-RGSS】Exit-EX 終了処理 ):127:in `block in ‘”, “:1:in `block in rgss_main'”, “:1:in `loop'”, “:1:in `rgss_main'”, “( 【WF-RGSS】Exit-EX 終了処理 ):127:in `'”, “ruby:in `eval'”]

  44. ScarredMercy

    So, does anyone have a guide as to how to manually patch the game with what translations have been done so far?

    I swear I saw something like it awhile ago, but can’t seem to find it again.

    • Better to copy and paste this to some file in your pc. 😉

      1. Have a fresh latest version of MGQP 2.

      2. Download the RpgMakerVXAce Translator 0.10c.7z and unzip it preferably in the game folder.

      3. Run the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.GameSelector.exe, give it the path of the game and let it run its course. It will generate a “Script” folder.

      4. Download the latest master file among the branches and unzip its contents into the aforementioned “Script” folder. It should ask for overwriting, do so.

      5. Run the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.Translator.exe and let it run its course. If it encountered problems, you’ve probably messed something up. If it finishes without a hitch, it generates an “out” folder. That’s where the translated game resides.

      6. Profit! Enjoy your semi-translation!

      Until there’s a new game version, you’ll be able to update the translation starting from step 4 every time the master branch is updated. If there’s a new game version you’ll have to start over.

    • I dont know why but the comment auto scroll doesnt works anymore, at least with me, then :

      1. Have a fresh latest version of MGQP 2.

      2. Download the RpgMakerVXAce Translator 0.10c.7z and unzip it preferably in the game folder.

      3. Run the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.GameSelector.exe, give it the path of the game and let it run its course. It will generate a “Script” folder.

      4. Download the latest master file among the branches and unzip its contents into the aforementioned “Script” folder. It should ask for overwriting, do so.

      5. Run the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.Translator.exe and let it run its course. If it encountered problems, you’ve probably messed something up. If it finishes without a hitch, it generates an “out” folder. That’s where the translated game resides.

      6. ???

      7. Profit! Enjoy your semi-translation! It’s far from finished but at least the interface is mostly translated.


      Here the link, it will maybe works with you :

  45. Anonymous

    Hey, so I have two situations where I keep crashing that I’ve discovered so far. This is using the latest commit with 2.20. One is with Alice when I switch her to the Magician job and the other is with Sonya when I switch her to the Battlemaster job.

    After I’ve made the switch, if I go to either the Equipment or Ability pages, the game crashes when I try to exit the menu, regardless of if I made any changes or not. I wonder if anyone has encountered the same issue and has a fix? I think what I’m going to do for now though is just open my saves with the raw copy of 2.20 and make the changes I want there. Hopefully this issue is resolved in the next commit.

  46. takeruattano

    Just found out that ToroToro has added new lines for an event ( ver2.21) where you defeat Nanabi by yourself in the first encouter instead of needing a hand from Neris.Not yet translated so I’m really curious what they were saying tbh.

    • Anonymous

      That event was always there, it is just that usually you won’t be able to beat Nanabi on 1 turn unless your party is very op (which is hard with part 1 alone)

      And for what Neris said, she just commented on how strong Luka was and that there wasn’t any need for her to help.

      • takeruattano

        Nah man, I’ve beat her since part 1 ver 1.21 in one turn and the script just omitted the part where Neris used Granberry’s special move and it counts as she helped Luka so yeah I don’t really think it was there the whole time.

        • Anonymous

          Well, maybe not when it was just part 1, but I got that scene back when I was doing a second run with Ilias after clearing part 2 with Alice, and that was months ago.

          • takeruattano

            Maybe that’s the case. Cause I did a lot of NG+ in part 1 and just recently saw that scene after I did a NG+ in part 2.

  47. Anonymous

    Ah nice! Thank you so much for your hard work! Do you have a pateron or something i could donate to?
    Also quick question for anyone, im going to wait to complete the first one, and need to know has it been translated completely yet? If not has Sluggy stars been translated?
    Thanks for your help

  48. Some Random Dude 101

    I don’t really get how dargoth’s translation works. I check in the Paste Bin every time there was an update, yet in the progress file, the total number of translation remains the same…

  49. kami-Ge

    Hello, I’m sorry if its meant for somewhere else, but this thread looks the most active.

    So I am trying to categorize the “special” floors of the labyrinth of chaos, where you may encounter strange and odd things. I read all kanji but no moonrunes, and so will *try* to categorize the ones I have already seen. Any input from the vets who’s been in LoC much longer than me are welcome to add to this ^^.

    All description will include -> how to beat -> what prizes there are

    – someone (polar bear/mermaid merchant) getting attacked by lizard bandits -> beat lizard bandits -> random item
    – small map with Shenron from dragonball -> asks a question “what is your wish”. Several answers including 1 get weapon 2 get armor X world domination, as well as many more options i cannot read -> weapon was just a yellow weapon for current tier
    – pond with slime and another char (I had Eva once, Lazius once) in house to right side -> Need to catch fish. IMPORTANT catch the fastest fish which yields tasty fish, feed tasty fish twice to character on right -> get yellow item. If you catch “awful fish” twice, its game over, no items and go to next level
    – pond with lamia (anastasia), lamia falls into pond, Ilias comes out as spirit of the pond, 3x lamia comes out (Amira, Anastasia, shirohebi) and asks you which one fell in.-> answer correct -> get item. I suppose the one falling in could be another character, so make sure u pick the right one.
    – small room with ilias and alice and male, male is asking which one he should marry. -> i think both choices gives u items? Only had this once
    – Granberia/alma elma -> super tough fight -> choose one type of armor mastery (including ones u cannot get otherwise in part 2 such as gi/dress/robe mastery) for one character and a yellow item
    – superboss floor with white rabbit -> super difficult bosses, i had Alice 8th (could not even get thru first form > no idea what rewards r, prob rare items. note u can escape to next floor without fighting superboss
    – chest floor -> lots of chests with lots of spawns
    – NPC character -> NPC character dependent
    – Pirate vs marine -> choose one side to help, battle other side -> yellow item

    Any help padding this out, then transferring it to the LoC wiki page would be much appreciated.

    • Anonymous

      Very late reply, but the MGQ Paradox wiki has all of these sorted out. Just look under Paradox/Labyrinth of Chaos Special Floors

  50. kami-Ge

    Next up, I had a few game mechanic questions to see if the vets can help me with, as I am trying to suss out how to beat the superbosses without the division destiny rondo crisis maid boost infinite turns with an electromagnetic armor every turn.

    1. evening moon dance – says it nullify all magical damage, does it cancel holy dark and the special elements like nuclear (super fire) and the chaos elements. Or is it that all the “autohit” attacks r unaffected by evening moon?
    2. chaos elements, dafaq r they?
    3. taoist interception formation -> autocounter all magical damage. Does it counter holy dark and super elements?
    4. vs Granberia’s quadriple giga -> is it considered a magical attack or physical? Can it be nullified with the lamia moon dances/dragon pulse song, can it be countered with the physical counter skills
    5. monster lord’s cruelty -> considering the superboss’s stats r like 100s x normal, each hit is enough to kill. Therefore any way to survive it besides 8x electromagnetic armor + endure and wish it passes?
    6. Autohit breaths (fire, ice, the combination etc) – I think I have tested and the evening moon dance does block their damage, not their status effects. Can anyone confirm this is also the case, and can holy/dark attacks be blocked.

    As always, praise b to dargoth and the team for bringing this gem to english. To think, I initially looked down upon the eroge nukige subgenre. I now see the error of my ways, this is the true Kamige

    • Well Well, i stopped playing the game but if i remember correctly :
      1) Doesn’t nullify dark/holy/chaos and i think its the same for nuclear
      2)Hum, best element in the game ?
      3)I really dont know im sorry, i dont use “counter abilities”
      4)Certain hit cannot be nullified, i dont know about the counter
      5)MLC one of the most dangerous skill in the game, well once its used you are fcked without a full protection…,and dont forget holy martyr or miracle of the goddess. You can always boost your dark resistance, in the new LoC its easy to do.
      6)Auto-hit/certain hit cant be nullified by a lamia dance, same goes for holy/dark since their are a auto hit element itself.

      If something is wrong, please correct me.

      • kami-Ge

        how do u get started on the LOC? I only recently started, having trouble by the level 3 trials and the level 200s. Without the BS counter abilities i have no idea how to proceed.

        Oddly enough I note issues with 2 of my counter members, Amphil the apoptosis and naho the slime doll. Amphil for some reason keeps countering my own party wide buffs such as daisy bell, hero song etc, nullifying its effect for other members and reducing my armor walls. That was initially due to the 100% counter rate of “vibration armor”, but even after I took it off, where the status screen shows 0% counter rate, amphil will still counter my own song/dance buffs.

        The same was also seen once only by Naho, who countered her own song for some odd reason.

        party-wise i run twin supports with dance, song, alchemy, service, slime, summons. Aliceometria is hybrid support with dance taoism magic science and acts as magical canon vs the physical reflects, and Alice as main offense (physical), permanently below 20% hp to take advantage of 50% stats and spirit legacy (crisis 2* turns).

        Any ideas on how to get started on LOC grinding (I have some lvl7-9 items) would b much appreciated.

        • You’re too much into counter abilities, the beginning can be hard yes. What i do :
          At the beginning i farm the trial cave labyrinth only.
          Agility is essential . With both spear or first for every member with spear/fist mastery. In the beginning at the start of every fight i used : Hero song/ Null physical lamia dance ( if i know i cant finish the battle in one turn( for the floor 4 when yu begin)).
          Then with the rest of the active team i used my best skill available. (I like holy spear skill), and MLC with Alicetromeria.
          If you can get some dark skill boost stuff or gem Alicetromeria can be a monster pretty early.
          I farmed the floor 4 a lot, once your stuff is ok, yu can go to the normal LoC and farm a legendary gear from floor 300-310, then repeat.
          Floor 5 monsters are much harder than monsters from floor 300-350 if i remember correcly.

          Sorry if its not clear :s

          • Ho and Sonya/hild with heavy magic and a good magic stuff ( fist can give magic stat) can be usefull if you use Divine dragon ( advanced summoner job) when you start LoC.

          • kami-Ge

            ohh i c, thanks. Yes indeed, your legendary 2.20 saved game does show you to favor an attack orientated setup with focus on the angels and the spear skills.

            I suppose my major major problem is trying to use LoC as both an item farm, and to improve my team at the same time, so i keep changing up my classes as one job/race gets maxed and I go on the next one, unlike your everyones a pirate king getup.

            I shall try then to finish my job/race mastery, then rechallenge LOC. Thanks for your advice ^^.

            … dont counter with your daystars? XP

            • Well no, when i started the LoC , Daystar was bugged xD.
              There’re some weapon that give autofull power at the beginning, its because of that im more oriented atk. But i always have 2-3 magic dealer just in case in my main team.

              Once your active team kill everybody you can put some new members in reserve for training them. But when you start the LoC no, you dont have that luxury, you need a full team prepared to fight.

              Well have fun ^^
              Ps: If you are oriented atk, put heavy fist and forceful spear abilities , it will greatly boost your atk with both weapon.

            • kami-Ge

              heavy fist/forceful spear makes it so instead of calculating dmg as (atk+agl)/2, it just straight up used ATK?

              So assuming auto-full power, the dmg calculations now go from (3*atk+agl)/2 into straight 3*ATK, am i correct in this understanding?

              Better start using those abilities then, so far i have always let the weapons use their natural calculations.

      • Yeah :
        Master Scholar Job
        lvl 10: Nuclear – Magic Science (Nuclear 1400% ^ of Mag, Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: Ignore Def, Auto-Hit
        Makina Master Job
        lvl 10: Ragnarok – Makina (Nuclear 1800% Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: Ignore Def, Auto-Hit.
        There’re some more new elements

        • kami-Ge

          yes, though due to makina needing the actual key item, Ragnarok cannot be used, so only the skill “nuclear” from top tier magic scientist can be used.

          if you talk to reaper/white rabbit who have like 10 different lines which differs everytime u talk to them, they do mention the special elements. I suppose they are all auto-hit ignore defense versions of the regular 6 elements.

  51. Anonymous

    Hey, just a head’s up to Dargoth and whoever else has access to the commits, the Script_00000159_図鑑%002fカウント.txt file is still causing an issue with certain jobs and the game crashing on certain menus in the latest commit. Luckily there’s the file the Anon who helped me out earlier provided in the thread but it still needs to be updated in the master branch.

  52. takeruattano

    Holy Shit, I don’t know if it was the original game’s intention or because of Dargoth’s unfortunate friends fix the bugs that cause this:

    Everytimes someone in your party counter or magic counter, they end up nullify the wholeparty-attacking moves like DayStar which is OP as fuck.
    For examples: The angels in the Alt Iliasvillage, whenever they use the snake tail on the team, my Alma Elma counters it and it does not deal damage to other members, one time my
    Bunni just countered the Suprise Box from Mimic Girl, it went away after she did it too ( I put her in the first line of the party)
    Same for Nanabi’s Taoist Exorcist

  53. takeruattano

    What actually the ” Demon art Eyes of Rage( enemies become berserk)” does? I thought it was like buff the enemy attack’s power and they can’t use magic pleasure,ect but instead all of their skills are buffed( Attack, Mag,Dex 50% up lol) and they can use all type of skills which mean you dig your own grave when you use this skill,especially when playing in Paradox difficulty.

    • Enemies are stronger, but targeting is random XD, you can feel satisfaction from enemy’s frustration because of not being able to choose target freely.

      • takeruattano

        More like It’s me getting irritated cause now they’re capable of killing my whole party in 1 hit. Good game well designed skill ToroToro.

  54. kami-Ge

    FOUND THE PROBLEM, phew, it was totally bugging me.

    So basically kept dying in LOC cos one of my characters (Amphil) kept countering my own team buffs (songs/dances/quicks), leading to Amphil deleting my own team’s walls, negating my buff for everybody, and generally being an ass.

    Initially i thought it was due to my ability “Vibration armor”, but it persisted afterwards. I think the problem came from a characteristic in one of my rare LOC spears, which had a “omni-counter” 万能XXXX (i assume they say counter as the first syllable corresponded with the KA in LUKA).

    So basically i take off this spear, and no random counters occur. Guess i better get myself sum new spears ><

    Any way of communicating to TRTR, as this omnicounter for your own team's buffs seems…..pretty "counter"-intuitive.

  55. kami-Ge

    i read somewhere that after u hit a species with a corresponding slayer attack (e.g. harpy with harpy slayer), all damage to that harpy is increased, even non-slayer attacks, but I have not been able to reproduce this in test conditions. Anyone knows if its true or not?


    All Hail Dargoth

  56. takeruattano

    After the latest bitbucket ( Feb 27) All Saki’s dancing and singing are capable of seducing her own team members and enemies like
    Curse dance : Inflict poison, blind, seal now can seduce enemies
    Hustle Dance and Encourage Dance : Buff and heal teamates now can Auto-hit seduce them??? lol

    These things are not in the previous patch which I can confirm this.

    • takeruattano

      Even the Bosses and Allies which are immune to seduction now still can be affected by it 100% don’t know if I should be happy about this OP Saki now or not.

      • kami-Ge

        not sure if OP or wrecks the whole team, since if ur teams all seduced, only Saki can move, and shes gotta keep on dancing right?

        • takeruattano

          Nope she seduces herself too that why it’s breaking the game. So as long as i refrain from using her for supporting and just use Dancing , Singing to debuff, inflict status to enemies , she is broken.

  57. shwi

    Anyone planning to translate any H scenes? I’m thankful for all that’s been done so far. But it’s been months since any H scene has been translated if I read the commit section

    • Anonymous

      There’s a team of four translators, myself included, doing translations. We’ve actually put out a very good number of them, but they haven’t been merged into the game yet.

        • Anonymous

          hey passerby i just wanted to ask if there was something difficult about the scenes. I barely understand Bit Bucket or GitHub but when i browse through the commits section i only rarely seen scenes added. Is it just the fact that scenes are longer entries and of course they take longer or is it some weird coding thing?

          Thanks for all the work so far though.(really don’t want this comment to be seen as some kind of accusation thing sorry if it comes off that way.)

          • ArzorX

            that’s because dargoth its busy with other things so he upload some scenes from time to time or he only upload the minor ones like library entries or some little changes like skills etc the scenes need more time for him to check so you have to be a little patient my friend

            • Anonymous

              Thanks for answering! Honestly I was just curious, I am perfectly happy to wait for a game to be translated that I would have no chance otherwise to enjoy.

      • Anonymous

        Wait, do you mean that there are scenes that haven’t been merged onto bitbucket or simply that haven’t been put into a patch? Just wondering if bitbucket is still a good way to track progress of things. Thank you for your work btw.

  58. kami-Ge

    By the way, is the MP drain still a viable tactic for LOC? I haven’t used the mana drain strike setup very much so far, but from my tests so far:

    – mana drain strike now is a separate category and therefore does NOT stack with chaotic attack (thru the nekomata dance or innate), tentacle up, double triple attack or any of the multi-normal attack buffs, sort of like how previously bandit/mug attack does not stack with them.
    – in using the godly dragon lance skill (25% HP/SP drain, 10% MP drain), doing apprx 1Million (not the japanese MAN 10,000 unit) of damage, I am draining in the order of 100k MP., and at no point does the enemy appear to stop giving MP. Does that mean enemy has high MP above the 9999 ceiling in 2.11, or is the godly dragon skill just translating a portion HP damage into MP?

    If anyone can advise what they test on the above, would b highly appreciated

    • kami-Ge

      karma/history repeats itself, just like Alice XVI did with Luka, Alice VIII travelled with Heinrich in the latter’s quest to defeat monster lord, both again found Ilias to b the monster she was. However Heinrich decided to go at ilias alone, not asking for help from spirits and Black Alice. This is speculated to be why, Black Alice was said to have “lost all her love because of Heinrich”.

      A plot summary for part 2?

      tries to follow proper history -> shit hits the fan every where u go (Grand Noah war with Grangold, undine salamander) -> monster army under Alice XV attacks humans -> space time dimension hopping to find the 6 orbs to summon garuda to go Hellgondo to stop Alice XV -> detour to snow continent because of interruption to mana -> real diarrhoea hits the fan -> u learn reason why this paradox world is most important, and where paradox happened -> further stuff to do on your to do list

      Manyeyedhydra ( has a very entertaining and epic “let’s play” text blog post series for part 1 (50 parts) and part 2 (ongoing currently 47 parts) which goes through the story in slightly more detail, as well as pictures, thoughts, speculation and the like. You may like it there.

      • Huh. But I thought Alice VIII was the worst of Monster Lords and that Heinrich killed her? If she became Black Alice after his death, then who killed her? Ilias?

        And thanks for the link and general summary.

        • kami-Ge

          well that’s the way everyone thought, but with new information that appears to be coming to light, it is easy to speculate that maybe Alice VIII and Heinrich had the same fight, defeated Alice, refused to kill her, Ilias came down scene. Given the other circumstantial information, i think its likely that Alice VIII aka Aliceometria became batshit insane after finding out Ilias killed Heinrich, and became Black Alice who now knows no love (heart = broken when lolirich died) and lives only to cause wanton destruction of Ilias’s playground, since Alice VIII is 8 times diluted from Alice I and no longer a match for Ilias.

          Potentially it was Ilias who killed Aliceometria after she found out Heinrich;s death, but Ilias felt like she could be useful and saved her, forced her to swear fealty etc, which can also allude to why Black Alice was constantly scheming behind Ilias’s back in the original history

  59. Anonymous

    Not sure if it’s been overlooked, but just wanted to inform you guys that there’s some untranslated lines when you recruit monster girls that come in groups like the zombies or the fairies. Basically, the first line of their dialogue is translated, but the dialogue from their friends isn’t. Not sure if that’s known or whatever, so just putting it there, Not a big deal, just kinda breaks the continuity of everything.

  60. takeruattano

    After the english patch, there is a minor race ( or type of skills are buggy)
    Lippy ( Little Bug Girl ) with Insect skills sometimes freeze the game now ( Didn’t happen before) and lower her Att,Mag,Agi,Dex,All Def without any reason( especially when uses Group Leader and Group Action ( Attack and Insect Skils acts thrice/twice)

    • ArzorX

      no nvm trtr find bug and take down the link to the download with this message
      “A serious bug was confirmed in v 2.21
      Currently we are taking procedures for immediate release.
      Please be careful not to download it.
      I am sorry.”

      • Heh. I love how hilarious that sounds in my head.
        ”Here’s the bug fix version that fixes all the terrible bugs. Oh no! There’s an even worse bug in the bug fix version! Never mind. Please wait.” XD

  61. Version 2.21 is up. They managed to fix their bugs. Here is the message from the blog:

    “Again, v2.21 with the bug fixed was released on DLsite.
    Just to be sure, please do not forget to back up.
    We truly apologized for the inconvenience and we apologize.”

  62. Kajukin


    Shoud we wait until a Update come from Dargoth or still manually patch?
    There are changes in the game to take out the bugs, so far i understand the bitbucked commends. So it would work if i patch with the normaly bitbucket masterfile or would it crash the game?

  63. just finished the first Monster Girl Quest trilogy. looking forward to playing Paradox. but I’ll wait till its finished and fully translated. you’re doing gods work

  64. Anonymous

    Any possibility of a bare minimum UI patch for 2.21? I just want to run the LoC with Translation Aggregator but it really lags out my system when it has to translate the whole UI etc.

    • Anonymous

      can someone tell me why i get the error ”Object reference not set on an instance of an object” please??? i am not that much of a genius but i seriously want to play and i can’t run the patch Q^Q

      • Anonymous

        Where does this message pop up? If you are trying to patch 2.21 with 2.20 files that could cause it. There are updated files on the discord for 2.21 if that’s the case. 2.21 added a few things that wouldn’t be referenced in the old patch files.

        • Anonymous

          i have 2.21 and the message pop up when it tries to translate the map folder, for now i will try the discord patch and hoping it work and thanks for the help^^

    • Anonymous

      i have TA, but what is LoC ? id like to try to play the game in the meantime, how do you even get it to translate the UI?

    • Anonymous

      Scrolling up like 5 post was a bridge to far for you huh… Updated files for 2.21 are on the discord, the bucket hasn’t been updated to 2.21 yet and I think Dargoth is waiting to see how stable 2.21 is first. So it’s possible, just search for post from either Steve Judd (The Bug King) or MGQ_EX.

    • Anonymous

      He’s currently working on the Monster Girl Quest games for now so prob don’t expect anything till all of MGQ paradox part 1 – 3 are out and translated.

      • CivilDeviation

        Problem is, it seems like the Sei MonMusu fans ask about progress and never stick around long enough to learn the answer. I’ll commiserate that It’s certainly disappointing to wait 3 years without a finished product.

        Yet 3 years of never figuring out the answer indicates that responsibility at this point has shifted not to the item in question but to the questioner for having yet learn the answer.

  65. steven peter

    I just bought part 2 and have tried to install the patch also downloaded the master files from the update site im on v2 21.00 an when i try install the translation patch i get this message

    error the method or operation is not implimented press enter to continue then the other window tells me i was ment to pick a directory with the game file in it which i have done (i unziped the file into the game directory so i wouldnt have to change anything)

    is this because its version ? or should the patch install anyways ? 🙁

  66. Guys, I’m having a problem patching the game. Using 2.10 ver since this ver is buggy and I managed to do finish the game selector and copy the files into the scripts folder but when I run the translator, it says that I need to run gameselector first before I run the translator.

    Am I doing something wrong?

    • FunFun

      I recommend joining the mgq paradox discord if you have any questions/problems. A lot of friendly and helpful people here that will help you in a heartbeat. You can find the link if you press ctrl + f and search for discord. Hope to see you there ^^

    • FunFun

      The progress file in the latest master file shows what’s translated and what’s not. You can find it on the bitbucket. You can find the link all the way at the top of this post, or by pressing ctrl + f and searching for ”bitbucket”. Once there (if you follow the link that Dargoth posted all the way at the top) you should be at the download section. From here, all you have to do is click the branches button (not the one on the left hand side) and download the file called ”master”. Inside the master file is an excell file called progress which is what you want. Hope this helps ^^

      • Ellis

        That file hasn’t been updated in a while mate, I highly doubt it’s even closely representative of what’s been translated.

        • FunFun

          Yeah, idk how many months ago the last uppdate on it was. There’s a decent amount missing from it, but even though it’s kinda outdated, it still gives somewhat of a overview of translation.

  67. Kajukin

    Can i play 2.21with the manual patch? I try it but some error pops up. Now I dont know, was it because i do in the wrong steps (then i would manage it) or is it didnt possible 2.21 to translat?

      • Anonymous

        Was the case for part one, stop asking.

        You have to consider about helping the team if you want fast progress, or to wait and being thanksful.

        • Anonymous

          part 1’s story at least got fully translated before part 2 came out
          I’m not sure I can see the same thing happening here

          • CwHart

            He has more than 20% of the story done that we know of. He might have more done that he hasnt put in the game with all the bugs. People who are hopeful to see part 3 come out late this year or early next must know something i dont cause they took more than two years between mgq3 and part1 mgqp as well as between part 1 and part2. I reckon we wont see part 3s release til winter of 2019 which gives them time to complete the game

  68. Anonymous

    I’m having trouble manually patching the game. When I run Ytinasni.RpgMaker.GameSelector.exe, it gives the message “ERROR: Exception of type ‘System.OutOfMemoryException’ was thrown. Thinking it might be due to insufficient space on my computer, I deleted a bunch of old files and tried again, several times. Notably, I did get the “Script” folder after running the application the first time, so I tried proceeding with the rest of the steps. However, when I ran “Ytinasni.RpgMaker.Translator.exe” it gives an error message telling me that I need to run GameSelector first.

      • Anonymous

        I tried running GameSelector again after restarting, and this time it seemed to work with no error message appearing. However, after I copied over the scripts and then tried running Translator again, it still gave the error message telling me to run GameSelector first.

  69. Nabi

    Hey Dargoth, have you ever considered creating a Patreon? I know I and many others would be willing to pitch in to help compensate all the work that you do. I don’t know how you would split the proceeds with the rest of the translation team, but surely there’s a way.

    • Anonymous

      Money is the root of all evil
      if he gets donations wich he clearly said he didnt want some time back

      the “hurry up” anons would have legitimate claim to complain remember he does this because its his hobby if it turns to work he wont make more

      i can even compare this to skyrim modding all was fine with the no pay to dl mode but when the paid mods idea came it tore the community apart it will do the same here if it happens mark my words, do not turn this to work, do it because you want to dargoth and end it if it becomes something you no longer like

      and before you say”its just donations you dont need to give them” its true but it wont matter ppl will toss money at him to”hurry up” the translation dargoth knows this hopefully

    • Anonymous

      You know at the very top is a “Donate” button that offers either through Paypal or bitcoin wallet. People do give money from time to time and Dargoth sometimes shares that money with other members of the translation team. However Dargoth has stated numerous times in the past that neither will he hold any projects to ransom nor would it guarantee that projects would be speed up as things just take time and free time can be a harsh mistress.

  70. Leciel

    Anyone else wondering if the Angel Halo will return in part 3? Due to the nature of the game I hope that it will be like having the Master Sword, but maybe it’ll only be usable to slay whomever the true final boss will be.

  71. Anon1

    How much of the game’s story is translated because the none of the magic academy story line is translated. So I’m wondering if the rest of the story is even translated yet. >_>

    • Anonymous

      Pretty sure there is nothing more translated (yet), so I think we will have to wait patiently for the next patch update. I do hope it will be released soon though.

  72. Anonymous

    When I try to patch the game, once I get to Map417.rvdata2 I get an error
    ERROR: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
    What can I do to fix this?

  73. ApostateAgainstIllias

    So guys, if you want to know what’s being done look at the commits on the bit bucket.

    For the guys complaining about the H-Scenes, it’s not like the original games where things are pretty static, you only get to play as Luka, he is going to have the same skills no matter what, there aren’t any items, and the maps and shit are a lot smaller, and all of the hefty dialogue is either associated with the plot and happen no matter what or with in an hscene.

    Then you have the fact that Japanese isn’t machine translation friendly, all of these things make full fledged JRPGs difficult to translate.

    Don’t whine at Dargoth, he’s been working at a steady pace for free, if you want to whine whine at Toro Toro for not giving enough of a shit about it’s western market (it’s really your fault because people are paying for a game that isn’t fully translated, and they know they will get your money no matter what), or learn Japanese.

    • Anonymous

      I don’t think Toro Toro is at fault here, translation is expensive and MGQ games are fucking massive in terms of text, like “bigger than normal non-h games” massive. The number of people in the west who pay for these games (translated or not) is tiny.

      • Atomsk

        Unfortunately both is true. There’s not enough of an incentive for Toro to invest in an English translation themselves and Dargoth can only do so much by himself and with a handful of volunteers. Even if Toro or Dargoth had financial incentive you’d still have to wait at least a couple more of months. There’s just no easy answer but to just put it off your mind till the end of the year. Realistically that’s when everything should be in order.

    • Anonymous

      I can’t wrap my head around this logic. People in the west buying the game to support the dev is bad because if they didn’t buy it, the dev might commission a translation to reach them? That’s veeeery wishful thinking. That’s even assuming it’s financially viable at all.

      • Karasmorrigu

        Someone has to take the first step to heal the rift. For a while now many in the west would rather steal than buy and whatever excuse they have is largely irrelevant. This has resulted in less being localized and less being translated, and in certain extreme cases less being made in the first place. If you can find an english version or english patch of something then you have the product. Not purchasing the original is stealing no matter which way you look at it and I’m sure you would be pissed if you were in the dev’s shoes. It’s like the 60’s and 70’s on the web and the hippies are out in force.

        • Anonymous

          Were games like this being officially localized in the first place? Maybe one in 50, and it’s usually the short ones. IMO it’s not because of piracy, this is a game with a very specific fetish and a long, turn-based JRPG on top of that, how many people are into it or even know it exists. Not that many would be my guess, it’s something you’ll almost never see outside of imageboards and some forums, and when you do normal people don’t know what the fuck it is, they think it’s memes from animu or something (perhaps for the better).

          Piracy is probably a part of it, lots of internet people have this “lol paying for porn” mindset (hell, I torrented it at first and only bought after that because I think the devs deserve the money) but even if the sales on the english DLsite doubled overnight that would still not be much. I really, really doubt that they would ever make back the money it would cost to translate a game like Paradox. So, yeah, buy the game, support the devs, we’re lucky we’ve got Dargoth and friends doing this crazy amount of work.

  74. takeruattano

    After using v2.21 I can’t use the bucket partial translation anymore, It’s still working fine with v2.20 so it’s the game’s problem?

  75. Anonymous

    Having a boring issue since the 2.21 version. Saves from the first part cannot be loaded; Was ok before but nowseem will have to start from zero second part… Does someone know what cause it; knowing i use an old pc .I am not a creep asking for a free save; just want to use my own .Suck to wait 1 year to start from naught.

      • Anonymous

        Saves aren’t loading for me either and my pc is pretty new, so it isn’t that. ArzorX, can you tell us (in excruiating detail) what exactly you did?

  76. Anonymous

    i tried new game in part 1 then move it but it sill cant load. But save is in. Besides i can start part 2 so its not my potatoe pc wich is to weak. Also tried to reinstall both of them . 200 hours wasted xd.

  77. Anonymous

    Dargoth missed a perfect opportunity to say he was gonna quit doing translations and retire! Then april fools it

    • Karasmorrigu

      Norton really really REALLY doesn’t like this one. Can’t even restore the .exe file. Screenshots weren’t too impressive anyway.

    • Anonymous

      Works for me. The game is more like CoC without furry/futa content than MGQ, mostly text based, there’s like 2 CGs there so far, the artist’s not bad but it’s just character poses with different faces, no CG h-stuff and I don’t know if they’re going to add any.

  78. astret

    Hey so I was just curious if you were still going to finish the Sei Monmusu Gakuen translation one day? It’s fine if it’s abandoned, just making sure and all

  79. Dantaro

    Hey guys, i seem to have some trouble getting the translation working for 2.21 but everytime i use the “Runme” it makes the error “The method or action is not implemented”. I tried downloading the ytanishi tools and manually install it. Both tools finishes their job, but the game still isn’t translated (the one in the Out folder) Tried a third time where i used the downloaded tools then tried the runme which created some sort of error, but it still “made” the english version of the game…though it isn’t translated either. Can anyone help me here, i’m starting to feel like such an idiot messing around with this. (note that i started over each time a method failed)

  80. Anonymous

    I can’t believe there’s people here defending Toro Toro. If they translated the game to english, I WOULD BUY IT. BUT I’M NOT MR. RICH, I CAN’T JUST THROW MONEY AWAY TO “SUPPORT THE DEVS,” I HAVE TO SUPPORT MYSELF FIRST.





    But instead, I’m just sitting here with nothing.

    • Anonymous

      Take a chill pill. There’s not actually that many people here who would be interested, not enough to recuperate from translation and distribution costs. Nobody is forcing you to donate anything either. Just be glad that dargoth is providing their assistance. Most nip games don’t even get that much.

    • WhiteMage

      There’s actually many people that would be interested. I also would pay that much for this game to be in full english.

    • Anonymous

      But the translated games on DLsite don’t sell many copies either. Maybe a little more than the ones only in Japanese but probably not enough to make back the money if your game is as huge as Paradox.

      • Anonymous

        I can think of many reasons as to why translated copies don’t sell much.
        Some examples are:
        -People buying the original, then getting a fan translation, and not wanting to repurchase the game for no reason.
        -People simply not intending to buy the game in the first place.
        -Low effort translations.
        The list goes on.
        If they weren’t half-assed about marketing these games in the west, they’d sell more.
        There’s a lot of games I would buy if they were translated into English and I had easy access to them.
        Unfortunately, I usually have to go out of my way to buy these types of games, hence why I pirate them instead.

        • Anonymous

          1. That’s not how it works. If a game gets a translation on the DLsite you don’t buy it again, you just get the translated version once it gets translated.
          2. Exactly. Then why pay for translation? No, seriously, if you’ve once paid for a translation of your game only to sell like 20 copies and lose money on it, why would you ever do it again? I’m not saying people should buy random translated crap (most of it is utter shit translated or not) but that’s how it must look from many devs perspective.
          3. A lot of them probably are. Still, most of these games just require a translation of the UI, controls and game mechanics explanation, doesn’t matter if it’s a little wonky because the h-content is in the CG or sprites, so it’s just an excuse. The ones with complex stories that could be fucked up in translation usually don’t get translated anyway.
          4. Honestly dunno wtf you mean by that. It takes about as much time to buy something on DListe as torrenting it, I’d know, I do both.

    • Dantaro

      I actually purchased Paradox part too, after playing the first one. Now if i could just get Dargoths translation to work, i would be more than thrilled.

      • Anonymous

        I purchased both games as well, even though I don’t understand Japanese. I just try to enjoy the gameplay and the H-scenes, and leave the story to my interpretation until the translation is complete, or I learn about the game’s story from players who understand it.

    • CwHart

      Then go buy the version of part 1 that is translated. If you make the excuse that rogue did a better translation then you are full of shit. When they made that official translation it simply didnt sell well. Why should they shell out more money and hope people like you who pirate it will buy it when it is being done for free? I will keep buying their work and, and continue to hope they get fans translations. Because if trtr cant make a living to make these games the games prolly will stop coming then we got nothing. So in closing, fuck off witg your attitude toward trtr.

      • Anonymous

        To be fair the official translations was done many years after the game’s release and many years after the unofficial translation, kinda hard to reach a large audience with a translation of a 5(?) year old game that’s a part of a trilogy and already has a sequel.

        But yeah, if there’s this huge group of people who would buy these games if only they had official translations this was the time for them to show it. And it didn’t show at all, MGQ 1 sold only a couple hundred more copies than the rest, and I’m pretty sure it was already selling better than the rest before it was translated, so they got, what, 200-300 more copies sold thanks to the translation? Kudos to people who bought it then, but that’s fucking nothing compared to how much translation costs.

        You could argue it would sell better if they released the translated versions simultaneously with the originals or soon after but that’s completely unfeasible for a niche indie dev.

      • Crom

        The attitude is justified. What they did was basically producing a low effort translation of a 5 year old game everyone already had a translation for, then releasing it without much buzz. They did it so that they can weasel their way out of doing more translations in the future with the sorry ass excuse of “the west will never spend money on our product”, even though the truth is more like “surprisingly, no one paid money for something they already had for free years ago, who would have thought”.

        They can go fuck off for all i care. I did not spend money on the original because i could not fucking read it sufficiently enough to enjoy the game. If they do not release a translation in due time, they obviously are not interested in getting my money. In those cases i really just pirate the shit and give money to whoever turns these stupid moon runes into something i can work with. I also give money to a translation group on patreon that translates some smaller games, but i would never dream about paying for both the game and the translation seperately. So if you are dumb enough of a sheep to do that, then go right ahead, just get off your high horse. Letting them rip you off is nothing to be proud of.

        again in simpler terms regarding mgq: I pirated it, then rogue released the translation. With that trtr lost any chance of getting money from me for the original trilogy. The way it looks now, it will be the same with paradox. I give money to dargoth or whoever will be responsible for it once the translation is out, but i do not feel compelled to wait another 5 years until trtr releases some sort of translation themselves. I also do not feel the desire to reward trtrs laziness by paying for a game i can’t properly play, and then pay again for the translation later. Either they get their shit together and tap into the western market, or the market will help itself to their content and trtr gets nothing out of it.

        • WhiteMage

          I bought the Monster Girl Quest games, but only after the translations of RogueTranslator. It’s just to support a game that has femdom in it. But I haven’t seen any translation attempts from Toronto for their new game, so I won’t be buying it.

          If MGQ Paradox is translated (I don’t care by who), then I might consider buying this game as well. Otherwise, I check this site once a month to see if it’s translated yet. But currently it’s faster to learn Japanese than to wait for this translation.

  81. WhiteMage

    There’s actually many people that would be interested. I also would pay that much for this game to be in full english.

  82. S45

    Can anyone help me out here? I recently saved a game (successfully), but when I restarted my laptop, my save file (as well as the autosave and every other save file in this particular game) seem to have become corrupted (I get an error message in Japanese when trying to load MPGP and it just crashes) and is now unplayable. I do have backups elsewhere, but they’re older versions of my current playthrough (it took ages to get certain characters to level 60, and the idea of doing it all again is beyond frustrating). Is there a way of getting the save files to work, or are they gone for good?

  83. Typo

    The amount of text in this game is mind blowing. This is not like parts 1-3 where the format is somewhat clean and it can be done. You’ve party member dialogue and enemy dialogue in random encounters for goodness sake.

    If I was a betting man, I’d bet against the translation just due to it’s scale. This is prob. Dargoths private little Manhattan project/ human genome.

    • Anonymous

      It’s amusing to see these quirks in vidya.
      You know, when devs slap in thousands of lines of dialogues that’ll whizz by the player within seconds. Honestly thought they stopped doing this in video games, save for VNs and other “plot-heavy” vidya.

      • Anonymous

        Paradox is more of a proper RPG (in terms of writing and game mechanics) than most modern “RPGs”, so I can’t complain.

  84. Anonymous

    Hi, thank you for the work you guys have been doing, if possible I would like to make a request, if someone has the time could they translate the kappa and urscylla scenes? They look really good and i would love to read them, thank you

    • Nightshroud

      I take the opportunity to also request the translation of recruitment dialogues, it doesn’t feel the same if I don’t know which personality has the monster I’m recruiting.

    • ArzorX

      well there is a small team of translators that are translating the scenes but for that 2 you are asking, you will have to wait a little more maybe dargoth or that team will translate them in a future.

    • ArzorX

      Just to inform anon kappa and urscylla are currently being translated, but will take time and in other news almost done with all part 1 girls, I am currectly working with the 8 girls that are left.

    • Anonymous


      Heard a guy named ahura was working on it and just wanted to wish him good luck. It seems he is also a man of… refined taste. 😛

  85. Kyle

    So should I Get part 2 or still play Part 1 still kinda confused im actually interested in purchasing this game Can I use Part 1 translation in Part 2?

    • Buy Part 2, as it has everything from Part 1 except the sex scenes. If you want the Part 1 sex scenes, you need to buy Part 1 and copy its graphics folder into your copy of Part 2. The patch for Part 1 will only work on Part 1, but everything from that patch is also in the patch for Part 2, so it doesn’t matter. Unfortunately, the only way to patch Part 2 at the moment is manually, but you can find instructions for that in Dargoth’s most recent post as well as find help in it’s comment section.

  86. Anonymous

    Its seems manual patch isnt compatible with 2.22 for now… all i get is error messages when trying the translation tool on the game.

  87. Anonymous

    2.23 is out now, it’s supposed to be the final part 2 patch if they don’t find more bugs. No part 3 this year (not surprising).
    Some other announcements too, I think he’s saying they will make more smaller games and less huge ones like MGQ because of how much work that takes.

  88. Menthols

    I know this project is an enormous task and I do appreciate the effort, but please take this request into consideration Dargoth. I’m hoping you could update the progress sheet at least once every couple of month or so. It hasn’t been updated since July 31st 2017 which makes it ridiculously hard to figure out which scenes have been done since.

    Manually patching is not a problem at all, but having to sift through 30 pages of commits and read through them just to try to figure out and keep note of what has been translated is very difficult and time consuming(I also accidentally spoil myself which sucks). The only other option is to patch the game and start checking scenes at random with trial and error, which is just as tedious.

    The story itself is up in the air and much harder to keep tabs on, but at least updating which H-Scenes have been done would be an enormous help to us who are waiting. Perhaps have the other translators keep a check list of which scenes they have done to make it easier to update progress.xmls?

    Beggars can’t be choosers but this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  89. ArzorX

    well in that case you can join the discord link that passerby4554 posted in the first comments of the blog there a small team its working in the translations of the h-scenes and they update from time to time some of theirs scenes were accepted by dargoth all Alma Elma, Spider Princess Sylph, Vivi, Honey Pot, Succubus Monk and Alicetroemeria scenes that are in dargoth´s repository were translated by this team and they have their own repository with h-scenes that are not in dargoth´s repository.

  90. Anonymous

    It is possible to get a patch like the one in part 1 for first part of the second one? ( i know its confuse) Cant play save from the first one so guess will have to start from zero in part 2. Does this rpg maker ace thing works with very old pc; tried the initial patch but either its because recent version or this rpg thing but didnt work. Thanks if can and if cant guess wont be interested in h game in the next year when part 2 full patch will be out xd.

  91. Anonymous

    Torotoro hinted that there won’t be any updates for a while, maybe until next year.
    See you in 2019 guys.

  92. Anonymous

    Next year when translation will be done some of us will be grown up and not interested anymore in those games lol. Should have think about it before paying for it. About translation; what is longer the h or the story ?

    • Anonymous

      You might like to imagine that you wont be interested in this kind of stuff later, but that’s really not true unless you go out of your way to ignore it. If you find yourself with some free time, there’s nothing stopping you.

  93. NoName

    And to the surprise of absolutely nobody, Torotoro has announced that Part 3 will not be released this year. Oh yeah, and if nothing breaks, 2.23 is the official final version of MGQP Part 2

    So yeah, plenty of time for Dargoth to release a patch for the full story.

    • Anonymous

      I think Dargoth said he won’t do it because it would put pressure on him to actually deliver patches by set deadlines, this is not a job for him. Also, it’s one thing to do unlicensed translation projects for free, another to do it for money without game dev’s agreeing to it.

      I do wonder how much he would make though.

    • Karasmorrigu

      Glad I’m not the only one. And I still got 4-5 months to go catching up on my “borrowed” list before I even purchase part two. It’s just become habit.

  94. Gag180

    The comments seem to have slowed down as of late, hopefully when something significant happens it will pick up again. Nice to see Dargoth is still posting on the bitbucket, along with those helping him, but aside from that it’s a bit quiet…

  95. Minifranger


    I don’t know if it disrespectful to post this here, but I have google translated all the ShowMessage() of the Maps and CommonEvents of Dargoth work. This should cover all the story ect… I think ?

    I don’t want to make Dargoth’s work useless, but I also didn’t want to wait 1 year to play 2.23.

    My folders and a link to the 2.23 game can be found on F95Zone.

    • Anonymous


      Thanks but when applying translation tools => “unknow slash code” parse error on line 11. Dont work on a raw 2.23 sadly

        • Minifranger

          Where I fuckedup is actually with the variable calls in ShowMessage(). Some stuff like \\V[110] get translated by \\ V [110], I think that’s what causing the problem. I’m trying to solve this shit with regex but it’s a pain in the ass

          I should have tested it before posting tho, sorry

          • Yea me and my team learned that the hard way when we started doing the h-scenes. We never add a file to our repo before thorough testing first to make sure it goes through the translator and secondly to check the text doesn’t split into 1 word windows. Admirable effort though hope it turns out ok in the end.

  96. shwi

    Holy shit that’s got most of the H-scenes I was waiting on translated for Part 1. Anyone from the discord channel have a pulse on how many scenes from P1 are left to be translated?

  97. Anonymous

    Will there be a new patch? You know, the one where you release a translation file that we can merge with something? All this talk about manual patch etc is going to either make me commit a murder or cry

  98. Anonymous

    Is anyone having issues patching the game using what’s in the repository? Because i have been trying for a while and it keeps crashing. Does that mean we should go for 2.23 now alongside the patcher?

  99. Curian

    To those of you who were able to acquire v2.23:

    I’m pretty sure you’ve noticed that the Ytinasni Game Selector fails a reflex check at game.ini
    I hope I’m not causing problems for Dargoth, but I’ve found a way around this. It worked and here is how:

    1. (optional) Please rename your folder from “MGQ Paradox 2.23” to “MGQ Paradox 223”. I’m sure this is not the reason but console applications such as Ytinasni are intended to be stable and secure with their I/O arguments. That means they really dislike weird names and letters and the ‘.’ could rarely cause trouble.

    2. In the original untranslated folder now “MGQ Paradox 223”, rename “Game.ini” to “game.ini” !
    This should fix the problem.

    Naturally, Ytinasni Translator works just fine.
    Best of luck and happiness to you all and again, thank you (bow) sir Dargoth and team for your efforts and noble cause.

    Best Regards
    Curian (previously, Hewie)

  100. Kajukin

    If I read the Status on the Members there is some untranslated japanese. Is this only the translated part of the japanese or are there new stats?

  101. I do not get to understand it very well, but I would like to know if I intuited this well.
    The game is telling me that my pc can not run it?
    Or maybe, is it just that I’m missing something …?
    Because I say, I have been able to play the previous versions without any problem and this is the first time this happens to me.
    Someone who understands what it says or knows it is, could someone please enlighten my path?

  102. Anonymous

    So with manual patching you literally grab the latest translation from bitbucket? As opposed to waiting for the merger one which usually comes with a new post?

    So this means someone who manually patches today will have a more complete version than the guy who manually patched a week ago?

    • ArzorX

      that’s correct the person who patch the game today will have the latest version of the files than the person who patch the game last week

            • Anonymous

              I do not know, but the mega link is wrong with the forum95 is giving me problems, mainly, it does not let me record and all the time I get an announcement, of course … it does not prevent me from playing after I close it, but every time that I enter the menu or do an action, it goes out and it’s quite annoying. Do you know how it could be fixed?

            • Oh. Then maybe not so lucky bastard after all. I was hoping I’d be able to find a good link and avoid installing megasync. But I guess I have no choice. I’ll have to do it too. Ugh. 🙁

        • Anonymous

          Did you get it from the F95 dude? Tried patching the raw version with the most recent repository but didn’t work. Are you able to patch at all?

  103. I looked over the progress my team did with the h-scenes and the time frame so I can give an approximate date when all the h-scenes will be translated. At the current pace we’re going all the h-scenes should be translated by the end of September unless some miracle happens and I get more people on my team who have a lot of time to waste. But yea, at the current pace we’re going that’s the approximate date when everything should be done. I can’t say anything about story or LoC or anything else since those are not my area.

  104. Kyle

    I have a question the ALL Scene Rar is that a manual patch for 2.23 , part 1 or just an Idea on how far you guys translated im a bit confused

    • All scenes as in all scenes that we translated so far. We’re focusing on finishing Part 1 girls now but some Part 2 girls have been translated as well. And yes it is a patch for 2.23 you add it after you copied dargoth’s files over the original japanese files that the Game Selector generates.

  105. Anonymous

    I would ask how to manual patch lol, but…

    A better question would be where would I be able to find the info needed to learn it? Could it be accomplished by reading these comments here or is there a specific area I should go to?

    I would ‘Google’ it but I’d rather not waste my time being misled by wrong info floating around if there is any lol, or if there is an official ‘go to’ place for this I’d appreciate it if anyone can point me in the right direction!


    • Copy and paste this into some file to not lose it 🙂

      1. Have a fresh latest version of MGQP 2.

      2. Download the RpgMakerVXAce Translator 0.10c.7z and unzip it preferably in the game folder.

      3. Run the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.GameSelector.exe, give it the path of the game and let it run its course. It will generate a “Script” folder.

      4. Download the latest master file among the branches and unzip its contents into the aforementioned “Script” folder. It should ask for overwriting, do so.

      5. Run the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.Translator.exe and let it run its course. If it encountered problems, you’ve probably messed something up. If it finishes without a hitch, it generates an “out” folder. That’s where the translated game resides.

      6. Profit! Enjoy your semi-translation!

      Until there’s a new game version, you’ll be able to update the translation starting from step 4 every time the master branch is updated. If there’s a new game version you’ll have to start over.

  106. Anonymous

    So since v2.23 has been out for over a week, and a good amount of UI, items, skills, H-Scenes, and 1-2 hours of story have been translated, is it okay to ask when we can reasonably expect a patch? I’m aware of manually patching, but I’m talking about Darg putting one out.

      • Anonymous

        The Colosseum doesn’t feel like the 25% mark of Part 2 to me, seeing as how you reach it usually under 2 hours. I would say 25% is probably when you encounter a Seraphim out in the lake, then I would say the 50% point of the game is when you defeat Lilith, and the 75% mark is when you reach Hellgondo.

        What do you think?

        • ArzorX

          well in that case I don’t know then, the only thing I know the game is translated unitl the grand noah colosseum other that the game it´s in japanase.

          • Anonymous

            The Colosseum is very early in the game unfortunately. Because there was a 10 month delay before Darg has finally been able to begin translating the story, I’m not very optimistic about whether Darg can translate the story up to the 50% mark by the end of 2018.

            I think the best way to speed things up is for Darg to give story files to the DokuDoku team on the discord for them to translate. Preferably random NPC lines if possible.

            • ArzorX

              The Doku Doku team only works on the h-scenes and nothing else. Dargoth doesn’t need to give us any files because everyone who downloads his repo already has them. I’m the tester of the group and it’s my job to make sure the scenes pass through the translator and display properly, and if they don’t I fix them.

            • Madflavor

              One of your teammates speculated that if you keep the current pace you’re going, you could be done in the Fall. I won’t put your opinion on record, but assuming this is true, do you see the team moving on to aiding Darg with the story when this happens, or do you think they’ll retire until Part 3?

              I know you don’t speak for the team, I’m just wondering where your thoughts are.

            • ArzorX

              The team leader believes it’s possible to finish the scenes till then but he said we won’t support Dargoth with the story, we’re not the right people for that. On top of that he already is getting tons of help from people in the Discord channel.

    • ArzorX

      No for the moment, for now only one person it’s translating all the races descriptions, other one it’s translating all the talk dialogue and us the h-scenes, but some good-willed volunteers help with the translation of maps of the story.

  107. Anonymous

    Hitting a snag with Ytinasni.RpgMaker.GameSelector runs a reflex check and fails at CommenEvents.rvdata2.Not sure if there is a specific reason why. Any help would be appreciated.

      • unless you screwed with the game in RPGMaker that shouldn’t happen, even then I’m not sure it’s supposed to happen.The method not implemented happened to me waaaaaaaaay back before ver.C of the translating tool was upped on Dargoth’s bitbucket. Unless you’re using a very old version of the translation tools that shouldn’t happen. Not using ver2.23 of the game might be another reason. Try it again on a clean jap version of 2.23. My team mate who’s in charge of testing our scenes after they’re translated patches the game several times a day and lately he got no errors like that

        • Anonymous

          I think I messed up in the file transfer. got fresh copies from dlsite and started anew. Everything is working now.

  108. videogamer69

    Just 2 quick questions. How far along is part 2 if i just finished playing part 1? (an estimate in terms of mins/hrs of playtime) and can i just install part 2 and its translation into the game with part 1 in it? or do I need to do specific things to install it?

  109. Minifranger

    Update for my google transated files. I have a version working on F95 where you will find most of the ShowMessage() translated. All lines with “\” (mostly \n and variable call) were ignored as it was way easier to do like this. You should have enough for an enjoyable experience.

    • Anonymous

      Amazing ! Story is understandable, game run like smooth… im at the plantsect conflict for now without need of any walthrought… thanks a lot !

  110. videogamer69

    Actually im really impatient can someone explain how to manually input translations? (sorry in advanced if someone already explained this somewhere I havent seen it)

    • ArzorX

      1. Have a fresh latest version of MGQP 2.

      2. Download the RpgMakerVXAce Translator 0.10c.7z and unzip it preferably in the game folder.

      3. Run the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.GameSelector.exe, give it the path of the game and let it run its course. It will generate a “Script” folder.

      4. Download the latest master file among the branches and unzip its contents into the aforementioned “Script” folder. It should ask for overwriting, do so.

      5. Run the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.Translator.exe and let it run its course. If it encountered problems, you’ve probably messed something up. If it finishes without a hitch, it generates an “out” folder. That’s where the translated game resides.

      6. Profit! Enjoy your semi-translation!

      Until there’s a new game version, you’ll be able to update the translation starting from step 4 every time the master branch is updated. If there’s a new game version you’ll have to start over.

      • videogamer69

        Thank you. 1 more question though. When you pick ilias as a partner, her merit is being able to resurrect micaela and lucifina. What is the merit for picking alice? The four swordsmen?

        • Illias gets you Paradox Eden, Young Lucifina (“recreated” by Illias, so she has no memories, and thus technically a “new” one), Young Micheala (“recreated” by Illias, so she has no memories, and thus technically a “new” one), and Heinrich (from an alt world that’s still 500 years in the past). Alice gets you Morrigan, Lillith&Lillim (counts as one character), and Alicetromeria (alt Black Alice that traveled with the alt Heinrich).

            • Is that Alice exclusive, though? I believe you may need Morgan for it (though I’ve heard otherwise), but I’m pretty sure it can also be done on the Illias route as well, possibly only in a NG+. I had already collected all the characters before that was added and it’s been forever since I’ve done it, so I honestly don’t remember which route I was on.

      • videogamer69

        Thanks for the quick responses. As far as getting the game to work, Azor mentioned getting the master file from the branch. So I went to the bitbucket site, downloaded sourcetree (cause I hit the download symbol and it said to get it), and I have no idea how to work sourcetree. How do I download the single master file?

  111. stereochrome

    just another comment to get notification. hope 2.23 have all the bug fixed so translation can finish soon~

  112. The Noble Shade

    I’ve been looking over the H-scenes in the commits and just what is up with Carmilla Request 3? It looks like a google translate.

    • And it is. I apologize for that. It comes from a time when if I didn’t look over my team mate’s work and corrected it no one gave a crap because it wasn’t all that serious. That scene somehow slipped by me not sure how. It will be fixed but the problem is the fixed version won’t be uploaded to Dargoth’s blog immediately. I’m not sure when he’ll pull files from our repo again but you’ll see it in the commits if he does and I’ll reply to this comment when the file is fixed. Thanks for noticing that.

      • The Noble Shade

        Thank you for replying, but that opens up another concern.
        Is it only one person that’s attempting to utilize google translate?
        Far be it from me to dictate the translation process, since my Japanese is at a “weeb that can understand what’s going on in Yakuza” level, but I don’t think that would produce a wholly accurate translation.

        • And that’s exactly why earlier I said my team won’t take care of the story translation. H-scenes don’t have to be entirely accurate. In fact if they’re accurately translated they are extremely bland and boring to read because TTR is a lousy writer when it comes to h-content. What you saw in the original trilogy wasn’t an exact translation of the japanese text. You saw Rogue’s flavor on the text because the text itself it sub par. I’ve done over 80 of these scenes and I noticed just how poor the writing is.
          Furthermore we sent samples to Dargoth before we started doing scenes and he thought they were ok. Else he wouldn’t of pulled the 167(I think) scenes we translated into his repo.
          As for the translation process that changed since that scene. Sure it would be easier to just google translate everything but trust me it’s more than that since we use other tools that give us not only an approximate meaning but the moonrunes split into words and each word is individually given its meaning synonyms and related words. The only thing that’s not accurate and appears in Ilias’ evaluations are her puns because no matter how hard you try you can’t make japanese puns work in English. That’s why we take some liberties.

          • The Noble Shade

            I can see what you mean on the bland writing in some of the h-scenes.
            It all makes sense now. Thank you for sharing your insight, and I look forward to the full translation.

  113. videogamer69

    Sorry for all the questions but I got 2 more. First, when I do the request things for monsters in part 1 I get a black screen with a text box that just has “….” , why? Second, I got to the shrines with the cats and kitsunes. Had a conversation with tamamo that was half translated then went to japanese. Is that where the translations finished? (just wondering so I can stop progressing)

    • Sans

      1) You dont have the pictures from part 1. Just copy the pictures in the p1 game and paste them in the p2 pictures folder (it does not matter if you replace files or not). And by the by that is called part merging, so to be save… just save your save files somwhere.
      2) I was not keeping up whit the translation, but i’m confident stating – yeah, thats most probably where they are at right now. Might wanna chek the other areas, maybee there is a bit more to play whit left.

      • videogamer69

        ok ty. I copied the graphics folder over but it still doesnt work so im just going to assume the save im using cant watch those scenes. Thats fine though.

      • Sans

        I have to be fair – didnt encounter this issue once, since i always megrge part as soon as i can, the pictures had to do it. If it is just the save, then i cant really give any advise. But if its not you should try the pasting the other way around (like if you replaced – then dont replace and vice versa)
        And yeah, it’s not THE ENTIRE GRAPHICS, its just the “pictures” folder. It is in the graphic folder, so i dont think there should bee any difference, but you should try that one as whell… or just keep in mind… i have the meddeling thought that replacing ALL of the graphiscs aint a good idea…

        • videogamer69

          ok, so i made a copy of the game folder and tried just copying the pictures from part 1 into part 2 and it was a no go so im ps my save file isnt going to play them anymore. Welp just gives me another reason to play ng+

          • Sans

            did you try other saves? Maybee there is more to it. Dont wanna sound like a downer, just picking all the possibilities here.

            • videogamer69

              Oh than ya thats prob it. Shame. I did try the other saves to and it didnt work.

  114. kreggies

    are there extra scenes i’m missing on some monsters? like for example there’s ev_littlebug_ha25.png and ev_m_mino_hb25.png in the pictures folder, but they don’t appear in the respective monster’s rape scene or castle scenes at even 100 affection. do they appear somewhere else?

    • Sans

      They are quite a lot of .png that aint have a scene in game, and there are a few gueses where are they from. Some say it’s possibly gonna get addet in p3, some say its just fanart, or the artist going freestyle for a bit. I myself am waiting for p3 final patch to take a opinion on that… Okay who am i kidding, i just want to level some jobs and catch some pokem… i mean monster girls… and angels… especially angels.

        • Sans

          I was on the discord for a bit, but the chat flies by so quick i can’t even start a conversation, and i don’t wanna cut in something already going. And my WoW guild somehow knows that i am online, and they start pestering me about going to raid some fu**ers, and i don’t really wanna.
          About the girl – i can send you the pick any day of the week, but i didnt find any high resolution ones, or the name ( i mean if she is a “actress”). I mean how do you even google search that? “Hot big tit big ass loads of boose in background”?

        • Sans

          And yeah, on a game forum about a game, where the main fetish is man getting raped – i dont think saying “i’ll spank your ass” is a good idea, them maso might even like it. Personally i am more a spanker type then the spanked, but i just mean you have to be careful about that sort of conversation =)

  115. videogamer69

    Is the story vastly different between the alice and ilias routes? I was thinking of playing through the alice route i have right now in japanese then play through the ilias route when it is fully translated to get the entire story.

    • Practically no difference in Part 1 and only a few difference in Part 2, particularly how the ending plays out. According to Torotoro, Part 3 is where the divergences will be much more significant. Just think of it as a butterfly effect where the divergences add up to bigger things as time passes 😛

      • videogamer69

        So im good to play it till the end of part 2 with no translations without missing much, nice. Thanks for response

      • Leciel

        I know it’ll probably be years before the game is fully released, patched and translated, but man I hope I am around to experience doing numerous playthroughs to see everything.

  116. Anonymous

    Why doesn’t Darg update his blog anymore? It’d be really nice to know when we can expect a translation patch. I’m just hoping to get a UI, Skills and Items translation so I can FINALLY try out the new LoC after all these months.

    • Anonymous

      Well from what i seen so far darg post only important updates (be it good or bad)…cous as you probably know…we can always see bitbucket for the progress. as for getting a ui patch…i don’t rly know as they seem to be taking story translation like storm right now…..and thats good no matter how you look at it xD

      • Anonymous

        Sure it is good. I’m guessing that given all the delays, Darg wants to put out a big fat meaty patch.

        • Sans

          i remember the time when i was so naive and full of hope… ahh… those where times i tell ya, the grass was greener, the oceans deeper… those where TIMES.

    • Kenshi

      Dargoth is not going to update the blog anytime soon. I am a mod in the irc channel with him, and he will not even respond to his mods about when he will update this blog next.

  117. ririmudev

    Not sure if this would be in demand, but I made some nodejs code that can do some reporting (e.g. Actors.txt has 588 actors, 382 with names in English). Also does a few automated validations.

    I have a link to the code on bitbucket, but I think my post gets blocked if I include it.
    I just didn’t want to open an unsolicited PR to the main repo.

  118. anon13

    my pc out of memory when running Ytinasni GameSelector

    so can anyone just give me the output without the blob folder in it..?
    my game version is 2.23

  119. videogamer69

    Anyone know if I can get alice back after going to the monster lord castle (alt) throne room? Or do I have to beat her to get her back? Kinda walked up there by accident and lost my best caster ;_;

  120. Anonymous

    If you have problem with memory useage on the harddisk or during patching, move the ‘Audio’ and ‘Graphics’ folders from the untranslated game folder somewhere else before running the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.GameSelector.exe
    Then, after running the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.Translator.exe, put the ‘Audio’ and ‘Graphics’ folders into the out folder that gets created.

    Doing this should speed up patching a lot and also results in the ‘blob’ folder taking up less space on the disk.

  121. @The Noble Shade
    I said I’d notify when Carmilla’s 3rd request will be fixed. It is now. I’ve sent the file directly to Dargoth and he will eventually put it in his repo. It’s already on the Doku Doku repo+ some others that were done before I got to Carmilla. Once again thanks for letting us know about it.

        • The Noble Shade

          I was looking over more of them, and someone might want to look at the Succubus Monk loss scene. Most of it’s fine, except for the last eight lines.

        • Fixed. Though only in the Doku Doku repo. Not sure when Dargoth will pull files from there again. So it won’t be fixed in his repo till he pulls our files again. Thanks for the notice if you find any more let me know, this one also was from the time when we weren’t thorough with testing and checking everything. There were more than just 2 so back then I thought I didn’t have to be so thorough with everything.

        • I dunno man, take up with Dargoth if you’re not pleased with it, or change it yourself in the game with RPGMaker. I find miles feet and other imperial measurements to be stupid but I just go with it, learn to embrace variety.
          And only now I noticed what you said in your follow-up comment, you must have not re-patched your game in a very long time because that issue was fixed even before the discord server came into existence.

          • Nightmare054

            since you said it is indeed mean 240k i want to ask something
            do LoC new dungeon ( i think it’s called trial ) boss starting from lv 2 have crazy health? i did deliver 240k++ dmg to the boss yet it takes about 15++ turn to kill the boss and the boss have such a crazy ammount of dmg too

            • Nightmare054

              and 1 more think
              i’ve been wondering about this since part 2 officially release for the first time
              do they remove menu “teleport to BF” in pocket castle? or i just need to start over from the begining to make it re-apear?

  122. ArzorX

    Finally the day has come, I uploaded to the team repository all the scenes of mummy girl and with that I can finally announced that all part 1 h-scenes are officially translated only waiting for dargoth to add all the scenes to his repository.

      • ArzorX

        correct, one person in the discord group is working in the talks scripts about the pocket castle, no one at the moment.

          • Anonymous

            i actually ended up discouraged to make the labirynt because of lack os translation and i know theres a lot of post game contente there, so sad…

            • Sans

              Did they add a story to p2 labirynt? all i remember is that there where faces to smash and gear to get, and i really did not have any trouble whit the fact that its in moonrunes.

            • Anonymous

              it has dialogue to learn certain and unique skills with special characters that appear in the labyrinthm and with everything in japanese its kindda dificult to know whe its a skill, wich skill is (like for example luka’s angels skill from the original trilogy) and to wich character you are teaching it

  123. Anonymous

    can someone here tell me what the MGQ-EventsReorderingTool.jar is?
    and how do i use it?
    do i need to use it?

  124. Anonymous

    It’s a developer-tool Dargoth was kind enough to upload for me. It orders the ‘EVENT’ entries in a file based on their number(For some reason they aren’t order by number in the untranslated version but ordering them makes it easier to find a specific event in the file).

    Anyway, if you just want to patch your game you won’t need it.

  125. Anonymous

    2 questions
    1) is there going to be a post with an actual installer for a 2.22 english patch?
    2) Since a couple of upgrade I have been unable to transfer my save from the first chapter to the second. Maybe I just fucked up the installation but is there anyone who encountered the issue? and how did you solve it?

    • Nightmare054

      for now you must do manual patch and the latest patch is for 2.23 so maybe that’s the reason why you can’t transfer your save file from first chapter to the second

    • Anonymous

      1) Yes, but for 2.23. Nobody knows when though.
      2) 2.22 was apparently broken and didn’t load older saves but they fixed it for 2.23
      You need to get 2.23 as Nightmare054 said.

  126. Jam

    Hey guys, when I run the Ytinasni Translator I get an error message that says “Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object”.

    I’ve successfully run the Ytinasni Game Selector and I’ve also copied Dargoth’s bitbucket files into the Script folder.

    I have version 2.20 of Paradox.

    Any advice to solve this problem?

    Here is a screenshot of the error:

  127. videogamer69

    Anyone know if the new commit made it through? I put the master file in and loaded the game up but I dont see an asterisk next to the people I dont have

  128. Gear

    I recently got v2.23 and applied all the new updated patches in the repository but I wanted to know if it was possible to transfer my saves from 2.02 to the newer version since right now all I’m getting is my old save files from part 1.

    • —–
      Verv2.23.00 – セーブ失敗メッセージ


      Verv2.23.00 – Saving failure

      [System] Save has failed.
      Please close the game and restart your PC.

      The state of the PC may be the cause, and the problem may disappear upon restart.

  129. Anonymous

    Is there going to be a patch with the basic information of class, race, skills, stats and names soon?

  130. Justin

    hi I just got this game 2 weeks ago and it’s a combined version of 1 and 2 it says it its 2.11 and i was just wondering i played it till the part where you have to choose navy or pirates to get to the next area and all the text just switched to japanese so i was wondering what patch of your’s do i need

    • I think the patch for version 2.11 is not longer available here or on bitbucket. You need the 2.23 version of the game to apply the current patch.

      • ArzorX

        that’s correct to applied the patch in the game; you need 2.23 version of the game in older versions, the patch won’t work.

    • ArzorX

      well, is not combined version since part 2 of the game contians all part 1 of the game and you can decide any route you want the only thing will change is which members will join in your party nothing else.

    • Justin same here, I decided to choose pirates, after I got to the part where your supposed to find the treasure in the cave (there’s no treasure there btw its just a chest with a rapier weapon inside) the language is japanese from there on. Looks like neither of us know what to do because I don’t think after that part is patch yet.

  131. Kyle

    anyone notice that there some extra CG when you click view CG in library But when you view the scene its not there?

  132. Erebos

    During White Rabbit’s explanation of the tragedy in Remina it was said, that experiment failed and future Black Alice was accidently summoned instead of Heinrich’s soul. So which world does that BA belong to?

      • Erebos

        Thanks for the reply! Of course, it’s the most obvious explanation, yet is it confirmed anywhere? In Part 2 Chibi Ilias’s origin was explained, but all we learned about BA’s origin is that she was summoned from the 30 years future. I may be wrong, but in her case WR didn’t mention anything about the original world. Can’t BA be summoned from the 30 years future of Paradox world? Paradox world was created in order to follow the right course of history, as a result of Luka’s actions in the original world. It’s possible to presume that Remina experiment accidently changed the future of Paradox world, letting BA to become a goddess and trigger the creation of numerous parallel worlds to correct history.

      • Anonymous

        Thanks for the tip. Aaaaaand….
        Sorry for my noobish question, but how do i apply Dargoth´s patch again? Ican´t seem to get it to work…

        • Anonymous

          Yeah, I was having problems patching that exact same game folder. So if anybody can give a clear way to patch that particular folder, that would be greatly appreciated.

        • ArzorX

          1. Have a fresh latest version of MGQP 2.

          2. Download the RpgMakerVXAce Translator 0.10c.7z and unzip it preferably in the game folder.

          3. Run the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.GameSelector.exe, give it the path of the game and let it run its course. It will generate a “Script” folder.

          4. Download the latest master file among the branches and unzip its contents into the aforementioned “Script” folder. It should ask for overwriting, do so.

          5. Run the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.Translator.exe and let it run its course. If it encountered problems, you’ve probably messed something up. If it finishes without a hitch, it generates an “out” folder. That’s where the translated game resides.

          6. Profit! Enjoy your semi-translation!

          Until there’s a new game version, you’ll be able to update the translation starting from step 4 every time the master branch is updated. If there’s a new game version you’ll have to start over.

          • Anonymous

            One last Question, though (sorry), but what did you mean in 3. by ´give it the path of the game´? a window pops up, that says: select game directory, but what am i supposed to enter?

          • Anonymous

            Last hurdle (i hope), but everything worked, the file was generated, but if i try and boot up the game, it says system rgss301.dll was not found

            • Anonymous

              rgss301.dll should be within the unpatched game folder. Is the unpatched game working? If not you got a bad copy.

            • Anonymous

              it does, but once i create the out file a few folders just aren´t there for some reason

            • Anonymous

              Aaaaah, i extracted the wrong file into script, that was the prob, works perfectly now, and thanks again for putting up with my shenanigans ^^

            • ArzorX

              sorry, I didn’t replied I was a little busy testing some scenes that the doku team translate and fixing them, but glad everything worked fine for you and no problem man glad to help.

  133. Anonymous

    Sup I don’t know if this is the right place to say it but there are two npc at the Navy Headquarters who are not translated

  134. Anonymous

    I think Dargoth has been in contact with the creator of the game in the past(I think he even got persmission to do the translate?) so he definitely doesn’t want to upset him.

  135. Anonymous

    If someone is going to post 2.23 copies of the game please merge and translate the copies as well.

  136. Anonymous

    So I followed the instructions and got the translation working but there are a bunch of NPC’s in the Navy Headquarters that are untranslated which leads me to believe I did something wrong as someone earlier stated the first 35% of the game was translated. Is the game supposed to have a bunch of untranslated NPC’s in that area? If not, any suggestions on what I did wrong? I have the correct version (2.23) of the game.

  137. Anonymous

    You did nothing wrong. The 35% that are translated are the main story parts. The focus is that the main story is understandable, so some non-essential NPC dialogue gets skipped.

    • Anonymous

      I see, good to know. Most of that stuff is just fluff text anyway and a good amount of it is translated so it’s ok.

    • ArzorX

      yep dargoth takes care of the story and the doku doku team is in charge of the h-scenes and another guy is in charge of the talk scripts and all the library.

      • Anonymous

        Quick question: I’m not sure how much there is in the game, except “a lot”. I’m wondering if the game will ever be completely, 100% translated including all side content and whatever the hell the Labyrinth of Chaos people are talking about is. I don’t think it’s the current plan (since Dargoth is mainly focusing on the story and the rest seems to be taking care of all the H-stuff), but I’m willing to wait basically forever.

        • ArzorX

          well, the goal is to translate all the complete 100%, even the LOC. That’s the reason the Doku Doku team is in charge of the H-scenes, one user complete all the encycolpdia translation and now is working in the talk scripts, about the LOC for what I know in this moment no one is not working in the LOC maps and about the date I can only tell that the Doku Doku Team will be translate all scenes by the end of september If we don’t have any setbacks during the translation since we are only 2 persons working for now the leader of the team and my person.

  138. Anonymous

    I wouldn’t say the Plant/Insect Arc is the 35% mark.

    Navy/Pirate Arc
    Colosseum/Witch Arc
    Plant/Insect Arc
    Undine Spring and the Seraphim Encounter
    Alma Elma Arc
    Grangold/Lilith Arc
    Monster Queen Arc (very large portion of the game)
    The Orbs Arc (another large portion which includes traveling to Hellgondo)
    Snow Continent/Angels Arc

    Note that the last 3 arcs on the list, are longer in length than the other things I’ve listed. Not to mention side missions and any Main Story portions I missed. I know I’m being an anal son of a bitch, but I definitely would not say the Plant/Insect section is 35% of the Main story. It’s probably in the 15-20% range.

    The point in the story where you have the grand banquet dinner after defeating Lilith, is probably the halfway point of Part 2. Dargoth still has a very long way to go, but it looks like he’s making good progress finally.

    • Anonymous

      The speed matters not. I shall wait as long as necessery. I love this story so as long as I get to play it some day, I dont mind the wait.

      • Anonymous

        I know what you mean, I haven’t touched part 2 yet at all. Still waiting for a sizeable story patch. I’ll probably replay part 1 or the original in the meantime.

      • Anonymous

        Well if Darg has finally continued translating the story last month, and he’s up to the Plant/Insect arc, then he’s going at a good pace, considering Part 3 won’t be til next year. The H-Scenes will probably be done this fall. So it’s looking like the majority of Part 2 will be translated by the end of 2018.

        • ArzorX

          the scenes will be done by the end of september, we are working the best we can to be finished in that date if is possible.

          • Anonymous

            Yeah I remember you said September, but I wanted to be fair and say The Fall. I admire you and the team’s determination to get all of the done by September, but I would honestly even consider getting them down by the end of December to be a feat as well. You guys are doing awesome.

          • Anonymous

            We might get a reverse from part 1 – h-scenes get translated while story stays behind. Though Dargoth seems to be updating locations at a fast pace, so we’ll see.

            • ArzorX

              All part 1 h-scenes are done, since to two weeks ago I am only waiting for dargoth for upload the files of the doku doku team repository.

    • Sans

      dunno, i am hearing that 35% finished for some time now, so i am a bit sceptic on the “good progress” part xD
      I don’t think its gonna be any time soon, next year, like in the middle or something like that. IF even that. But its worth the wait. Maybe when all 3 parts are done Dargoth will pick up bunny black 3, that be news. Or the ROBF series, which in terms of hentai i like more, since they go both way – raping and getting raped, so you get a choise in the matter.

      • xNiiGMA

        A guy called Ramza is working on ROBF EOY. He already translated a really good amount. You can check his patreon to support him. It’s worth it.

      • Anonymous

        Judging by where Dargoth is at in the Main Story, I would say he’s somewhere between 15-20% done. However to be fair, he’s just now finally translating the game after an almost 10 month delay because of the patches.

        Now someone correct me if I’m wrong but when he stopped translating, he got up to the Navy and the Pirate cave. But since he started translating again a month ago, he’s gotten as far as the Plant/Insect village. If I’m getting that right, that means he’s going at a pretty fast pace.

        • Maybe he already had some of the text translated while waiting for the patches.

          Anyway, he finished the plant act according to the commits on bitbucket. 😀

      • Nightmare054

        dargoth will translate bunny black 3? wow can’t wait to enjoy it since i’m waiting this whole time for someone to translate bunny black 3 for real

        • Sans

          hold the horses there friend, there was a “maybe” in there, and i meant it like thoughts out loud, i do not have any source stating that. Wishful thinking, you know?

        • I think that’s unlikely. I remember reading that the devs somehow made it almost impossible to translate the game if you extracted the text out of it by putting spaces between each individual moonroone or something like that. I highly doubt Dargoth will take up Bunny Black 3 to be honest.

    • ArzorX

      no, they don’t have a repository at the moment, dunno if they will created one, they translate their files and send them to dargoth, I created that repository because the leader of the doku doku team asked me to do it, for anyone to enjoy the scenes earlier.

  139. DizzyPatron

    So like.. even in 2.23 do we still have to bring over the graphics folder from P1 to view those H-scenes? If we’ve never done it the first time of course.

    • Nightmare054

      yup, if you never done it before you need to do that to be able to watch H-scenes from part 1, or to be sure you can do that again, since it only take a minutes

  140. Anonymous

    I’m curious, has Dargoth silently given up on his blog? I can understand the logic of waiting to translate a lot of story, so he can drop a pretty big patch, but what I don’t understand is the total silence. v2.23 dropped over a month ago, and he hasn’t said a peep about his plans of his progress.

    During Part 1, he used to be pretty good about keeping us updated, so I’m left wondering what’s going on?

    • Sans

      Im going to be that guy for the sake of argument : what is it going to change?
      How exactly is telling us something speeds up the translation? If i would get no updates, but the translation would be ready even 1 day sooner – i take it. And what is there to post? “Hey guys i translated 2 maps, i would have done 5, but my dog got sick, so sorry, yeah i plan on doing the other 500 when i have time.” Keep in mind he is not a dumnut like me, so he has to choose what and how to write, so he doesn’t upset people, so that would take some time to think that one trough. Why invest in that to say you did 1 map, if you can drop like half a game, and say “here’s half the game, will do the other half by xx of next year, thanks for the support.”

      • The question is that we don’t know if he’s still working on it.

        A little “hey, I’m alive!” would be nice enough. So we can be relaxed, knowing that the project continues and we’re not waiting for nothing…

        • Anonymous

          We know he is still working on it. Did you notice the bitbucket link in the main post? If you check the commit history there, you can see for yourself.

        • Sans

          yeah, or “hi, i took a poop”. I mean i get you – you want more interaction whit the God of moonrunes. But do we need that? I does not really change anything, so why bother?
          And yeah, just a retorical question – what if we are waiting for nothing (which we don’t). Then what? Are you gonna pick up the translation yourself? Or is there a line of people waiting to pick it up? Or will knowing that somehow change the fact that by tomorrow there still is no translation? Like the 1 valid fact i can see : then i’ll just play it in moonrunes, but we can do that anyway, without knowing if there will or will not be a translation.
          It’s just – this question seems pointless to me, any answer does not change a thing. The one thing that would change something is a ready translation, but its not there yet so can either wait, or go moonrunestyle on the game.

          • Anonymous

            I think to you it doesn’t matter, but to others it does. Some of us have been on this journey with Darg, since the Violated Hero days. It’s nice to see Dargoth reach out to his fans, let us know of his progress, plans, and any suggestions he has for other MG games.

            • He put the link for his bitbucket here there in the newest post. You just need to click on it to see all the progress done with the game translation.

            • ArzorX

              Well, in that case let me help with spanish version of that comment “Puso el enlace para su bitbucket aquí en la publicación más nueva. Solo necesita hacer clic en él para ver todo el progreso realizado con la traducción del juego.” there here you have the spanish version for any spanish users can read it.

          • Sans

            German : “Ganz oben ist ein link zu dem dargoth bitbucket, when ihr wissen wolt was ist neu – shaut es euch ann”
            Russian : “Совсем сверху поста есть ссылка на битбакет автора, там же можно найти всё новые файлы которые добавляються”
            Ukrain : “В самому верху цього поста є ссилка на бітбакет, якщо вас цікавить що добавили останнім то просто перейдіть по ссилці”

            I did what i can. Its quite funny that the ancient annons from the time beyond pradox part 1 dont even know about the bitbucket, but we whiskersnapers do. Did not get the answers to my questions thou =\

            And yeah, for anyone wondering about things like this – go the discord, there was a link here somwhere, just ctrl+f it. Its a lot lot livelier there, then it is here.

    • Anonymous

      I think that’s because there’s nothing to report. “I’m alive, dunno how long it’s gonna take” is not a very useful update, we know he’s alive because he regularly updates bitbucket. He probably doesn’t want to set any dates for a patch because these often didn’t work out in the past, so I expect the next post to be a (maybe a 50%?) patch.

  141. Xoverguy

    Hey guys its been a while since I have been around, as such i kinda forgot the process of how to manually patch version 2.23 since I have been waiting ever since 2.10 so that bugfixes could come out and the sort. Can anybody link me to the step by step since I know there was one around here.

    • Sazaju

      Don’t know why the direct link did not show.

      You can find the process on the post 22346 from Dass Jennir, dated on February 16, 2018 at 1:48 pm.

      • Xoverguy

        Thanks for the help, although I have one more question.

        The instructions talk about a “master file”, and aside from the translator 0.10, I am not exactly certain what it means. Is it the download repository or is it what was released in april 22nd?

        Lastly I also heard that Dargoth’s patch handled some issues the original game had in terms of attack/skill execution order, due to a pitfall of the original version being that the commands and skills did not execute in the order you assigned them to, if you are running multiple actions in a single turn. Does that automatically get fixed upon patching, or do I need to add something to fix that issue?

        • Sans

          There are tabs there, when you use the link you are on the “download” tab, just click on the “branches” tab and you will see master 2.20 files.

  142. Sean

    Excellent work so far, but I am a bit of a stickler about something. I hate to be that guy, but have you figured out how to fix the Log issue with the h-scenes?

    Sometimes it is better to view all of what happens instead of just a sentence.

  143. Wiley Ng

    *SyntaxError – 2018-05-28 11:13:01 (Monday)
    ( SkillWords(Actor) ):0204:lines 40532: invalid multibyte char (UTF-8)
    ( SkillWords(Actor) ):0204:lines 40532: syntax error, unexpected tINTEGER, expecting ‘]’

    What’s the problem?

    The popup error console when i tried to open it:

      • Nightmare054

        i’m not an expert but in my opinion, i think the way you patch your game is wrong maybe??or something is skipped.
        just try to repatch your game, it might be work, better to try anything you can while waiting the expert answer it :v


        • Wiley Ng

          Nop. That’s not it

          I figured it out by myself.

          Guys if you encounter the same problem, remember to add


          at the end of Script_00000204_SkillWords(Actor).txt

          Someone in the translating team forgot to close the syntax

          Thanks for your help anyways, Nightmare054 🙂

          • ArzorX

            good job in finding that error, but I think you have an older version of the bitbucket files of dargoth. I remember dargoth fix that error long ago.

  144. Wiley Ng

    Nop. That’s not it

    I figured it out by myself.

    Guys if you encounter the same problem, remember to add


    at the end of Script_00000204_SkillWords(Actor).txt

    Someone in the translating team forgot to close the syntax

    Thanks for your help anyways, Nightmare054 🙂

  145. wister

    Anyone got a save of mostly complete part two castle? Was doing pretty well then had hard drive failure and dont wanna do this shit again

      • Anonymous

        Thanks a bunch. Though I have just spoiled myself to no return using this maxed out save. Proceed with caution lol

    • Anonymous

      Are you sure it isn’t there? I observe a 2 sp point regain per turn, more if you have an sp-regen ability set. There only is a message about the ability sp regain though, the other is silent(just defend a turn and you can see the increase clearly).

  146. Xoverguy

    Hey guys, I have been working through the Labyrinth of Chaos, but I have noticed something about version 2.23. It seems that Dargoth or whomever removed the identifiers for the skills that have the “Effect: + ” attribute which means that you can stack elements and other attributes like slayer abilities on those respective skills. This is a bit of an issue since now unless you pay attention to deviations in damage, or if you see somebody get defeated by Pleasure strike damage (since enemies *** instead of being defeated according to text). If this was an error in design i just wanted to bring it to light for the next english patch update. Thanks in advance.

    • Xoverguy

      Made a huge grammar mistake in my last post. How embarrasing. what i meant to say is, if you didnt pay attention to damage deviations or use pleasure strike, you wouldn’t be able to really know which attacks have Effect: + and which ones do not.

      • Anonymous

        I couldn’t find a change with the effect you described in the code. Do you know a skill that used to have Effect:+ but no longer has it?

        • Xoverguy

          No no, I do not mean skills no longer having the “Effect: + ” Attribute, but what I meant to say is that the text description for many skills no longer defines the Effect: + attribute, like the Heroism Yoma and ghost slayer skills, Makina’s Trial Punisher and Kirlian Range, Unarmed skills such as Light Rending Palm and Knockout Palm (I can confirm this since this is my Alma Elma’s bread and butter, and I think that Pleasure strike is inside those attacks, given how they go down, although I could be wrong.)

          In short, the text identifying Effect: + in the appropiate skills is missing.

          • Anonymous

            I understood what you meant. I wanted to know a skill that had a ‘change with effect you described’, with said effect being ‘it had the identifiers for having effect:+ removed’. Sorry if I worded that in a confusing way.
            I checked the code and apparently it was changed by Steve Judd in the last commit that made a change to the Skills.txt(That was back in february). The commit has the commit message ‘Skills.txt small change to a few skill descriptions’ and SHA-1 hash e523e4f44f816163b849c417793376e3ed06e30e (Just mentioning thoose in case a dev takes a look at this).

            Anyway, it seems that this change was made intentional. However, Steve Judd might not have been aware of the meaning of a + on it’s own, so maybe he removed them thinking they where typos?
            Unfortunately I lack to knowledge on how to check if the skills actually have the + Effect, so it is also possible that the changed skills never really did have that effect. Then again, it seems that most of the skills that did have the lone + in their description have had it removed, so he might have just missed the ones that remain.

    • Anonymous

      Torotoro wrote this about + skills at one point

      “In addition, skill + attribute + effect + + (Attributes and effects of normal attack added to skills) It has been changed as follows.
      Physical Attack Skill: Attributes and effects of ordinary attacks are added
      Magical attack skill: Attributes and effects of ordinary attacks are not added”

      But that all I can find. So was that changed to reflect patch changes or did we lose these indicators in translation when we should still have them? I’m confused too.

      • Sans

        All physical skills have the effect + now. I would think that means the “+” is no longer needet in the discription, and Dargh and co will have to decide if they want or dont want to have the “+” in the discription. Since there are (if what you writte is correct) skills whit a “+”, and they are skills that do not have a + in the discription, but work as such – they didnt get to it so far.

  147. Anonymous

    hey anyone hear from dargoth i mean its been a while im not new around here but wow seams a long while since his last update or have i missed something big that is being worked on??

  148. Sans

    “im not new around here” – it contradicts your question.
    “a long while since his last update” – anyone “not new” knows what his “last update” is. You just need to read the post he already made (the very top). “However, as usual, the latest files are on the repository” c. Dargoth. The uploadet files have a date to them, so you can figure out where the whole thing is going.

    I mean if people would doubt me all the time, without even spending a few minutes to figure things out – i would not be compeld to post often for sure. Why bother, they dont even read the ones that are in place. The very same question is like a few posts above, so better question – why is EVERYONE doubting dargoth so hard? Why does everyone ignore the posts he made, but wants new ones? I am a new guy here, its gonna be like a year this month, but you dont see me doubting the man.

    • Anonymous

      Well sans thanks for being rude i was simply asking a question but didn’t want to sound like someone who has never been here and acted like this place is dead. I usually only look for the big updates and his last was 6 months ago so don’t bite my head off. I don’t watch pipeline of translations being updated when it dose and i never doubted the man once not sure where you got that from???

      • Sans

        You are welcome. The message broke up a few times, the firs time i was typing it – i wrote that its not adressed to someone personal, but to all the people who are asking as a group. ( hence its not a reply to a message directly, but afterwards)
        And yeah, just a memo, if i am rude to someone in particular i start the message like “Okay cunt, listen up”. The whole above is me bitching about things, not me bitching about you. It just was the last drop in a barrel. I Blame the whole barrel, not the last drop. When life gives me a lemon – i complain about the lemon. Once you get used to me its not gonna bother you so much.
        And not to be a total asshole, and give you a “polite” answer (for the godzillionth fucking time, geeeeeez) – judging by the last files addet – there is not really much to report, seems like Dargh hits us up when there is something big ready and no longer does small talk. Seems logical to me, more power to him. And there is a rumor he has gone beast-mode on the translating speed, but i somehow doubt that one. I’m to sceptical. Or too bitchi, you name it.

  149. Arj

    Question for anyone who knows, because the Translations page of this website seems a bit out-dated.
    Is “MGQ Delicious Dinner” translated? I can only find Breakfast and Lunch, but I’m sure someone was working on Dinner as well ages ago.

    • ArzorX

      yeah, it has been translated but no by dargoth by a group of fans, check in google there is a link for that game translated already or join the discord group and I can share the link with you.

      • Arj

        I can’t seem to find any translated version of Dinner with google, and sadly I’m unable to use Discord.
        Would you happen to know the name of the group who translated it, or username they use on some forum?

  150. Anonymous

    Hey, I’ve done the translation and all the story stuff is coming out fine but all the skills, items etc are still in Japanese. Is this not translated yet or have I fucked something up?

  151. Apokalion

    sorry everyone, probably it’s just me, but i didn’t yet get it what exactly i have to download and how to install the patch, there are too many bitbucket files and my head is imploding.
    can you please explain to me exactly the files that i have to download and how to put them into the game?


    i’m dumb and i know it

    • Sans

      Just kidding

      1. Have a fresh latest version of MGQP 2.

      2. Download the RpgMakerVXAce Translator 0.10c.7z and unzip it preferably in the game folder.

      3. Run the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.GameSelector.exe, give it the path of the game and let it run its course. It will generate a “Script” folder.

      4. Download the latest master file among the branches and unzip its contents into the aforementioned “Script” folder. It should ask for overwriting, do so.

      5. Run the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.Translator.exe and let it run its course. If it encountered problems, you’ve probably messed something up. If it finishes without a hitch, it generates an “out” folder. That’s where the translated game resides.

      6. Profit! Enjoy your semi-translation!

      About step 4 – the latest master file is 2.20, if you dont see it – that means you are on the wrong tab. There are tabs there you can toggle around, you need to be on the branches tab….



      Okay since you told me you are not smart (by your statment) i’ll just give you a link so you don’t get lost

      Ya know… just in case…

      And yeah dont bother whit any other files that are not pointed out in the guide

      • Apokalion

        So it’s not the “master” file from two days ago, but the “master_220″ below”?

        Anyway thanks a lot

        • Sans

          As the error say there is something wrong whit the mapinfos file. The most likely scenario is you not using the current files. I’d like to tell what exactly has gone wrong, but i’m not so in depth in the process, for me its just run 2 .exe files and replace 1 folder. So if i run into any trouble i just go “monkeys and typewritters” on the matter. Try the other master files, that are not labeled 2.20 and see if you get the same error. If you still get the error – that mean something is messing whit your files, a non-japanese locale for instance, or .txt files have some weird program set as a default opener for them.

  152. Anonymous

    Actually have a better questions:

    Is holy martyr broken?
    Does endure stack with others such as holy martyr/goddess protection?

    was the beserker skill changed in 2.23?

    • Anonymous

      holy martyr is really strange recently. Sometimes it only revives the person who died, then other times it revives everyone but the person who died.

  153. Anonymous

    My Biggest issue in 2.23 is that they never fixed the many regressions caused by 2.11/2.20 or where fixed but bugged out again later in the release cycles. I’m baffled as to how evasion just doesn’t work at all anymore. Is it possible to commit Steve Judd’s bugfixes into master if they haven’t already?

    • Aaron Martin

      There are certain skill types that are “auto hit” like Makina for example. Evasion doesn’t do jack-diddly against that. Defensively I’ve been focusing more on resistances, which seems more efficient.

  154. Anonymous

    having a little trouble starting a new game +. no option from reaper. i tried goin back to final fight in case i missed something. white rabbit was waiting at entrance, but then goes back to where/how she should be after having beaten final boss and nothing else triggers on the map. anyone happen to know which variable in the save editor can fix the flag and re-enable new game +? (if it helps, my latest save is still from 2.10. i noticed the editor’s pretty much useless for latest version…)

      • Anonymous

        i’ve already got that version, but haven’t done anything meaningful in it besides some minor leveling which i’m not really attached to, and i noticed that the save editor’s layout for variables and the like went to shit compared to when i took a look at my older 2.10 save. 2.10 is nice, neat, and organized (with items, armor, weapons and variables all separated and easy edit), while 2.23 was just one big mess of variables that didn’t seem to want to do anything.

        so, upgrading didn’t fix my problem, and i’ve done WAY too much leveling and side stuff to be willing to use a save from before i beat the game. flipping a variable is about the only way i can think of to get the reaper’s new game + option operational, but i’ve no idea where to start in the variables or what i should be looking for.

        • Anonymous

          screw it. managed to find a save that works and only lose about 7 hours of effort. it’s not ideal, but hopefully i can do the side quests all over again and not trigger whatever screwed things up in the first place…

  155. Anonymous

    So i noticed evasion does not work on my party members, but magic evasion works, i think its bugged because my opponents evade just fine like they used to in part 1.

    • Anonymous

      and before you ask i checked the evasion stats of my 2 harpies before battle it said 53%, in battle vs a blue slime near illiasville i used the sky dance or wtv its called to boost my evasion by another 50% and still got hit.

        • Anonymous

          No i havent but based on the many bugs and patches id be surprised if it worked.

          Theres another person a few posts above with the same issue so im assuming he tryed it already.based on what he said.

      • Anonymous

        100% evasion is also unlikely to get as if you had 53% evasion and buffed it by 50% you would get 79% evasion.

        • Anonymous

          It still doesn’t add up even 80% the chances of you getting hit should be way lower.

          still doesn’t evasion stack anyways…? for example with chirp you should be able to use skydance and get a buff + 50% evade from her trait.

      • Anonymous

        clearly you didnt read, i tested this vs a blue slime near illiasville you really think the normal attacks of a blue slime are auto hit? lol

        They missed attacks sometimes in part 1, in part 2 ive yet in 50 hours of play to have an enemy miss an attack (exept spells ironically) yet i miss attacks on them.

        ex: harpies, and junk doll after it uses the time spell quick so this is a bug because magic evasion works i have dodged spells while i was farming in the administrators tower and the junk doll is almost impossible to hit after using quick

        wich according to the wiki ia a 50% evade and mag evade and 50% agility.

        (dont call agility to the dodge chance a blue slime hit me)

          • Anonymous

            ok mb its not there anymore but i do remember seeing it and the insane evade it gives ti tge junk doll even if they changed it from 50% is close to it since i cant hit it

            • Anonymous

              k found it its a comment in the fan wiki in a comment in the status ailments section, strange i could had sworn i saw it someware else

  156. Anonymous

    I seem to be stuck, I have complete my first play through and I have done the quests to get alma in that lab in Luddite village. but when I go to the bulletin board to get the quest for Promestein’s Miracle Elixir, it does not seem to be there. I have completed vanilla side quest and obtain all the characters on illias play through. Do I need to go new game plus and do an alice play through to get this quest to show up? or do I have to complete other quests on the bulletin board first before it shows up?

  157. Xoverguy

    Question to anybody who is scouring the Labyrinth of Chaos in version 2.23. I just wanted to ask: There have been some equips that I have aquired that have an attribute known as “Dualcast All”. Unlike what it might obviously seem it does not doublecast magic skills to my knowledge. Does anybody know what this built in equipment ability can do? Thanks in advance.

  158. Fiery

    Hey, maybe not the best place to ask this but what does NG+ (New Game Plus) actually do? Does it reset levels? If not is there a way I can reset levels?


    • Anonymous

      Just resets your story progress aka sends you back to luka´s inn in illiasville (try saying that a lot of times in a row lol) , you keep your allies, weapons, armor, items and even most key items, though. only reset character growth actually resets, well…. character growth.

      hope i was useful <3

      • Anonymous

        That helps a lot! What about story followers? If I had Alice before, do I keep her, and then get to select Illias? How are their levels handled too?

  159. Anonymous

    why is the bunny eared woman in iliasburg still not translated? somehow missed or skipped by translators? added to game after translators thought they were done there? untranslated text in a weird place?

    can anyone tell me name and what she says?

  160. ThatOneDodgyDude

    I just can’t seem to translate the game at all, I get the error “The given key was not present in the dictionary” this happened at map 273.

  161. Anonymous

    hey guys so im just wondering why i cant evade attacks from monsters i use the curse dance on is the skill broken or am i missing something? it blinds them but they never miss.

  162. Anonymous

    Um, silly question, but how does one recruit the potato mayor again?
    i went through the scenario of


    Fighting Natasha and i´m pretty much done with pt.2,

    • You have to side with Lucia at Witch Hunt Village and then side with Succubus Mayor during the attack on her village for the mayor to join. For Natasha to join, you have to do the opposite (side with Lily at Witch Hunt Village and then side with Natasha at Succubus village).

  163. Micheal Morono

    Can somebody tell me exactly how i am to patch this game with the bit bucket link? I’m not sure as to how i’m to go about this.

  164. Anonymous

    How can you get the key to the sealed chamber in the Labyrinth of Chaos?
    (I got there without the key, and it was such a punch in the nuts >-<)

  165. WestEli

    Sorry if this is dumb but how do I use github to patch?
    Also why does the battle replayer not have part 2 monsters?
    Thanks to anyone who responds

  166. Dooble

    Says that not updating the blog for several months is a shitty thing to do, proceeds to not update blog for several months. WHY U DO DIS??!

  167. Anonymous

    I go on vacation at the beginning of July, I was hoping there would have been a patch released by now so I could spend some of my free time on vacation enjoying MGQP part 2…….nope 🙁

  168. Anonymous

    Hi does someone know were to get the item that unlocks the advanced hero job? I think thats the only one I’m missing.

      • Anonymous

        Didnt get it there. Is there any requirement for him to give it? I think i olny got the item that unlock advanced warrior classes. Warrior God Soul, I think.

            • You have to talk to him in the inn after dealing with the succubus sisters.

              Speaking of, since you’re on the Alice Route, don’t forget to recruit the sisters at the monastery in Alt Hellgondo (the building near where you leave the cave in the 500 years ago world). Them, 500 years ago Black Alice, and Morrigan (who joins after you beat part 2 if you haven’t already) are the characters exclusive to the Alice Route. The exclusive characters for the Illias route are Heinrich, Eden, loli Micheala and loli Lucifina (you have to go to an optional dungeon on the snow continent after getting Eden to recruit the loli angels (basically, Eden and Illias combine they’re powers to recreate the versions of them from the great war; they’re technically not the originals or even alt versions, just replicas).

              Side note, this doesn’t matter what route you’re on, but to recruit Natasha or the Succubus Mayor, you need to have sided with Lucia in Witch Hunt and then the Mayor in Succubus Village in one playthrough to get the Mayor and Lily and then Natasha to recruit Natasha in another. They won’t join if you skip Witch Hunt or don’t choose the right ones.

            • Anonymous

              Thanks a lot thats really helpfull. I already got Morrigan, Alma, Lilith&Lilim and well as Black Alice.

        • Anonymous

          Advanced Hero jobs aren’t available in Part 2, what you’re thinking of is advanced warrior jobs, the king does give that. For reference look up the Paradox wiki, Goddess’ Apostle and Corrupted Hero aren’t available yet.

    • ArzorX


      June 21, 2018 at 3:37 am

      the story is translated until the plant insect arc.

      (I repeated this message so many times that I will only copy paste).

      • n00by_ME

        Ah sorry I should’ve asked that question differently since I don’t even know how far in that part of the story is. How “complete” is the patch in %? I haven’t come back here since a year ago, much less played part 2 so “plant insect arc” doesn’t tell me much, sorry.

  169. Eric

    I just completed the game and have a question. There’s a creepy island where you find a log from a missing person talking about the fog or something. Is there something else we can do on that island or is that it.

  170. Anonymous

    When I use the gameselector is keeps giving game.ini failed check, I used several different clean versions but I keep getting the same error and thus cant patch, what do?

    • Anonymous

      Does it say it failed a reflex check? I had this problem and it was because I was running Ytinasni.RpgMaker.GameSelector.exe twice instead of running it once and then running .Ytinasni.RpgMaker.Translator.exe. I hope this helps.

    • testbug5671

      If you are still having this problem after you did what that anon told you, then try to replace the content of your clean japanese game.ini with the content of the game.ini from the patch.

    • testbug5671

      Oh and also, rename the game.ini from your clean japanese game from “Game.ini” to “game.ini” just in case of case-sensitive problem

      Don’t forget to backup your game.ini

  171. Noob

    So when I applied the patch all the dialogues in towns are untranslated even though pretty much all of the town dialogues from part 1 are translated during the last official patch. Did I do something wrong? All the story parts up till the plansect are working and so are a lot of H-scenes.

    • Anonymous

      I asked the same about a month ago, you did nothing wrong it’s supposed to be like that at this point in time.
      Dargoth focuses on the main story translation first then the side quests/non-essential dialogue gets translated after.
      A separate group of people work on the h scenes, that’s why a lot of them have already been translated.

      • Noob

        Oh ok so they just didn’t put all of the translation that were in part one into the second game then. Because almost everything from part one but the h-scenes were translated when the second game came out.

        • Anonymous

          My mistake I didn’t see you were talking about the part 1 town dialogue, I’m tired so i’ll blame that.
          I’m not actually sure if what you’re saying is the case or not. :S

          • Noob

            Haha that’s fine. And yeah I’m talking about the towns dialogue from part 1. Almost all of them are still in Japanese. So I don’t know if I did something wrong or they just haven’t added in all of the translations done for part 1 yet.

            • Anonymous

              As far as I know, the dialogues in the towns from part 1 work until you get into part 2 stuff.

  172. Jimmy

    I have some noob questions. So I want to play part 2 with the most advanced translation so far, and I have the links of both Dargoth and ArzorX bitbuckets:
    -Aside from the RpgMakerVXAce Translator 0.10c.7z file from Dargoth’s download folder should I download other files from there and ArzorX download folder?
    -ArzorX only has a single master branch file but Drgoth has master, master_220 and master_211, aside of other branches. Which ones should I download? I’m currently downloading the MGQ P! 2.23 from 4chan,
    -Can I combine Dargoth and ArzorX translations somehow or I should choose only one to avoid some kind of conflict they might cause together?
    I think that’s all for now, maybe I’ll have more questions once I start to patch it myself.

  173. ArzorX

    and for dargoth files use this link

    and here the tutorial of how to manual patch the game.


    June 20, 2018 at 6:20 am

    1. Have a fresh latest version of MGQP 2.

    2. Download the RpgMakerVXAce Translator 0.10c.7z and unzip it preferably in the game folder.

    3. Run the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.GameSelector.exe, give it the path of the game and let it run its course. It will generate a “Script” folder.

    4. Download the latest master file among the branches and unzip its contents into the aforementioned “Script” folder. It should ask for overwriting, do so.

    5. Run the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.Translator.exe and let it run its course. If it encountered problems, you’ve probably messed something up. If it finishes without a hitch, it generates an “out” folder. That’s where the translated game resides.

    6. Profit! Enjoy your semi-translation!

    • Noc

      Thanks a lot for the links & instructions, haven’t been keeping up with the game or this site for about a year or so, can’t wait to see how much progress was made by this point!

    • Anonymous

      Hi Im running into one issue, after following all your steps and running the translator it runs for a bit then i get this error ” ERROR: Object reference not set to an instance of an object”

  174. Anonymous

    Wondering, when the translations will be over, will we need the rpg maker ace thing? I play this game in a very old pc wich cannot run this thus it could be annoying.If yes guess thats why i cant use the partial translation for the 2nd part xd.

    • Anonymous

      Have you tried moving the Audio and Graphics files out from the MGQ folder before running GameSelector? Helps quite a lot with the process for me, but I don’t know if it’d make a difference if your PC is reaaaaally old.

  175. Anonymous

    Game selector is a rpg ace thing thats it? My pc cant use this ace so i just want to know if definitive patch will need it. For first part it wasnt but maybe they change translation process? Playing this in family pc could be troublesome and will have to change damn regional setting xd.

    • OmegaWeapon

      You should not need to change regional settings to run/patch the game. I surely don’t and it runs fine. As for patching, you could patch the game on a different pc then move files back to yours. And I do not see anything special in system requirements that could prevent you from using the translator unless you simply don’t want to manually patch the game yourself.

    • OmegaWeapon

      The ONLY thing you might need to install to run the patch is Japanese fonts tor the system, but only fonts, and maybe RTP, you do not need anything else. Nor set your OS to a different language/time zone/region, that is required for different games but this one does not need to.

  176. Anonymous

    @ArzorX I’m having trouble applying the patch. I’m doing everything correctly (using the current translator, running the game selector, overwriting the scripts, and running the translator) but the game in the “out” folder is not patched at all. I have a fresh copy of 2.23 and used the links you provided in the comment above me.

    Maybe I am overwriting the wrong files. Should I overwrite the Script files after the Game Selector is ran before I run the Translator or do I overwrite in the “out” folder?

    Is there anything I am doing wrong?

      • Anonymous

        Hello @ArzorX, I managed to get the game patched. I decided to try downloading another raw copy and patch it and everything worked out. Turns out the “raw” version I had wasnt truly raw. Thank you for your help!

        I also want thank you personally for you and the rest of the Doku Doku Translation Team for all your hard work on the scenes. I check your Bitbucket DAILY for any new scenes of my favorite monsters to be translated so it really hurts me that not only will you guys stop translating scenes, but this happens when I finally correctly patched my game.

        I wish you and your team well. I know you guys know this, but your work means a lot to me and other members of this community, even if you hear a lot of negativity. I hope you all take some time off and recharge before you come back. See you guys in pt. 3.

  177. Anonymous

    Im sorry for being that guy soo the game is still being updated just not the blog well thats good that work is still being done. How far are they into the second part of the game I know your last post said the insect flower arc but what is that in terms of percentage.

    • ArzorX

      well, dargoth updated the translations 5 days, ago so now is translated up to Esta that will be like the 45-50% of the story, about scenes we have 60% of the scenes so far (I will work in a few this weekend), the talks scripts are completed translated and the milk script too, that’s all I have to report.

      • Anonymous

        Hey just wondering, do you think this translation will be 100% by 2019? Or more like mid-way through 2019?

        • ArzorX

          dunno man that will depends of dargoth, the only thing I know is that the h-scenes will be done by september.

      • Anonymous

        Dying to play the fully translated version… I want to play POKEMON but this game actually has a better combat system than pokemon, and a better story too, and then you’ve got all the different monster girls you can get married to, etc.

  178. FOOFOO

    Can somebody walk me through how to run this? I keep trying to use the game locator but it just does nothing? Does it have to go in the same place as the game?

    • Anonymous

      put all the insanity translation files in with the game’s .exe, run locator and copy the .exe’s folder location into the pop-up and run it, wait for it to finish (takes a really long time to get through some files, but shouldn’t have actually frozen), it’ll create a script folder. take the master stuff from bitbucket and move them into script folder and let everything overwrite. there may be some issues in the transfer if you have too much running at the time, but otherwise it just takes awhile. from there, run the translator and it’ll create an “out” folder that has the patched version of the game in it. just use the exe from that new folder and you should be good.

      • FooFOO

        So I just take all four archives and extract them and place them in the directory? Then Run the locator? and finally the translator.

        • Anonymous

          you’ll only need the latest master folder from bitbucket for the translation itself, rather than all the master folders. so you’ll take the ytinasni files, put them in with your exe, run locator and let it create and fill script folder. put all the master files into script and overwrite, and then run translator. it’ll put your newly translated version into a folder called “out”. then you just run from there.

          i think there’s an issue with using this for an already translated version (if you had part 1 translated before this, or if/when you update to a newer translation later), so you’ll need to do all this on a fresh install each time, but the saves shouldn’t be affected. only other thing to note should just be that you’ll need to copy the picture folder from part 1 over to part 2 to enable access to those scenes.

  179. Finally patched the game for the first time in forever. There any reason Kakyoin’s name still isn’t translated? Also, it seems like there are a lot of skills in the character book have their last line untranslated, like Kraken’s saying something about getting some stat boost if Poseidon’s in the party. Were those added in one of the game updates and that’s why they’re not translated?

  180. Dire

    The Labyrinth of Chaos will not open for me, nor new game plus – I think this is some sort of strange glitch and I’m not sure what’s causing it.

    This is on my save with both already unlocked in the first game.

    At first I didn’t properly transfer the saves and my achievements were reset, copying in the master save isn’t solving the issue now though.

    If anyone knows what may be causing it or how to fix this I’d be incredibly grateful!

    • Anonymous

      when you first try to go into LoC there should’ve been a warning about things not transferring well into next part and to keep a backup save, though that should just be related to achievements, i think. if you’ve just upgraded to part 2 and want to start anew or access LoC again, i don’t think you can until you beat part 2, as well. they’ll have been disabled again till then. so you’d have to go back to the part 1 only version, go to new game + in there, and then save and move it into the combined version and play from there, if that’s what you wanted.

      • Dire

        Ahh, thank you.

        It’s strange though, since when I tried what you said I still got that “The Labyrinth of Chaos has opened” message when I reached the stage you used to unlock these features at despite it not actually unlocking them.

        I’m content though, since broadly it doesn’t seem to be a glitch.

  181. i’ve been thinking, since luka can open those time space doors, which can only be accessed by people who posses both angel and monster(lord) blood or genetics can open, and white rabbit said this luka is different from the other specially made luka, that he is smart, would that mean that luka has monster(lord) genetics or something?

  182. DeitiesV

    So question, I’ve been waiting for whenever a full patch comes along. What is the current state of the translation? Is most of everything main story wise translated? If a bunch of miscellaneous interaction is what left for translation then I would start playing it np.

    • ArzorX


      June 29, 2018 at 8:59 pm

      well, dargoth updated the translations, so now is translated up to Undine’s Spring that will be like the 50% of the story, about scenes we have 60% of the scenes so far (I will work in a few this weekend), the talks scripts are completed translated and the milk script too, that’s all I have to report.” good thing I posted this earlier.

      About the patch dargoth explained in the discord group that the path method doesn’t work with part 2, but he will check later the programs to make it work, but that will take time.

      And what’s well a lot of story, the LoC, Sidequests, in my case with the h-scenes 286 are left to be translated so yeah, there is a lot to be translated.

  183. Anonymous

    Alright this is getting a bit frustrating. Unless it’s straight from the horses mouth, can people PLEASE stop announcing what percentage of the story has been translated. Some of you claimed 35% of it has been translated because Darg was up to the Plansect Village section, and now ArzorX is saying 50% of the story has been translated because he finished Undine Spring.

    Undine Spring is almost directly after Plansect Village. Perhaps not directly, but once you complete Plansect, you reach Undine Spring pretty shortly after. So the jump from 35 to 50% doesn’t make any sense.

    Here is the map of progress throughout the Main Story sections of Part 2:

    Navy/Pirate Arc
    Colosseum/Witch Arc
    Plant/Insect Arc
    Undine Spring and the Seraphim Encounter
    Grangold/Lilith Arc (first big arc of the game that begins with linking up with Alma)
    Monster Queen Arc (very large portion of the game)
    The Orbs Arc (another large portion which includes traveling to Hellgondo)
    Snow Continent/Angels Arc

    The first few arcs of the game go by fairly quickly, but once you meet Alma Elma in the ruined village, is where you finally get to the meat of Part 2’s story.

    Darg is not halfway done with the story. He’s not even close. And that’s fine btw because Part 2 is massive and at least after all the delays he’s finally able to work on it. But can we please stop feeding patient fans false information about how far along Darg is? He’s made a lot of progress, but still has a very long way to go.

  184. ArzorX

    I am man of my word since this day I won’t update any more story progress. I will only reply for questions about the patch method only or the status of any other translations aside of the story.

  185. Jimmy

    So by the way, what was that about Rogue helping anyway? Dargoth mentioned that once and everyone got hyped as hell since Rogue was incredibly fast with the original trilogy, but since then we haven’t heard anything from Rogue I think.
    As for the last comment, has there been any updates to the patches since my last comment? I’m the same Jimmy from the last time that ArzorX helped, I could patch without problems, though I haven’t tested it for long, I want to do at least one NG+ of part 1 and I’m also busy finishing my thesis.

    • Rogue is Artee (Artee=RT=Rogue Translations). He was helping out for awhile, specifically with H scenes, though I’m not sure if he still is.

      • ArzorX

        well dunno in that matter when we start the translations of the scenes, we never heard if he was around helping in the translations, but I do know he helped a lot during the translations of part 1.

    • ArzorX

      yeah dargoth updated the files now is translated until Undine’s Spring, for h-scenes the last ones I upload were Demon Lamia and Arch Jelly scenes, and talk scripts and milk script are complete translated.

      • Ayano

        What do you mean by talk scripts and do the milk scripts mean that the enemies say something when you use the maid’s milking skill on them?

        • ArzorX

          yes, that’s the milk script and the “talk” scripts are the one when you try to recruit them and they speak you about their hobbies, what they want, etc.

          • Ayano

            Oh cool thanks for the clarification.
            Also I don’t know if this is really that important, but I noticed when Promestein uses the Nuclear skill she says
            “I am become death, destroyer of worlds”
            It just seems a little weird to me.

            • The Noble Shade

              It’s a quote from J. Robert Oppenheimer referring to the first atomic bomb testing.
              Similar to how her unique Magic Science skill, “Silent Spring”, is a reference to a book of the same name by Rachel Carson; it was about the adverse effects on the environment of the indiscriminate use of pesticides.

  186. DC123

    Tfw after 10-some turns you deal around 16 -18m damage to an apoptosis on Level 5 Unlimited Chaos and then it heals for 20m.

    • DC123

      Then you run into the group of 5-chibi angels who can two-hit any of your characters and can heal for 40m.

  187. Anonymous

    So give the size and scope of Part 2’s story, it’d be best not to refer to translating progress in percentages, since there really is no accurate way of measuring it, and also because there are some quests that are almost disguised as Main Story.

    The best way to look at it is this…

    There are Three Acts within Part 2.

    The first Act basically deals with Lilith. So everything from the Pirate/Navy, all the way to finally encountering her. The second Act deals with the Queens and Orbs. The Third (and shortest Act) begins once you’ve combined all the orbs and transported yourself to the Snow Continent, leading up the fight against Sonya.

    So find and defeat Lilith, gather the Orbs, and deal with the Angels. That’s basically MGQP Part 2 in a nutshell.

    As of right now, Dargoth seems to have just passed the halfway point of Act 1. Which is a decent size chunk of the story, but still a ways to go. But I think once he translates the Lilith Encounter and the Banquet that occurs after, is when you MIGHT finally be able to say that half of the story has been translated. I say half because Act 3 is by far the shortest section.

    Thing is, Act 1 is a lot more linear than Act 2. The order in which you defeat the Queens, acquire the orbs, and then of course most of the side quest you can embark on happen after you defeat Lilith. So knowing Darg, I imagine he’s probably going to translate all of Act 2, plus it’s side quests, before moving on to the Snow Continent section.

    • Sazaju

      Actually there is a way to accurately establish the progress. Just counting the items translated and the remaining ones.

      When I was participating in the project (I did not since a while), I used an editor I developed for another similar project. It displays such progress per map and globally. Here is a screenshot from an old version on VH project:

      • Anonymous

        That looks pretty useful, but also difficult gathering all the data trying to determine overall the percentage that’s been translated. Especially if you’re just trying to pinpoint the Main Story campaign.

  188. Isamaru

    so I have a feeling this is something obvious, but what do I need to do to start selenes side quest? I’m on new game plus, but as everything is in moonspeak, I cant figure out what I am supposed to do, completed the quest once before but all I get are 2 lines from selene. Help please?

  189. n00by_ME

    A question for Vanilla’s Shop-Sidequest; I can’t get her to aquire the Golden Needle. She has the stuff from the witch village and drones on about how she isn’t the Queen of Shops quite yet and this dialogue doesn’t change wether she is currently in my party or not, nor wether I buy something or not.

  190. @ArzorX can you please post the link for your bitbucket? Wanted to grab any new translations for the sex scenes but this comment section is way to big.

  191. Anonymous

    Man, Dargoth’s on fire recently with the translations. Keep up the good work, weirdos all over the internet are counting on you guys!

  192. Anonymous

    Hello, I am a newb here
    so i was hoping if someone could tell me where i can find the latest translation files for MGQ Paradox Part 2 by dargoth and tell me which version it will work on
    And kindly tell how to patch the game
    i know its a long request but thanks in advance

  193. Anonymous

    Can anyone upload a link to site where i can download MGQ Paradox V2.23, preferably for free (A.K.A Free download)

  194. Anonymous

    i already have MGQ Paradox V 2.11 but due to extenuating circumstances i am unable to directly buy v2.23 so i was hoping to find an alternative solution. On that note is it possible to update or patch the version i already have (V2.11) to V2.23

  195. Anonymous

    I just saw Leviathan for the first time and something struck me as extremely odd… I can’t remember monmusu ever having mosaics/censoring. Do I just remember it wrong? Could be that I just gotten used to all those translation teams embracing this whole de-censoring style (Which I am thankful for.) and the years it has been since I last saw an MGQ sex-scene. <.<

  196. Anonymous

    Ive tried patching it 3 times now following the instructions above, the game selector and translator always go through without a hitch, but when I run the out file, still jap

      • Anonymous

        Thank you thank you, that was the problem. 😀 Last question, can I translate both this one and AzorX into the same script folder to get both Sex scenes and the story, or do I need a seperate copy of the game 1 for story 1 for sexscenes?

        • Anonymous

          I personally only drive the one I gave you above, which should include most sexscenes along with everything else – as far as they have gotten with the translation.
          The link AzorX gave was the one for the lates sexscenes that were translated, so if you wait a bit they should be included into a future download or may already be included right now, dunno.

        • Arzorx

          Yes man you can combine the files with the story files, that’s the idea, since dargoth is taking time to upload them in his files.

  197. Anonymous

    There’s a bigger chance that part 3 will come than this dude translating even part 1 lmao. It’s kinda sad since i really want to play part 2 and its pretty much no point without translation. Big shame that they didn’t found somebody like Rogue who translated entire original MGQ. Or official translator for this game since MGQ has huge fanbase for a h-game…

    • Anonymous

      If doomsayers like you would kindly stop lowering morale then maybe Dargoth (who IS STILL TRANSLATING THIS BTW) might grace us with a progress report. The game is friggan huge and is gonna take time.

      • Anonymous

        I dunno even need a real progress report tbf. It’s been 6 months and I’d be happy with a simple update post saying “lol I’m alive I’m still translating. Please be patient”. Any update would be nice at this point.

        I didn’t even know there was another team working on the ero scenes until they quit.

        • Anonymous

          If you haven’t found out already, there’s a bitbucket link up there. Just look at the commits. That’s you progress report.

    • Part 1’s story was finished well before Part 2 came out. Sex scenes, castle talk/gifts, and battle talks were the only things left (though that’s still a large part of the game’s scripts). Also, Part 1 pretty much had more scripts to translate than the whole original trilogy and Part 2 is even bigger. Rogue’s even helped out at points with the translation it hasn’t been sped up too much, so I doubt Rogue could have done much more on their own. Don’t make assumptions just ’cause you’re impatient.

    • Arzorx

      Exactly is dargoth if didn’t have all the help that he got right now , imagine right now how much time will take to him to finish all the translation.

      The library descriptions were translated by one person and that took him 2 moths ti aclomlished and the same person translated all the talk scripts in one month and now he is working in the seduction events.

      For the h-scenes that no one cares (since I saw many comments that no one have interest in them) that took the doku team 3 months and if you see this link all part 1 were translated by only two persons the leader of the doku doku team “Casian” and my person, so I will leave it to imagine how much time dargoth will take to translate all the game by himself.

      • urgh

        The h-scenes are literally the only good part of the original trilogy. How can people not have interest in them?

          • And it’s also why scenes aren’t getting translated as fast anymore because when you see that people only need the story and the gameplay which is like 80% of what people say you really don’t feel like doing h-scenes anymore.Also hearing things like “The DokuDoku Team should help with the story. We won’t do that, Dargoth is not a 1 man translator he has his own team. I even thought about pulling the team from the project entirely since our work isn’t really needed.we’re stagnating at @280 scenes left till every one of them is translated but we don’t know if we’ll do them before Dargoth gets to them or not. I for one lost my appetite for translating them seeing the lack of feedback or just the good ol’ “I’m only interested in the story” line made me realize I have better things to spend my free time on.
            We tried, but too few people seem to care so why should we continue? We’ll see what the future brings.

            • Nox

              I may be the minority here, dunno, but I do appreciate all the work DokuDoku Team did, the h-scenes are as much a part of the game as the rest of the story is.
              As much as I’d prefer to see you guys continue the good work (and I really would, there’s a bunch of scenes not translated yet that I’m looking forward to), I will respect your decision, time’s limited, might as well spend it in a way that feels right for you.

            • n00by_ME

              The problem with the scenes is that reverse rape is already pretty niche, and many (not most, but many) of the monstergirls featured in the game have rather… interesting… designs. Frankly I am not a fan of reverse rape, I can enjoy it surely but I am not a fan. But when there are scenes where Luka is literally burried neckdeep in monstergirl vagina, forget fapping to it, the best I can do is grin dryly and fastforward through the scene as a whole and try not to think to deeply about it.

              What I am trying to say is, you do an truly outstanding but thankless job with (many of) this games sexscenes. Many times either the monstergirls design, or the scene itself, is to extreme for the majority of the playerbase.

              The games popularity just goes far beyond it’s target audience, which in turn leads to many people not really caring for the h-scenes. *sigh*

        • Anonymous

          Dunno, I didn’t care for 90% of them. And you can’t play the game or understand the story without a translation, I’m pretty sure you can guess what’s going on in the h-scenes from the pictures. It’s mostly the same fufufu hora hora gibberish anyway.

            • Anonymous

              I know how you feel.

              Its like this all over the internet be it games, translations, anything, the complainers ruin it for the rest of the fans who dont comment because they are actually playing the game/reading the novel.

              I want you to know im one of those guys who wanted the game fully translated that means it inculdes the h scenes you have my thanks for the ones you gave a translation.

              And i know the constant complaining of impatient idiots and “only story counts” people hurts the will to keep goin, ive seen this in so many places, its like its the norm nowadays to “demand” things.

              Im sorry to see you gone but if it was me i id do that sooner since i dont handle dealing with idiots well,

              i got angry at both the “story is top” and the “h is top” comments, the game needs both to fulfill its purpose, all parts are important.

              Cheers to you Casian, Arzorx and the rest of your team you will be missed.

          • Arzorx

            well then, so be it I will finish my final scenes for this weekend and from now on I will leave all the work to dargoth so that way he can so much time to translate the game and all of you will have to wait for all the translation more time that you expected, it have been a pleasure to translate all part 1 for all you and some part 2 now with 286 scenes left for dargoth I really hope dargoth enjoy it, so for now goodbye to this blog and for the translation of paradox your friend Arzorx.

            • Anonymous

              Damn, I’m really sorry to hear that, though I respect your choice. I usually lurk on here, but I’ve really been enjoying playing through what is translated between you and Dargoth, and was really happy to know that someone was focussing on translating the h-scenes, since I honestly have a hard time enjoying the game without them. Paradox certainly doesn’t have a bad story, and the gameplay’s fun, but picking up new monster girls to see what they have in store for Luka is just as important to the game, imo, so I was super glad to hear your team was helping to facilitate that with your translations alongside Dargoth, especially since I imagine having folks dedicated to translating the h-scenes would be a load off of the dude’s mind since that means he can focus on the story.

              Anyways, like I said, I’m really sorry to hear you’re done translating, though I understand and respect your decision, especially considering some of the comments in this thread. I just wanted to let you know that at least one person appreciates the work you were doing.

            • Anonymous

              I’d like to say that I also appreciate the work your team is doing on the h-scenes. I may not always find them sexy, but that’s because of the content rather than the quality of the translation, and I usually find them interesting regardless.

            • We know there are people who appreciate the work we did, unfortunately their voices were silent most of the time.
              While we are pulling back there will be about 11 more girls fully translated in due time but we’re not going to do all of them, it’s not worth it.
              We’ll be back for part 3 but then it will be just preferential translating. We’ll only do the ones we’re interested in seeing translated and leave the rest to whoever is willing to do them.
              Also our translations aren’t bland it’s TTR’s writing that’s bland, we got pissed when we saw that because like the rest of the people we got sugar coated versions from Rogue in the original trilogy. We mainly tried to stay accurate but fret not I’m sure you’ll get dargoth-fied versions which will make them less bland but you’ll have to wait for that a lot longer than our “cheap” translations.
              With that said we’ll update our repo once more when everything is done and then nothing more will come until part 3 is out.

            • Anonymous

              That’s how it is. The complainers are always the loudest. The majority doesn’t comment because they don’t feel the need to, maybe someone says thanks but that’s rare.

            • Anonymous

              I know how you feel.

              Its like this all over the internet be it games, translations, anything, the complainers ruin it for the rest of the fans who dont comment because they are actually playing the game/reading the novel.

              I want you to know im one of those guys who wanted the game fully translated that means it inculdes the h scenes you have my thanks for the ones you gave a translation.

              And i know the constant complaining of impatient idiots and “only story counts” people hurts the will to keep goin, ive seen this in so many places, its like its the norm nowadays to “demand” things.

              Im sorry to see you gone but if it was me i id do that sooner since i dont handle dealing with idiots well,

              i got angry at both the “story is top” and the “h is top” comments, the game needs both to fulfill its purpose, all parts are important.

              Cheers to you Casian, Arzorx and the rest of your team you will be missed.

              ps: yea i copy pasted my comment because i only realysed i replyed to the wrong comment after hitting the button.

            • Anonymous

              “We know there are people who appreciate the work we did, unfortunately their voices were silent most of the time”

              where were us “silent voices” supposed to be commenting? I check this page every now and then waitig for a new post and I only really bother to deep dive every couple months if there isn’t one.

              1 I didn’t even know you guys were translating until you quit. Once again, a new post would have helped with that visibility.

              2 It feels like noise to just comment “good job guys!” on what’s already an overbloated post. Even if I added it in I feel it wouldn’t really be seen. This isn’t exactly a blog meant for consuming 1000+ comment posts. Literally anything else would have been better

              3. It’s not like this is some AAA release with plenty of forums around. How am I supposed to know where/if there’s a discord or other forum set up around talking about this game?

              I don’t know what to say. Obviously, I’m thankful to everyone who decides to go into this endeavor on one of my favorite ero series, but at the same time I feel powerless and in the dark to the actual progress. All I can see mysef doing is donating to Dargoth and that doesn’t help you guys. I don’t know where, when, or how to properly get my opinion out there and it’s frustrating.

      • Anonymous

        Urgh u kidding right? The scenes are the only good part of original MGQ? MGQ probably has one of the best storylines and songs in visual novel history.Looks like somebody skipped all the story just for scenes…

        • Crom

          Most of the songs are free songs and can therefore be found in many other h-games or visual novels, so no real accomplishment there. The story was surprisingly good for a game of that kind i agree, but if you look closely it is nothing special, especially the lack of actual character interaction, mods like NG+ do a much better job in that regard. The thing is though, that there are literally thousands of non hentai games out there with better stories and gameplay on top, so the only thing that makes the trilogy special are in fact the hentai scenes and i dare to say that the game would not have done as well as it did if it had no sexual content.

          The thing with paradox is that the story is garbage. It is a mindfuck story that is all over the place and uses the old time travel and alternate dimension bullshit excuses to explain everything that makes no sense, which is THE laziest of ways imaginable to tell any story. The gameplay done by rpg maker is as generic as it can get too, with countless other rpg maker games out there that work pretty much the same, so h-scenes are all it has going for it, even more so than the original. That is the reason why i do not understand why that content seems to have the lowest priority.

      • Anonymous

        wtf is even going on here, of course lots of people appreciate the h-scenes translations, commenters here are a small part of the community waiting for the translation. Don’t let a few whiners bring you down, it doesn’t matter which part you translate SOMEONE will be unhappy that it’s not a different part. When part 1 was getting translated and h-scenes were left in favor of the story there were complains that h-scenes are not getting translated. You could translate the whole game by tomorrow and some fucker would probably complain that it was too sudden.

        The other guy who wrote that h-scenes are the only good part didn’t help either, you gotta get some heated reactions to a statement like that. I’m sure most people want both.

    • Anonymous

      There’s significantly more script to translate in Paradox than any part of the original trilogy. Think of it like translating a novella vs translating War and Peace. It’s not a one to one amount of work.

    • DizzyPatron

      Not factoring in the fact that he was delayed multiple times due to Torotoro’s bug patches, its not a short game at all.

    • Anonymous

      He is doing whatever the fuck he wants or needs to. Better question, what are you going to do about it? Cry some more? “Your feelings don’t matter” c. Milo

        • Sans

          ” I will shoot myself in the leg, how does that fell? SHOWED THEM!!!”
          You are so fucking retardet man! Darght is doing it for the people who need the patch, if you don’t need it – he does not care. And he has no profit out of the downloads either, i mean they are people who donate him, but that is volenterely. And you look like someone who just sits on his ass and waits for stuff to happen to them, and complains in the mean time. While doing fucking nothing, while contributing fucking nothing. Even if you are a donator (and i DON’T BELIEVE in that) – so am i, now what?!

        • Bobbob

          This is one of the stupidest thing I have ever read on the internet lol. “I will do something that’s only detrimental to me, yeah that will show these commenters who hurt my feelings.” How do you even function everyday with that pea size brain of yours.

    • dassjennir

      On commits you can see the lastest updates and under downloads you can grab the lastest translations.
      Down here is how to translate the game.

      1. Have a fresh latest version of MGQP 2.

      2. Download the RpgMakerVXAce Translator 0.10c.7z and unzip it preferably in the game folder.

      3. Run the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.GameSelector.exe, give it the path of the game and let it run its course. It will generate a “Script” folder.

      4. Download the latest master file among the branches and unzip its contents into the aforementioned “Script” folder. It should ask for overwriting, do so.

      5. Run the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.Translator.exe and let it run its course. If it encountered problems, you’ve probably messed something up. If it finishes without a hitch, it generates an
      “out” folder. That’s where the translated game resides.

      6. Profit! Enjoy your semi-translation!

      Until there’s a new game version, you’ll be able to update the translation starting from step 4 every time the master branch is updated. If there’s a new game version you’ll have to start over.

  198. Noob

    Hey guys I have asked this question before but I didn’t really get an answer so sorry if I’m repeating myself, but I would greatly appreciated if someone answered it. When I patch manually I noticed a lot of the towns dialogue from part 1 for some reason aren’t translated even though all of them are already translated in the last official patch for part 1. The h-scenes, and parts of the story from part 2 are translated but for some reason a lot of town dialogue from part 1 aren’t. Am i doing something wrong or is that just how it is when you patch manually.

    • Sans

      Some lines where changed, replaced, some files that contain said dialogue where altered – so yeah, they are not translated, coz there where not in p1, or the file is not the same as it was back then, so you have to manually redo all of it. And the main priority is the story, not the small talk, so they gonna fix it once they have time to come back to it.

  199. Crom

    A damn shame if you ask me. I am still of the opinion that the h-scenes are the only good thing about paradox so i understand why you are frustrated that all the sheep with no idea about how bad the story actually is keep asking about it and dismiss the progress you guys made. It is tragic really, because once they all realise that the story is garbage and that the generic rpg maker gameplay gets super boring really fast, with the only motivation being the “gotta catch them all” urge, they will wish for someone to quickly translate all the scenes they have gathered, only it will be far too late by then. Dennis Nedry quote seems fitting here: “I am totally unappreciated in my time”.

      • Crom

        Having a story explain everything a bit more complicated with “duh them time travels and alternate dimensions” is shitty and lazy writing, that is a fact.
        Reusing most of the same characters for a new story, but having them behave slightly different, is shitty and lazy writing, that is a fact.
        Using rpg maker, aka the most generic of all engines most people are damn tired of seeing is quite lazy and also shows that the makers did not really understand what most people liked about their games to begin with. The dislike for rpg maker could be fall in the category of subjectivity i agree with you on that, but it is so widespread already that it can pretty much considered to be the norm.

        Now there is no one blaming you for liking shitty and lazy stuff, maybe your standard is just that much lower, but i can guarentee you that most people who cry and demand the story above the other content now are gonna be pissed once they realise how generic and lazy it actually is. Even worse, their constant nagging about wanting the story they know nothing about translated before anything else is beginning to piss the people off who translate hentai scenes due to them not feeling appreciated, so those people rightfully do not want to do it anymore and the completion of the game as a whole takes even longer in the end. I understand why Arzorx is pissed at this point, i would not want to keep translating the decent stuff while ungrateful people kept demanding the trash on their plate constantly instead.

        • DC123

          While I do agree that the gameplay is pretty bad, then again most RPGMAKER games have trash gameplay, the story isn’t exactly bad. Using the same characters and making them do different things is not lazy writing, it is a shift in perspective. It does not usually yield good results, but I have read a few really good fanfics, like Olivine Romance, and A Hill of Swords, the first which is a fanfic of Pokemon and the second which is a crossover between Fate/Stay Night and Familiar of Zero. They are really good stories that offer different perspectives of the characters. Of course, my known good fanfics are basically in single-digits so obviously it isn’t the best of things, but the story in this game isn’t that bad, since there are different interactions and power-plays between characters, especially since we are likely to have to choose a side in this conflict between monsters and angels or choose a third path.

          I also agree that people should just shut up when other people are doing free stuff for them, since they could always contribute themselves if they care so much. Downplaying other people’s efforts is ridiculous. I felt pretty mad that people keep downplaying Arzorx and Casian’s work.

        • Sans

          Hey man, wanna know a secret? You know why the game did not hit your “high standards”? Coz it was not even fucking trying to. It makes the content it makes, for the people who like it. If generic save the world stories are not your cup of tea then you are about on the same expert level in that field, that i would be in teaching english. If your joke standards are to high to get this one i’ll spell it out for you – i’m not good at that. That means i said you are not good on the whole judging thing.
          If you wanna judge any work you have judge it on the goals it was trying to achieve, and how well it did on that matter. Not on your “high standards”. No one gives a fuck about them, we are not your mom. You can however say that the goals are bullshit in the first place, but then why do you even bother to go check the game out? To bitch about you standards being hurt?
          Why commit to something, that is not in your line of interest? Should i go to a sport-game forum and start lecturing everyone about how shitty sport games are? Coz i think they are dumb, just call your pals and go play soccer, what’s the problem. But that is the thing, i’m not the target audience for games like that, so no one gives a fuck about my “high standards”, and no one is going to build the goals of sport-games around them standards, coz i wont like them anyway. So why bother whit me if they are people who ask for it, and why not concentrate on them? Lets try another angle shall we? I’m the most vanilla bitch porn fan : mandom, consensual(or at least it becomes that in the process), big boobies – that is my cup of tea. So for instance i go to some kink-rape-loli-flatchest fuck up of a porn game, and start complaining. Can you count the fucks given? No you cant. Why? They are out fucks to give of course. All the fuck where given to the respective fans of the game, they don’t have any left for me. They did not even left any for me, why bother?
          The game did a few things very well, the job and race exp system for instance. And i have not found any other games who are even close to that. I mean there is that 1 non-porn game that i assume was the first to use a system like that, but it was not so stretched out like here. The amount of companions is quite big as well. And all of them have unique traits, and some even learn spells that are not bound to job’s or races, which you don’t really see that often. There is a lot to concentrate on, but the one thing you talk about are your high standards. Whit a mindset like that its no wonder you don’t like it. I’m not trying to white wash the game, they are flaws, its not perfect. But i cant agree whit you. Not because you are wrong on every level, but because of you attitude. Your dislike is not a fair judgment of the game. Your high standards are not a fair judgment of the game. You being mama’s special boy – are not a fair judgment of the game. Your subjective dislike is not a fair judgment of the game.
          Yes it has lazy parts, yes it has dull parts, but it has so much more running for it, that people like you totally miss out on. Coz you are being to busy being hot shit, and having all these standards and stuff. Well congratz, everything around you is shit now, coz you are the enlightened… now what? O, i know, maybe you will use that higher wisdom of the superior standards, and make the masterpiece game? ooooo, so the whole standards bullshit is just for complaining, and actually useful. And you are just gonna sit on your ass whit all your standards and complaining how bad everything is, because you are too busy by having standards and searching for flaws, the having preferences and enjoing you time. Waht a bitter way to live, what a bitter way….

    • Nox

      To be fair, a couple of people were spouting that stuff, I find it perplexing how some don’t care about h-scenes in a hentai game…

  200. Anonymous

    To be frank, what makes Monster Girl Quest (the original as well as paradox) unique is the balance between story, gameplay, and adult content. Each aspect is as important as the others and without that balance it doesn’t work. Also the variety of tastes it caters to; for each scene one cannot stand there is another scene that same person would find very appealing. Thank you to all involved for the continued efforts. I’ve seen a little bit on Youtube how methodical one must be to slog through translating RPGMaker games. Major kudos to Dargoth and Rogue there for the significant progress made even with the delays. I hope Arzorx and Casian can forgive the couple of “elitists” on the forums (although even I wouldn’t forget it), your efforts ARE appreciated, and needed.

  201. Anonymous

    The story of MGQ Paradox is fun. It doesn’t need to be anything more than that anyway. It just adds a ton of flavor to the game. It could’ve been just like any other hentai game, but this one goes above and beyond by having a grand story.

    And that’s pretty neat in my book.

    Now that said, yea the smutt is easily the bread and butter of these games.

    • Anonymous

      Actually, for me, the story is a chunk worse than the original MGQ. But most of that comes from the fact that the whole travelling stuff with Alice/Illias doesn’t feel as good as it did in the original. How should I call it? Not as intimate? In MGQ the bantering of Alice and Luca was a big part of why I liked the story so much, it made what happened to Alice matter to me. But the same can’t be said for Paradox. I honestly don’t feel as invested in Paradox, I don’t feel as intimately connected to Alice/Illias here as I did to Alice in MGQ.

      • Sair Velrend

        A step down, sure, but I think this works better for the game we’re playing. We’re meant to be travelling with far more people this time around, so if Alice was as good as she was in the original, she would overshadow the people we’re supposed to be meeting in this game. Unfortunately, that also means the other characters can’t do too much to stand out unless they are incredibly plot-relevant like prometheus or hilde. They had to spread the writing out over more characters; bigger piece of bread, same amount of butter (to steal a phrase from ZP).

        That being said, I do think there was probably a bit more that could have been done with the kid alice/illias personalities that kind of fell to the wayside here. But hey, I like being able to recruit my favorites from the first game enough, that I am totally willing to give that a pass.

        • I haven’t played the original, so I can’t compare it to that, but I really enjoy Illias in this game. It’s just interesting to see her react to this world that’s been without her (well, this world’s version of her) influence for only about 30 years and just how well most of the humans and monsters get along. It’s also pretty funny to what she says get frequently undercut 😛

      • Anonymous

        I agree, the original feels more intimate and focused because you don’t have a big party, it’s just Luka and Alice and their relationship for the most part, even important characters you only meet every now and then and interact, it’s sort of Luka and Alice vs everyone else, even with allies. In Paradox you don’t really see that relationship much, if at all. We’ll see in part 3, if it reconnects with the original timeline or what.
        I still really like Paradox but it wouldn’t stand on its own for me, IMO the story works well but only as an addon to the original story, you see how the world changed, how characters are in different situations, some smaller details of the world, interactions between characters that never meet in the original.

        • sans

          Its just a “what if” scenario, that gives us the excuse to go fight the ancestors and the angels. Dunno about the rest of the folks, but while playing the original and always hearing about the ancestors i kinda wanted to meet them. And here we are. And i’m perfectly happy whit it, the rest does not matter.
          And yeah the job system just knocks the original out of the park when it comes to gameplay and developing you characters fighting abilities. I wish more games would use systems like this, there is maybe like 1 non-hentai jrpg that is doing it, and it makes me sad =(

  202. The Noble Shade

    I don’t want to throw gas on the fire so to speak, so I’ll say a few things.
    I’ve been waiting patiently for the translation to finish. I know it’s a long and arduous process, and I got time and other games to occupy me while I wait. To avoid spoilers, I’ve looked to only jokes and various flavor text, and I like what’s been done so far.

    I’m also sad to see the Doku Doku team stopping for now. For all the talk of “quickie” translations, they get the job done, are entertaining to read, and contain believable dialogue. My only regret is that I didn’t convey my gratitude sooner.

    So; ArzorX, Casian Valentin; thank you for all the progress, and I will commit to being a proofreader if you come back to translate the H-scenes for Part 3.


    The Story Fags ruined everything. FUCK YOU Story Fags. Dargoth should IP address ban these motherfuckers.


        Did you tell that to yourself when you’re complaining in Discord? NOPE? FUCK YOU FAGGOT. YOU WANT A STORY? YOUR MOM IS A WHORE AND YOUR DAD IS A DOG. NOW THAT’S A GOOD PLOT. FUCKING STORY FAG. GO SUCK A CRAB’S DICK.

        • Sans

          Considering what the MGQP community has become i’m glad Casian and ArzorX quited. About 80% are unthankfull garbage cans that pretend to be humans, so they where pretty much waisting a lot of time for no feedback. It does not matter if they had fun (or didn’t) doing it, its time-consuming work, so of course they need some positive reaction to it, knowing that they not just waisting time (we all have shit to after all). And if you read in to what they are saying – there was not as much positive feedback, as nagging to do the story. So as you can see the problem is in the guys who do like the h-scenes, since they took it as granted, and where not moraly supportive at all. You toxic way of thinking is sickening “O the people who disagree whit me didn’t support my best interest”. I mean duh! Its your fucking job. You are just Like some retardet 3 wave feminist blaming white man for bad reviews of movies like ghostbuster and oceans 8, movies they are not the target audience for, but its somehow still someone at fold, but not the target audience for being shit at supporting them

          And the same goes for Dargoth. In his place i would just wait for p3 final patch and only then start the translation, if even that. He should have learned this lesson while doing p1, and considering the posts and speed of the translation – he did. I mean a menu-item-job translation would be fine, but to do all that work, to redo it when a new patch is out, and most of the feedback is “when translation???!!!111??one111!!” – that a waiste of time.

          • Anonymous

            “Considering what the MGQP community ”

            I think a big problem is that most fans don’t even know a “MGQP community” freakin’ exsists. I had to go 1000 comments deep on a 6 month old wordpress post to hear about some translation drama FFS. How does that fare for normal fags who just grab a pre-patch torrent?


            ^Lmao I found the STORY FAG. Sans, are you fucking retarded? So it’s the H-scene guys fault because you STORY FAGS keep on nagging the H-scene team to do the STORY? So to you it’s like this:

            “Ooops the H-scene team quit. It’s not our fault though, because the h-scene fags didn’t say anything while we story fags keep harassing and nagging the h-scene team to do the story.”

            Sans, you’re officially the STUPID MASCOT of this wordpress blog. That’s the most low I.Q. analysis that I have read in my years of living in and probably the years to come. If you have enough NEURONS in your brain, the moment you see H-Scene Translation Team, you’ll leave them alone. But noooo, you have to keep nagging them to do the story, then BLAME it on US when they quit. What a fucking FAGGOT you are. The ultimate FAGGOT. Can you do me a favor and fucking kill yourself? Now WE’RE SPEAKING like you want us to but you’re complaining about that too. I think you’re mentally retarded and ill and needs to go to a mental institute. Fucking faggot.

            • Anonymous

              top tier copypasta, friend
              I bet dargoth occassionally checks here and laughs at how everyone is losing their shit over simple stuffs like

              and this is why I love freedom of expression, not even being sarcastic.

  204. This is the first time I comment here,after 3 years of patiently observing, I need to get this off my chest. So I’ve played the original trilogy (revisited each scene at least 5 times), and I was happy af when I saw Dargoth working on paradox part 1 (that was 3 years ago). I’ve patiently waited each patch hoping it would be the last. Then finally after 2 long years “Final MGQ Paradox Part 1 Patch” the title of Dargots new patch. I was so happy I didn’t even read the patch note, I just downloaded it and started playing and after few hour I encountered candle girl and the text is in japanese !! And ofcourse I rush to see the patch note and the comments to see wtf is going on. And it seems that Dargoth translated all the story but didn’t see the porn that important IN A PORN GAME. Ok fine you do you just finish the game. Few days later he starts doing paradox part 2 without finishing the most essential factor of part 1 ,the porn. To say the least I was pissed. I didn’t even care that much for a porn game without the porn, I stopped checking the patches but after a few months I came to check whats up with the game and as expected, nothing special ,but after venturing to the comment section, suddenly the light at the end of the tunnel….. DOKUDOKU AMATEUR TRANSLATION TEAM HERE TO SAVE THE GAME and the best part was they just wanted to translate the porn. Words couldn’t describe how happy I was. After a while they finished part 1!! I couldn’t be happier. Then someone from the DokuDoku team said that they are just waiting for Dargoth to merge the scenes with the patch. But Dargoth doesn’t want to make just the patch for part 1 he wants us to merge part 1 and part 2 games and he will make a patch for part 1 and 2 combined . Fine I don’t like it but fine, he’s in charge. IT’S BEEN MORE THAN A HALF YEAR, since the last patch, he could of at least made a complete patch for part 1 to say, hey guys I’am alive and still passionate about the game, only thing is see is, go check the Bitbucket to see the progress hur dur dur. AND THAT’S NOT THE WORST PART The DokuDoku team is giving up because some people who play a porn game for the plot ( It’s like Going to strip clubs for the food or Doing coke for the smell ) complain that THE PLOT IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE PORN IN A PORN GAME, WTF. I can’t believe anyone takes these people who watch porn for the plot seriously. This is clearly not the game for people who don’t care about porn, this is for those who got tired of normal porn,human hentai, etc. this is for those with refined femdom taste who want the next level shit and this game is exactly that. And I hate its progress is slowing down because some nosy people like to complain. I’m really sad and sorry that ArzorX, Casian (and the rest of the translators whose names I forgot, sorry) lost the passion for this game because of people undermining their work and complaints….. For the end I just want to thanke ArzorX, Casian,DokuDoku team for working on the H-scenes and hope you guys will change your minds and come back.

    • Anonymous

      Holy crap, what the hell is wrong with you…are you like dense in the fucking head…you sound like a 5 year old…man what a jackass…

    • sans

      Easy. The format of the rpg maker allows me to play it whit 1 hand, on my bed whit no mouse and keyboard (using a laptop), the game is far better then most of the new jrpg, since they try so hard to be special, that i get bored or annoyed whit them. And you can ask the doku-doku themselfs – Torox2 is bad at writing porn, so my imagination does a better job of filling the blanks in a porn scene if i ever get curios (rare ocasion). They translation may be better, but i checked 1 scene, and did not bother to compare it to the original (alergic to text hookers). And pro tip, next time you like something try not be silent for 3 years, but show you like it. People who not share your interests wont stand for them. Its your job. Stop being a passive dumb-ass a step out for the things you like. And that goes for everyone – things don’t fall from the heavens, nothing is free, effort is everything.

    • Anonymous

      about the only thing i can agree with is how long it’s been since we’ve gotten an official post. i’m not overly concerned about how much progress has been made on either front (take your time, do your thing. the bitbucket method’s fine with me and i can wait (seriously, i’ve put up with yen press’s bullshit, this is nothing)) but considering we’ve passed 1k comments and people are still asking how to do the patch stuff, just goin back over how to do all that and starting a new wall of text from hell would be great. maybe a quick “hello” while you’re at it.

      i think the pool’s just gotten kinda stagnant after all these months in the same post and has begun to eat itself. a few words now and then would go much farther than telling people to “look at how long it’s been since the last master update”…

  205. Anonymous

    I’ll be blunt here as well.

    Dargoth, Sir, You take WAY TO MUCH TIME for translating what is essential PART 1 but with ADDONS!

    When even a simple tool is sufficient to translate the whole game to the degree where you can decipher the text good enogh (if your actualy good enogh to understand that japanese is ment to be read backwards for a proper translation) then i dont see your problem here.

    Ofc. You put in effort in it, yet your as bad with actual translating as the guy/girl who did the original 3 part VN. You change names because you FEEL like it, you change H scene’s text just because YOU feel its better that way.

    Whats worse is that you went for the WRONG TRANSLATED NAME of Alice too!

    Ah well, take your sweet time finishing it, not like that there are things that are FASTER and more EFFICIENT than you are if you happen to know where to look and how to use it.

    • Sair Velrend

      Please try to remember that the people on the other end of the internet are people too. If you are fine with machine translations for your games, it’s easy enough to put those into an RPG maker patch for yourself without resorting to this. There is no reason to specifically attack the people doing work you don’t care for.



      • Arji

        The porn in MGQ is not even good. Some artwork might be good, but the writing is just terrible. It’s near identical with every single monster-girl. Read about 5 different scenes and you’ll have read them all. Even some of the more extreme fetish stuff like vore follows the same pattern, with Luka ending up ENJOYING it.

        Meanwhile MGQ and MGQP has a more detailed story with more plot twist that most AAA RPG’s that’s come out in years. Not to mention the race/job system in Paradox being the most advanced such system I have ever seen in any game using that format.

        Play it for the porn, play it for the story, play it for the gameplay. All ways are right, none is wrong.
        Oh, and if you can’t deal with a free fan-translation taking years to finish for a MASSIVE game, then I suggest you go and try to learn Japanese to play the game that way. This isn’t a Kickstarter or Patreon project. There is no ETA or deadline.
        Dargoth could go out tomorrow and say: “Fuck it, I quit”, and no one would have any actual right to complain about it.

      • sans

        And for free, and in the fame we want, not a the speed you are going, and no days off, and while you do that – we will tell you how shitty your works is.

        Just get the fuck out if you dont like, no one cares what you think.

    • Anonymous

      “if your actualy good enogh to understand that japanese is ment to be read backwards for a proper translation”
      This has got to be a troll.

  206. Anonymous

    How long is paradox part 1? VNDB says more than 50 hours but i’m on step 30 of a walkthrough and theres only 49 steps(finished). But I’m only 5 hours in.

  207. Anonymous

    As one of the people who think story > h-scenes I can only say… how fucking stupid do you have to be to complain that someone translates the h-scenes instead of the story? You know what I thought when I saw that someone was translating the h-scenes? “Great, this time we’re going to have the h-scenes too and Dragoth will have more time to translate the rest of the game”. That’s even assuming the same people can translate the story as well as h-scenes and that they somehow owe you to translate what YOU want and not what they want and feel capable of translating. Just… fucking shameful is what it is.
    Thank you guys for the work you’ve done, lots of us appreciate it. Don’t let idiots on the internet get to you.

    • DC123

      Seriously, of course people can criticize the H-scenes if they want, since everyone has different tastes, but telling someone that their efforts are irrelevant, especially when they are doing it for no compensation, that is just retarded. If they want to criticize, fine, but they could also say they appreciate the work others have put into it. These assholes hide behind their monitors and say whatever they want because there are no consequences for their actions. It is just disgusting, and shows what trash they are hiding inside while in public. If they even go out, since I can see them just hiding in their rooms all day prowling the web to protect their pride by making dumbass comments.

  208. Anon

    So let me get this straight. People were actually complaining that another team was translating the h-scenes? Do they not know that this gives Dargoth and others more time to translate other parts of the game thus making the overall time needed to finish translating the whole game go down drastically? I know people on the internet are stupid but I didn’t know they were that stupid. Not only have you morons driven away a team from finishing the rest of the h-scenes for part 2 but you have also driven them away from helping out when part 3 comes out. Great job people. And for the people that translated the h-scenes, thank you for all you guys have done, despite what some of the dumb asses have said on here, me and the most of the people that play this appreciate what you guys have done.

    • sans

      “And for the people that translated the h-scenes, thank you for all you guys have done, despite what some of the dumb asses have said on here, me and the most of the people that play this appreciate what you guys have done.”
      Nice speech, a bit late thou.

  209. Crom

    Well the guys complaining were mostly hardcore fans of the story, aka people who pretty much play porn games for the story alone, go figure what kind of human being you have to be to have such thoughts. I mean i know all these “i watch 2 hour long hardcore porno movies for the interesting plots” memes but until i ran into these guys here i never would have thought that those people exist outside of memes and jokes. So considering that, it is not at all surprising that these same people would not be able to think more than 1 step ahead. They just saw someone was translating something, and what was translated was not their precious alibi plot, so they kept throwing baby tantrums for months until the translation team said fuck it and decided it had wasted enough time dealing with those bums.

    Totally understandable, even if it is sad that it also fucks over the people who are normal, but the retarded loud minority always has to ruin it for the majority. The good thing is that one of the translators hinted that they might be back for some of the scenes they are interested in from part 3, so thats something. Anyone else should just consider slowly learning japanese. Porn scenes, especially those from torotoro, are not that complex and usually can mostly be understood with a few hundred kanji (takes a few weeks tops) and hiragana + katakana (takes hours, really simple stuff), and some japanese vocabulary knowledge(depends on the person) to make sense of the words you are reading.

    • sans

      So the part that most of the h-scene fans didn’t atleast showing gratitude in a simple “thanx” message had nothing to do whit it? Its the hentai lovers fault honestly, they just took it as granted, as if it is the natural order of things. And when you have a lot of people telling you that you are doing something wrong, and none telling – you are doing something right – that is the result. And whit a work so tediuse and timetaking – go figure why they quit. I did 1 file that is like 5 min of gameplay, and it took me hours. I mean i was doing it wrongly and badly, it could be done twice as fast, but still – thats a lot of work. And when you already exaust yourself whit this much works, and the only ones who speek up are against your work – there you have it.

      And you are not the voice of reason here (i mean it is a valid argument), dont go around telling people what they can and can not like. Even if you are right – you still have no say in it, coz what a person likes is a subjective thing, so flame the story lovers all you want, i does not matter.

      • Crom

        You can call it an error in judgement on my part and many other people i guess. When i first saw people actually complaining about someone translating h-scenes in a hentai game instead of the, in my opinion, trash story, and them even failing to understand that it still speeds up the game translation as a whole, i instantly dismissed these people as retarded wastes of oxygen who no one could or should take seriously. I did not expect the Team to actually listen to clearly retarded people and getting triggered enough over it to stop translating. I am still not mad at them for it, but i also did not think it was necessary to highlight the fact that the majority is not that retarded and therefore is thankful for their work. As i said, clearly a mistake underestimating the effect people, even the mentally retarded ones, have on a teams morale. We will never know if pointing out the obvious would have made much of a difference, because i would totally understand the team stopping translation just to spite the idiots later when Dargoth has to take extra months to translate what they would have translated already at that point.

        I will not pay for this mistake in any case though, for i am already good enough at the japanese language to understand simple things like most hentai scenes and the usual cliché stories of saving the world against evil.

  210. Anonymous

    I’m gonna be blunt about this. The story of Paradox may be fun and enjoyable, but if you’re THAT much of a hardcore fan of it, and think it’s so good that it’s worth pestering people who are translating the game for free, then you are a completing fucking idiot.

    Now the game will take longer to translate, so nice job.

    • sans

      I do like the story more, and i would like doke to help, but i doo agree that is no reason to tell them waht they have to do. They do it for free, no obligations here.

  211. dassjennir

    Wait the team translating the h-scenes quit? Because of harassment?

    Damn i get out for a week and all hell breaks loose…lol

    • dassjennir

      Sometimes i hate how the internet gives voice to people (assholes) who should never have a voice to begin with.

  212. Anonymous

    The vocal minority gets to decide how fast we get our H-Scenes while the patient ones are punished for their ignorance. I can’t help but feel dissapointed at both the fans and the translators for giving in to the pressure so quickly…

    Seeing the translators leave is a real shame and I feel bad for ’em. It sucks when these guys pay more attention to those who are critical rather than the huge chunk of fans rooting for em, I guess its just human nature.

    If you guys set up a patreon or something you would see how many of us dirty fucks would support you and your efforts.

      • Anonymous

        Alot of people including myself express their support for this project. Whether its on here or other places where they could see it. Problem is they dont take those to heart as much as the complaints which is why it is dissapointing.

    • Rye

      Wait part of the translating team quit?

      When did this happen? I was gone for L.A. for about a week and a half and come back to hear this turn of events! Where did it say this?

      If there are any of the former translation team members, come back, please!

      • Rye

        Okay nvm, found the mention.

        It is a sad day to hear the Doku team is quitting. Personally I enjoyed the game for both story AND scenes.

        I don’t know what to say. I was hoping for the like overall 75% mark, then start celebrating on here on a job well done by EVERYONE.

        Seeing this now, it truly hurts me inside to see some arrogant people push away important members of the cast.

      • Rye

        To Doku Team:

        Thank you for everything you’ve done. I know how it’s like when you contribute much of your efforts, but it is not given the respect it deserves or even has a few obnoxious people mock it.

        I would offer you a handshake to wish you luck on future ventures. However, as this is over the internet…. yeah…..

        Again, thank you for all the hard work you’ve put in. I’m sorry to see you guys go like this, but I don’t think there is much I can do here.

        May you live well.

      • sans

        No the doku-doku amtuer team quited, coz people who dont like hentai where asking to help whit the story, and people who do like the h in the game where silent, coz of course someone will translate the thing they for free and whit no feedback.

  213. Rango

    Incredibly sad to see the Doku team quitting, they were doing God’s work. But of course some retarded and self-entitled people have to complain that they are translating the scenes only… Everyone enjoys this game for their own reasons. I didnt complain when Dargoth put out a patch for part 1 and decided to not translate the scenes; so why are you complaining now? They were just working on things that Dargoth wouldn’t translate anyway, creating a more complete experience.
    I hope the Doku team reconsiders their choice, but even if you don’t, I would just like to thank you for the selfless work you were doing. Sad to see you guys quit and that you don’t get the recognition you deserve.

  214. Atomsk

    What kind of next level retards would throw a monkey wrench into an already tedious and arduous project like this? MGQ Paradox is a huge ass game to translate from end to end, no one on the project is getting paid, and now it’s gonna take longer for the entire translation because people are leaving. WHY? Who gives a fuck what they’re working on; IT’S WORK BEING DONE FOR FREE AND IT SPEEDS UP THE ENTIRE WAIT FOR EVERYONE.

    I can’t ask the people who left to come back because lord knows they’ve done more then enough contributing to this project. Just know there are people who support what you’ve done and are immensely grateful for it. See you guys on another game hopefully.

  215. Anonymous

    Ok been looking at the bucket list thing but no idea how far the group is in translating the game and no big update so no idea if im waiting a week or like another 5 months to hear something

    • Sans

      Could be either honestly. I’d lean to the 5 months option thou. Until p3 final patch is out they are just waisting time doing anything honestly, the new game version will render around half of what they did useless, so in thier stad i would just take a long relaxing break, and then doo the whole thing in half a yeahr or so.

  216. Anonymous

    I will simply say this:
    I express my sincere thanks and respect towards all the people who contributed towards the translation efforts (of both porn and story) even though it must have been long and arduous process with no self profit. I am saddened to see them leave but ultimately respect their decision. My only regret was that i did not express my gratitude earlier towards. I hope for the best towards their future endeavors.
    Thank you, ArzorX,DokuDoku team and countless others.May you prosper

    With Regards, 3Z

  217. Arji

    I truly don’t get why people would fight about what is most important in this kind of game. Some will play for story, some for porn. Some think the story is trash, some think the porn is trash, but so what? We’re all here because we love SOMETHING about the same game, so let’s try to get along, and cheer on everyone who is contributing anything to this project.

    I no longer have any interest in the h-scenes of this franchise, I find them all to be too similar to each other, and the writing itself (not the translation, but the original writing) of the h-content to be rather lackluster after a while. HOWEVER I am truly thankful to those that took time out of their days to translate them, you people did amazing work.

  218. dassjennir

    *looks at some of the previous comments…
    I now know why Dargoth doesn’t bother posting in the comments section. Just a bunch of kids crying and trolling.

  219. Anonymous

    Hmm, for some reason, the RPG Translator says, i need to run game selector first, but i have… why does it still say error?

  220. Anonymous

    Man, I come back to check on the translation progress and find a lot of drama and toxicity. Didn’t think I’d find that here of all places. To anyone at all fighting right now, you’re only making it worse on those who are translating. If you aren’t working on the project, then just wait patiently for those WHO ARE working on it and support them throughout their efforts. These translators are doing us all a HUGE favor, regardless of what parts they are translating. I would like to thank Dargoth and all other translators for working on this. I know it’s been slow, but I know that translating porn isn’t exactly the most important thing in your lives. I’ll keep checking back and waiting patiently for the next patch.

  221. nrogara

    I do not mind how long it takes however there needs to be a new blog post as this one is over 6 months old now.

    It wild not matter even if the new blog post said just “Spider crab cake panties” and nothing else just to break the comment bloat here

  222. Anonymous

    So just to change the topic from everyone flaming each other. What would be an ideal team? Or at least what team do you currently use and why? Right now my top 4 are “Luka, Queen Harpy, Hyld, and sphynx

    • Arji

      When it comes to party setup it’s also important what race and job you have them set as, rather than just which characters (in some cases at least), just wondering how you have yours set up.
      I lost my old save a while ago, and since then I’ve just gone with a team of characters I like, rather than trying to get a “good” setup.
      I know you can get some real good use out of dances with a Harpy tough… or was it songs… I can’t remember my old setup anymore.

    • Sans

      In a game like this it does not really matter to be honest. You can carve anything, out of anyone. If its just characters you want to ask – then look for the ones whit broken abilites. And even then you can just grind your way into making it work. I mean i use Barbun. The solo beast race waifumon… and a not so good trait… and she still is kicking ass.

      As for role distribution – the vanilla as party. The phys dps one, the mage, the tank and the support. The tank to res everyone if something should happen, the 2 dps for all kinds of damage, and the support to buff the party so hard that the tank is left whit no job, and you replace him whit another dps. I mean i even have my Alice as a king, but whit a race that allowes the use of dances(maybe songs too, not playing for quite a while now). So she basicly buffs, lives and heals if needet, and in the random as encounters she is just like another dps whit a bit less damage. Healers are not needet as far as i can tell, a mage whit a advanced heal spell can outheal 2x of my party max HP. Dunno how it is for the LOC and such, i just went in there for a couple hunderts floors, grabed a bow for my bunny so that she can keep up whit the rest and left.

      But one verry good character i can recommend is Eva. She has good amount of jobs mastered by the time you find her, so you dont need to grind her up that hard, and she can use a lot of skills coz of her trait. I never use her in battle, but i put all the map skills on her, and use her to buff the party whit cooking skills before a boss-fight. Its basicly a dumster for skills that are “whell that is usefull, but i dont want that on my fighting party”

      • Anonymous

        Thanks for the replies, Yea I guess I’m just looking for the most overpowered Traits and racials. I heard Harpies had a really good dance so I got Queen harpy, also recently heard Cornelia is broken so I’m gonna give her a test.

        • sans

          Black Alice has a broken trait, the horde mobs have a 2x Execution of certain skills, it depends on what you are missing in the current team.

        • Anonymous

          For a “broken” race, try the lamia race, their advanced dancing skills null physical or magical attacks for 4 turns, if you van prevent the enemy from dispelling it, the only thing you need to worry about are attacks that neither physical nor magical

  223. Anonymous

    Woah, great job reaching this comment! Don’t worry, there’s no complains here… This comment is here as a safe haven from all the nasty things you’ve read above!

      • Sans

        People like you are the reason why i want dargoth to change the site, make it into a forum format, and make me the moderator. The guy wanted to cheer everyone up, even you salty ass.
        Not the best way to do it, but it counts in my book, so good job anon1. I need to put a bell on every anon, its getting hard to tell them apart…

  224. Radomir

    wow ppl here are toxic, personally i play mgq for the plot, its porn is just not arousing for me(except alice of course). I’m not gonna complain about the translators priorities because I’m not paying them so they can do whatever they like(pls don’t abandon the project), and actually, why would anyone complain? personally, i hope Dargoth and co already translated part 2(just the script, no patching), so that when part 3 comes they can immediately start translating without leftovers from previous parts.

    • Sans

      I doubt it will work that way. P3 will render a good portion of thier job useless. Not a lot, but still. And if there will some new mechanics, or a new menu (some say there will t4 jobs, dunno if it is confirmed) – taht will mess up even more. But i still would like something new, the 1 thing i am missing right now are traits. If there would be like 2-4 different traits to choose from… at least for Luka – that would make me happy.

    • ArzorX

      I will take the words of the leader of the team Casian

      “Casian Valentin (@casian_valentin)

      July 11, 2018 at 9:46 pm

      We know there are people who appreciate the work we did, unfortunately their voices were silent most of the time.
      While we are pulling back there will be about 11 more girls fully translated in due time but we’re not going to do all of them, it’s not worth it.
      We’ll be back for part 3 but then it will be just preferential translating. We’ll only do the ones we’re interested in seeing translated and leave the rest to whoever is willing to do them.
      Also our translations aren’t bland it’s TTR’s writing that’s bland, we got pissed when we saw that because like the rest of the people we got sugar coated versions from Rogue in the original trilogy. We mainly tried to stay accurate but fret not I’m sure you’ll get dargoth-fied versions which will make them less bland but you’ll have to wait for that a lot longer than our “cheap” translations.
      With that said we’ll update our repo once more when everything is done and then nothing more will come until part 3 is out.”

      In my case, I will continue my support with the repository and helping anyone with any question they have in this blog or in any of the discord servers of mgq that I’m in.

      But regarless the current translation, like the boss, I will leave the translation, my final scenes are completed and being currently review by him I will leave the remaening 286 scenes to dargoth. It was a pleasure to help in the translation of this game. And I know many of you give us support, I really apricieted, but I got to the point that I see my work is worthless. every discord channel I see is just people asking “story”, “story” ,”story” same with the 4chan thread, when I started this project with Casian in january with my Alma scenes, especcially the number 3385, I will never forget this number. I translated the game as a fan of the game of both story and the h-scenes, I still remember the days I translated 8 scenes or 5 scenes per week and then have to test them everytime to prevent errors and then you can wacht it with no problems, but after that only people asking for story and me replaiging to them the progress of the story everyday and well telling them that the h-scenes are being translated too to just get an “who care of the h-scenes” and with comments like this:

      “It’s taking time because one man translates the story while a whole team translate the H-scenes, which are interesting but not as much as the game itself.

      Gotta convince them to help Dargoth first before doing those fap materials.”

      And since I know many won’t believe this words, they will said this just an excuse to trow the towel. I will end with this. I maybe done with the translations for part 2, but don’t worry I will see ya guys in part 3, My darling Alice and Alma Elma (the one who got this job) are waiting for me in part 3 and I will happy to translate her scenes and many others that come in the future.

      So take care all you and wait for the translation of the game and it has been my pleasure to translate all that scenes for all you (even for the ones who don’t care about them) so you will have to wait for the year 2XXX for the complete translation so good luck with that.

      • Anonymous

        Thanks for everything dawg. People like you are the reason this game has gotten so big in the west side of things and definitely the reason why I could even get into the series. I think I speak for a lot of people that the english translation is 99% of the reason why we play these games. If we wanted some generic story-based game with shitty machine translations we’d play games with generic stories using a shitty machine translation.

        Its thanks to you that we’ll get to enjoy the appealing parts of the game, despite what anyone says or thinks. You, Dargoth and all the other translators helped build this community due to your efforts and I hope you never forget that.

      • Anonymous

        I may be just some random anon but seriously thanks you guys for taking the time to translate the scenes. I really wish people could get it through their heads that any translation, especially free translations, are something to be happy about. No one is ever gonna tailor what they do in their free time for some random jerkoff on the internet.

        Sorry that you guys had to deal with the “gimmie story pls” trolls that can’t even be happy with good quality scene translations.

        Thanks again and I wish you guys well hope to see you back for number 3.

  225. I feel like it’s not said often enough, so Thank You Dargoth & Co. for all the previous and upcoming patches that you’ve provided in recent years. It might not look like this right now, but we’re truly grateful for every little work that you’ve put into the monstrosity that is MGQP, thus once again may you be blessed with all Success imaginable. Stay strong fellow Translators!

  226. Kajukin

    Thank you DokuDoku Team and Dargoth.
    You guys let us enjoy this awesome game, I could’t thank you enough!!

    Gambale XD!

  227. Anonymous

    wow, i go away for a few months and i think i see an argument over story vs H being done
    so much to go through so a skimmed it.

    so heres how i feel, easy to forget that yes sooner or later part 3 will come and with it a decent chance that a lot of story translation will break, mayby im wrong, but i think the H is safer to translate for being less likely to break.

    i can understand if X H’s makes you eager to translate first, beyond that i have a preference that they be done in the order that they are encountered in the story. as someone who can not read moonrunes at all, i tend to get stuck when i can not tell where to go, who talk to and when, i think those who can read moonrunes forget that.

    for example, for the minotaur quest, i was unable to enter the ruins as i had no idea that i had to talk to the bar guy and then the minotaur in that order before being able to enter the ruins, i was stuck in this quest until i updated the translation.
    so yes, translate just enough of the story to be able to move on at least, and be able to unlock and see the H translations that i would otherwise be unable to find.

    as for 3rd parties that say that they will translate this and that, and this and that only.
    great, thats this and that less on the plate of the other tranlsaters, even if they work super slow, it only needs to be addressed if everything else is done first.

    of course sooner or later i would like everything to be translated, but until the game is fully released and patched, its understandable to do the safer stuff first then if all that is done everything else for lack of anything else to do while waiting for full release and patches.

  228. Cwhart

    Ok for people criticizing Dargoths speed, he basically has been blowing through an area every 1-2 weeks and is past Gold Fort and is now on Goddard which is a decent leap from where he was at the beginning. IDK if he will keep up this pace but things are moving at a real good once atm

    • sans

      Yeah, people don’t want to think whit thier upper head. Yelling “when taranasolation?!!?1!1!!??!111!!??one11!!!?” is just much easier. For everyone who wants to know the reason of the slow translation – just open 1 map, any 1 map and just try translating it whit google. Once you done you will stop asking, i promise. Or you are braindead, but then you are out of reach anyway.

  229. Karasu

    Wow, really? Bunch of idiots pestering the translators because the story “wasn’t being done?” Hell, I like the story. The story is the reason I got into the games at all. I didn’t stay just for the porn. But now we have people going “Who cares about the H-Scenes?!”

    On a Hentai Visual Novel. What the hell… The other side of the argument is people going off about the story being “shitty, lazy, and an indicator of poor taste”. Well, why are you playing a visual novel then? You don’t like the story and there are far better outlets for the porn. You clearly don’t have any special attachment to the characters because you’re basically going “Fuck the story!”

    Right now, you’re not any better than the side you’re criticizing. Knock it off.

    Instead, express gratitude that we even still have people working on this damn project, you ungrateful sons of bitches.

    Keep up the good work, Dargoth… Sorry that people trying to help out are getting harassed by complete idiots — From BOTH sides of the argument.

  230. Anonymous

    Thank you very much for your hard work
    No matter what the community says, your work on the story and the h-scenes is being appreciated
    Since you are working for free and by your own will, it is your right to set priorities
    Thanks a lot ❤️

  231. Anonymous

    yo quick qs
    but does the bitbucket for dargoths translation cover both the latest translation for both story and sex scenes and if not where can i find the latest translaion for sex scenes

  232. Anonymous

    To the translators: I mostly lurk and patiently wait for updates to the story and the porn scenes. Perhaps it’s my mistake to not profess my happiness when I see more stuff being translated but this is how most people are. While people who are unhappy are a lot more vocal.
    Make no mistake, the story and the porn are all important. The balance may sway in favour of the other for some but for the game to complete, it all has to be translated.

    You are all doing an immense job of doing so and the people who are complaining should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. While only you can decide how to spend your time, I firmly believe your time on this project was valuable. I will remember the work you put into it, and enjoy the game that was made thanks to the contribution of selfless translators.

    Thank you.

  233. sans

    There ya go people! That is the right attitude. It just takes a little thing – a part of the free translators to leave (Casian i am being ironic here, you know i dont mean any disrepect to you), showing everyone that no one owes us anything. And all of a sudden we are a supportive community instead of a s**thole of crybaby’s. Keep it up and maybe Darg will start posting more often then once in 6 months.

  234. Erebos

    What conditions are necessary to activate blocking attacks? Alice sometimes uses King’s Wrath and it seems that this skill is somehow related to King job. Also, Luka could block enemy’s attack or skill (either because of Royal Guard job or Kusanagi).

  235. Anonymous

    Translation team, your hard work is appreciated and most of us don’t mind waiting, but you’re doing yourself a disservice by not maintaining an active blog.

    A progress report costs nothing and would likely energize the fans and motivate the team. It’s your choice, but don’t complain about silence from the fans when you haven’t posted an update since January. We want you to succeed.

  236. Anonymous

    when i see bullshit on the internet i often wonder, is this a troll or an honest idiot?
    should i try to correct or not feed the troll?

  237. Anonymous

    Dargoth is translating a huge game for free. I don’t get how people have the audacity to try and rush him. IMO he should be able to freely play the game on his own time and complete it before he even attempts to translate it. If you can’t wait for a free translation then go learn Japanese in your own free time and stop bothering Dargoth.

  238. WhiteMage

    If I die before this game is translated, I will cockblock each and every one of you damn perverts.

    Also, if you play this game just for the story, I suggest finding something more useful to do.

    • Sans

      The gameplay is fun. Why no one is mentions that? There is like like maybe 1 more decent jrpg whit a level system like this one. They are maybe more, but they aren’t on the same lvl.

  239. Slybilly

    Hey everyone I’ve been. Trying to figure out what jobs are better with each race. Like is the scylla maid better as a maid or succubui as superstars?

    • Anonymous

      you’ve got a lot of freedom between traits, abilities, and the different races. but to try and put it simply, if you were to make a character like Saki, who is a succubus, a superstar when she possesses a trait which permanently grants her access to singing, dancing, and sexcraft skills you’d effectively be creating a redundancy in her skillset. yes, she could use superstar skills to maximize the versatility of her traits, however it’s probably not something that would be ideal for her as a main/final class choice. if you were to max out superstar and then change her to something like pope, she’d still have access to the songs, dances, and sexy stuff she learned from superstar while also gaining access to ruling, white, and holy magic, as well as the magic sword equip. throw in the benefits from making her a succubus witch and she’s also got black magic, summoning, demon arts, and nature and can still use sex toys if you wanted ’em. add on an ability like technical magi and now she’s using dexterity instead of magic to boost her spell damage while still keeping the sex toy on to boost her sex stuff.

      something like that may not be a perfect build for her, but the main point i’m tryin to make is that it’s somewhat important to pay attention to what their traits and races grant when trying to settle on what sort of class or race you want them to end up being if you really wanna get the most of what they can do.

        • Anonymous

          wiki’s got it showing up on Arc Succubus at lev 6, so saki should be golden for it once you’ve progressed far enough into part 2 to get the souls. i just left her at the intermediate level since that’s where he seemed to be at, while the advice on tech magi would be more end game/final build for her.

          speakin of after getting the souls, it’s also available for Noble Yoma (lev 6), Arc Vampire (lev 5), and Flower of Nirvana (lev 5). alice is one of the most prominent characters likely to be in any party she’s available (and/or alicetroemeria), but once you include promestein’s elixir, that also allows humans (most notably Lucia, Selene, king of grangold, sonya, and luca as characters that have/obtain one or more other races but still wouldn’t get tech magi without becoming a vampire. this would also include sara, giving her access to it from all possible races but plants) and land dwellers that become yoma (granted, none of them really stand out on their own, so they’re pretty easy to overlook)

          • Anonymous

            Must have missed that but good points. I had already beat part 2 now I’m just doing more experimentation. Trying to figure out better Mag and Dex builds.

            Land dwellers that become yoma…yea that would be easy to overlook. Granted its just easier to pick angels, dragons, apoptosis, harpy most of the time.

    • Sans

      I had Rami as a battle master whit her black magic boost trait, and she was ripping extra holes in everyone =)
      You can pretty much make anything work, but the thing you should pay attention to is the equip you use (it influences the stats the most, so that is a the best thing to start whit). Found some cool dex weapon for your character? Neet. Now switch her race and job to something that plays well off that dex.
      The race is easy, if it is not Alice then its pretty much clear what race would fit the build you play of, since they mostly go in different pairs (for instance angel gets High angel -kinda balnce build-, Cupid -Agi\dex- and Valkyrie -attack-).
      Now the jobs. Since you can keep the skills you get from other jobs, the main thing in a job are the passive skills that come from just having it (Like battle master gives you crit, dual wield and all that tasty dps stuff just by having it active as your job, but does not have all that much skill slots – so yeah, sorry BM).
      And then you wanna watch what skills you have at your dispousal whit the chosen race\job and think for your self if you are loosing out on something that would be crucial for your build.
      I’m sorry i cant tell you “set these characters whit them jobs and races”, but that is the thing, they are a lot of characters and you can make all of them broken in different ways. But follow my and anons advice and you should not go too wrong on it, since 90% of the process is covered by us, and the 10% left are your preferences.
      P.S. Or just be crazy like i am and max nearly every job and just try all of them =)

      • Slybilly

        Thanks so it’s more important to match the weapons with the class rather then worry about what race is better for the job?

        • Anonymous

          I’d argue this is very subjective I’ll post 2 example builds and hopefully this will create more debate. I’ve finished the game but I’m going through it again to experiment.

          E.g. 1 Riot –
          lvl 29 | battlemaster 9 | dragonkin 10

          Atk 519 | Mag 123 | agi 517 | def 332 | wil 223 |dex 228 |crit 63%

          ox lord
          magical claws
          black hood
          general armor

          Warrior | Magician |Thief |Spiritualist |Swordsman |Power Fighter | Overpowering fist | Paladin | Black Mage | Ninja | King | Martial Artist | Priest | Gadabout * | Noble | Temple knight * | Savage Warrior | Magus fist | Battle Master * | Time Mage * |Necromancer *

          Beast | Lunatic Beast | Minotaur| Dragonkin |Sea Dragon |Dragon| Speed beast |centaur | wyvern| lowly apoptosis *

          * means not mastered.

          Now it states based on her trait that beast skills dish an extra 30% damage, well beast skills work best with fangs, and fangs are attack only…

          So I will equip claws. Why?? because claws add ATK + AGI and I can take advantage of the all the martial arts skills, but the advantage of having beast skills is bestial howl.

          Also to note are status resists…because riot is a dragon + apoptosis + beast you have a few options on how to build her. There is the skill resist all status effects which will reduce the effects all status effects and then make her a dragonkin which gives her access to breath skills.

          but drawbacks is the low mag, but I’ve never had success with mag based builds.

          But will give an example fight vs Ranael.
          ranael statline

          hp 180000 | atk 451 | mag407 | agi432 | dex 448 | wil 456 | def 395
          weak vs lighting/pleasure/dark

          most attacks are 7000-8000k damage after weakening dance…hmm find that odd. Will post next character on next post.

        • Anonymous

          Now compare that to this build
          E.g. 2 Mina –
          lvl 43 | battlemaster 10 | centaur 10

          Atk 742 | Mag 73 | agi 226 | def 344 | wil 165 |dex 140 |crit 76%

          Heavy Minotaur Axe
          Heavy Minotaur Axe
          Oni helm
          Buddha Gi

          Warrior | Martial Artist |Noble |Power Fighter | Overpowering fist | King | Noble | Savage Warrior |Battle Master

          Beast | Lunatic Beast | Minotaur| Speed beast |centaur

          * means not mastered.

          Now it states based on her trait that axe skills dish an extra 30% damage, and deals increased damage with axe skills based on HP.

          Ok so it is clear cut Mina is getting Axe’s. Mainly because of the high crit rate, and because axe skills ignore defense, and because of stacking. Which I wasn’t able to get too much with riot.

          reckless mask: increase atk by 50%
          Axe booster: 15% damage
          beserker: increase atk by 50%
          Axe damage:increase damage 30% when using axes

          With Mina she is a beast, so pleasure will be the problem, and because axes are the emphasis the drawback is low agi.

          An example fight vs Ranael.
          ranael statline

          hp 180000 | atk 451 | mag407 | agi432 | dex 448 | wil 456 | def 395
          weak vs lighting/pleasure/dark

          1st attack 163k | violent axe
          axe skill 488k couldn’t tell which one it was.
          counter 62k

          Well what is the comparison? They are both battlemasters…and they are both beast types.

          well you want to read between the lines here…
          even though both are beast characters and both are battlemaster both are fullfilling different roles. High Agility allows Riot to move first and create buffs. Mina is all about tanking attacks and dishing damage. Could I split the difference and add agility to make her go sooner? Maybe…but that probably lowers attack damage.

          Also I feel riot is never gonna generate the same atk damage as Mina, most riot ever did was 25k, which works but come on… when getting like 163k/300k damage. It’s a no brainer.

          But I digress, I bet by part 3 Mina will be obsolete, most likely made useless by Granberia, Carol, part 3 angels, and part 3 apoptosis.

          I’d say it’s a mix of knowing the character’s strength and weakness, masking the weakness and maximizing what they are good at.

          Also I’m terrible at building dex/mag characters.

          • Slybilly

            I get what you are saying I was just hoping to dumb it down a little (because I’m lazy) any idea on how the class passives and the ability passives you set interact?

            • Anonymous

              Class passives are abilities that get added to base stats when selected. When you change jobs/races you get different passives.

              Ability passives are abilities you can add via slots in the ability tab. These also get added to the characters base stats. Ability passives are learned while you have the class selected. Once you learn an ability passive you always keep it. A minor drawback is how many skill slots are available and that varies depending on the class. How do you learn a lot of abilities? You grind a lot of enemies and master a bunch of different classes.

              So with a character like Riot, a race class she has is apoptosis.

              passive: Res Fire/Ice/Lighting 75%. Resist almost all status.

              While apoptosis class is picked most if not all status effects are Null and most other elements are resisted. If I changed to another class like Minotaur, I lose all that. Now let’s say Riot learns an ability passive like Resist all status effects. I can equip that and that never goes away, unless you don’t have enough slots to equip it. Same applies to job classes as well.

              Equips and skills are also affected by this as well. Do note you might pick up accessories/equipment which carry their own passives.

              Hope that helps.

  240. Anonymous

    So how much of the story of part 2 is translated? I just reached it and immediately noticed that name translation in the “summery of Act 1” scene was gone. Just wanted to know how far I could get before it all starts changing back to Japanese.

  241. Anonymous

    Finally sat down and bought the game, got all the translations, etc. Just wanted to shout some thanks to those who worked on this. There’s definitely that part of me that wishes everything was translated, but there’s definitely a lot of content to enjoy.

  242. Gag180

    Something that’s been bugging me for a while, when a skills damage uses the ^ symbol. ie. 500% ^ of Mag,Dex. I’m assuming its saying “to the power of” but if that’s the case i feel like it should be doing a lot more damage than it does… How exactly is the maths working here and how is it combining the Mag and Dex? Sorry if the answer should be obvious

    • Colt

      No, it means “the higher of”. So 500% Mag, Dex will use either the Mag or Dex stat depending on which is higher.

      • Gag180

        Had a feeling it might have been something like that if it wasn’t to the power of. Thanks for the reply, clears up a lot confusion

  243. Anonymous

    the translating method for part 1 was much simpler , too complicated for part 2 tried it a 100 times never works

    • ArzorX

      It works well, you only need to read step by step and copy the correct files and you will see everything works fine.

      • Anonymous

        my good friend , i tried many things : i bought the game , followed the instructions, every time there was an error that the game selector could not find the game , after some digging , i found out that the program put in that post was not compatible with the current version , and for some reason i could not open the bit bucket , acquired a VPN and managed to open the bit bucket and downloaded everything in there , followed the steps yesterday but i encountered many problems :
        there was no ( read me ) i had the activate the selector manually and close it manually , then i opened the translator and manually put the script file inside it , a (out) folder was created , and i copied the save files from part 1 , and followed the instructions to copy over the graphic and pictures from part1 to inside the (out folder ) , and despite all this it remained in Japanese , so if you can read this in details please tell me what i did wrong and i would be thankful .

        • ArzorX

          1. Have a fresh latest version of MGQP 2.23.

          Dargoth files

          Doku Doku Team (No one cares about h-scenes anyways)

          2. Download the RpgMakerVXAce Translator 0.10c.7z and unzip it preferably in the game folder.

          3. Run the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.GameSelector.exe, give it the path of the game and let it run its course. It will generate a “Script” folder.

          4. Download the latest master file among the branches and unzip its contents into the aforementioned “Script” folder. It should ask for overwriting, do so.

          5. Run the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.Translator.exe and let it run its course. If it encountered problems, you’ve probably messed something up. If it finishes without a hitch, it generates an “out” folder. That’s where the translated game resides.

          6. Profit! Enjoy your semi-translation!

          I will repeat the first part the flies only works in 2.23, 2) after the game selector creates the script folder, you will copy all dargoth files into that folder and then run the translator.

          try with this steps and if doesn’t work call me right away.

          • Anonymous

            okay first off all ty very much it worked , but i have question , i grand noah castle it iseem the game is not translated yet or am i wrong ?

            • Caiga

              The game is translated up to Grangold at this time. So if you don’t have any translations in Grand Noah, you probably missed some files to copy over or something.

          • Anonymous

            So, after I ran RpgMakerVXAce Translator it keeps saying that it don’t support files above 2 gb size. What am I doing wrong?

        • Anonymous

          Eh what you selected the game it generates a lot of things in a Script folder, download the translation from the bitbucket and overwrite everything in that folder (if you ain’t overwritin then shit be wrong). Afterwards run translate which will generate an out folder. run the game from there

          If that is too much try this

          though that requires decrypting Game.rgss3a, moving whats extracted back into the game, then overwriting those files

  244. Okay… I’m literally confused. I try to run the gameselector.exe program, it asks me for a directory. So when I put in that directory, it said that I have Illegal characters in the path. I have no idea what am I doing wrong.

    • Anonymous

      I would say you have some characters in your game path the gameselector can’t read

      Can you show it here?

    • Gag180

      If you haven’t done so already, make sure there aren’t any Japanese characters in any of the folders in the directory. If not Japanese characters then they might appear as rectangles instead so get rid of them too

  245. Gag180

    Does anyone know where you can farm Shining Feathers? Do any enemies other than bosses drop them? I had a small amount of them but I’ve no idea where I picked them up then I wasted them making Shining Deflectors thinking I’d get more. Now I don’t have any for the Enrikan Beirun.
    The wiki says they are a LoC item, but it also says the same thing for some other items I was able to get from a Part 2 enemy so I’m hoping it’s the same case here and that the wiki is just outdated

    • Anonymous

      Sirens drop it and you can steal material from them. You can also get it from Former Queen Harpy as dropped item.

      • Gag180

        Thanks for that, I’ve been wracking my brain looking for a source for ages. Siren’s sound like a good one, already beat the Cirque du Croix so I’m out of luck there.

  246. Anonymous

    I am having a problem with translating the game. I have the 2017-07-23 version of the RPGVXAce Translator. When I use the GameSelector, the program cannot process CommonEvents.rvdata2 and says that the file/directory cannot be created. I have version 2.23 of the game and have redownloaded it several times but it always gets stuck here. Any possible solutions?

    • Atomsk

      Trying to avoid spoilers, is that far? What percentage would you say that part of that game is translated at?

        • ArzorX

          where is my anon with the correct % of the story and for the h-scenes have a 60-70% (no one cares for them so let’s move on) so let’s wait for my anon expert in the story progress.

          oh and the talk scripts and the milk scripts are translated.

          • Anonymous

            I think you are talking about me. You sound a bit sarcastic, might be wrong tho. A copy of my old comment “50% of all text I’d say. Story is about 30% done 95% of items and skills, 80~% of sex scenes. Played the partial translation just now and that how its feels.” Tho looks like story progressed a bit. 35-40~% on the story atm?

            • ArzorX

              that’s my man good to see you man and there you go now you have the current % of the translation.

            • ArzorX

              and not sarcastic man remember we have a deal you will tell the correct % of the translation.

  247. Anonymous

    Hello good people, i have a question in the LoC the shiro usagi say something about UP (points…?) and are supposed to exchange these points for items that she offers but i do not know hay to get those points so… someone could explain this to me pls ._.

    • Caiga

      1) This translation calls her White Rabbit
      2) She shows up in many different places in the Labyrinth. Looking at the wiki, I can’t figure out where you actually are, so unless you have some more details, I am going to have to assume that you’re in one of the special rooms that looks like an alternate version of Mitra Castle. In that case, she would probably be talking about the Rare Points that you get for killing monsters and going deep into the labyrinth.

      That being said, I can read Japanese to an extent, so if you had a link to a screenshot or something, that would help me out.

      • Anonymous

        just when you beat a floor boss she is in front of three chests on the right, she is supposed to offer you items in exchange for a few points, but I do not know how to get those points, they are not the rare points :/

  248. sans

    Okay its my turn to be the lazy a-hole. Are the optional battles for the trophies at the colosseum translated? I mean like the ones that are not main story, the ones that you have to get a specific team composition? It just my internet at work is lagging like hell, it takes like 20 min to open and load a page, so it makes “digging” quite hard =(

      • sans

        That sucks, i’m just waiting for the “Toooooooournament arc” to get translated =\ (well that is the options, i don’t think there is a lot to translate text-wise)

        • Anonymous

          If it’s any consolation I was looking just now at the pull requests in the bitbucket repository and it looks like Grand Noah has been mostly translated, which seems(from a quick ctrl-F search) to include the coliseum match related lines.

          So while it’s not in the main patch currently, we may not be waiting long.

          • Sans

            Okay i need Gigguk here, i cant pull that long “tournament arc” he usally does.
            Kinda weird thou, i was thinking they would go main-story first. I mean i gues you would have to get in to it, to even make the distinction between story and side stuff, and that is like 30% work right there, so they are doing it while they are at it… Translating is weird… lots of stuff… lots of letters.

  249. Anonymous

    Alicetromeira sucks in this game. She is the worst character of the game. (I wonder if this will reach the discord people.)

    • Sans

      Doesn’t she have like the double cast of dark magic, or some bullshit trait like that? And yeah, aside from Illias there are no good characters here. I mean i get you, Illias is a shit-bag, but she has at least SOME character. Like paradox Alice so far was just boring.

        • sans

          well try to remove something else from the equation, maybe the one guy who does not get it. Maybe then it will start making sense =)

            • sans

              that’s even a more fucked up situation. Having too much, and still getting it, where someone normal does not – that’s a sad view on things. I mean i don’t support the HYPE around her, but i see where it comes from.

    • Hentai-san

      Feels like u are just a noob here who havent got decent LoC Gear, cause my Alicetromeria deal 2m damage 3 times at the start of the battle…

      • Sans

        Now to be fair LoC isnt all that much represinting of your game skill. You just surf it for good gear and seeds. It shows how grindy you are, but that is that. I mean i like myself some chalange, but when the phys reflection starts happening – it is starting to get on my nerves. Swap out the phys chars, put in the mage chars, yadayadayada, and it goes just on and on and on, and there is no end to it ( i mean unless your phys chars can deal heavy magic damage, but that is overgring). I mean it starts to get boring, and the only thing going for it is “now how far can i go?”.
        But i will play the shit out of LoC in p3, since i doo think that the once we have now are not the final version, so why bother whit them for longer then i have fun doing so.

    • Atomsk

      I was curious about this as well so I’ll tell you what’s happening so far.

      “50% of all text I’d say. Story is about 30% done 95% of items and skills, 80~% of sex scenes. Played the partial translation just now and that how its feels.” Tho looks like story progressed a bit. 35-40~% on the story atm?”

      The story is apparently up to Grangold Camp, whatever that means, and from what I can piece together I’m guessing maybe a rough %40 estimate of the entirety of Part 2.

    • ArzorX

      the link to the discord server is in the first comments or if you have discord send me a pm my nickname is the same Arzorx.

  250. Menthols

    Random question, if I have part 2 already installed, is it still possible to start a NG+ after finishing Part 1? I’m asking because now that Part 1 has been pretty much fully translated, scenes and all, I would like to replay it at this point, but Part 2 still has a lot of work so I want to wait on playing it.

    I guess it’s not that big of a deal, I could just start a completely new game, but I would like to be able to keep some of my progress if possible. If we can start a NG+ after Part 1 is finished, how exactly do you do it?

    • Anonymous

      Yes, it’s possible. You just need to start a NG+ in part 1 of paradox, save there, and move over the save file to the patched version of part 2.

      • Menthols

        I see what you’re saying, so I would need the original Part 1 game before it was converted to part 2. I should have asked this the first time but how do you start a NG+ in part 1, I could never figure out how to so I gave up. Is there a certain NPC you have to talk to so it triggers?

  251. Kajukin

    NG+…whats that ^^´?
    Cause through the game you cant start new. I tried it cause i was on the last translated area in part 2 (in the moment the entrance of the Canalisation).

    • Menthols

      He’s saying you need the original Part 1 game(before it was combined and converted into Part 2) to be able to start NG+. If you are already in translated areas of part 2 then you cannot do it because you are playing part 2 and using the combined game files, so the option to start a NG at the end of Part 1 isn’t possible.

  252. Anonymous

    Thank you @ArzorX for uploading the Queen scenes!!! I was hoping those would get translated, especially the Ant and Bee Queen scenes. I like the insect scenes

  253. Nightmare054

    for those who keep complaining, please stop it
    if you can complain about how slow is the translation, why don’t you help them then?
    because all of those comments about “i only care about the story” and so on, doku doku team stopped working on h-scene
    it means it will takes time longer to get this game to be fully translated

    sorry for my bad english grammar

    • Anonymous 2.0

      I feel like it’s more the fact that the author isn’t giving any sign of life that people believe the translation is going slow. Considering that it’s made by fan, I really don’t think it’s going slow.

      Considering the huge amount of H-scene in Paradox 1, and probably more in 2, it is logical to do the H-scene first.

      A simple post such as: “the translation is going smoothly, we did half or more of the total H-scene.” would go a long way to shut up the criticism.

        • Anonymous 2.0

          That’s true, but many don’t do that much.

          I know I didn’t before June so I though the project was going slow (which it isn’t) or was simply dead ><

          • Sazaju

            I would suggest something, in order to significantly reduce repetitions.

            – Dargoth add a new post telling the translation is continuously advancing
            – Mention in the post that questions about current advancement or expected termination won’t be answered, and they have to do with what is given below
            – Add a link to a file providing the information regularly asked
            – Edit regularly the data (e.g. 1/week, 1/month), including the date of last update so people know it is recent

            The data may contain: how to install, until where it is translated, approximate %, etc. I would recommend to create a file on the master branch of the repository, so everything is centralised, and Dargoth as well as someone else can manage it. This way, if at some point someone notices that it has not been updated since a while, he can take the initiative to do it. If at some point, some other relevant data tend to be asked regularly, it can be added to this file without changing the post here.

  254. Slybilly

    ArzorX love the fact that you guys translated a few more scenes. Even though most people don’t say it, I at least am very grateful you guys uploaded all the scenes you translated.

    Hope to still see you around for a long time even if you just pop up in the chat and discord.

    • ArzorX

      don’t worry, I will whatever I got time since I start to work one month ago, I check the blog from time to time and the 4chan thread too in my free times, I work in the scenes of the girls I want to see like mephisto snake form that I upload yesterday in my repository and some fixes in alma’s scene (my queen is perfect, she won’t have errors in her scene) but I will always there to help everyone with the manual patching method or any question they have of the game I will replaid here in the blog or in the discord I’m always glad to help.

  255. Anonymous

    Welp, I don’t know guys, but i personally preffer that he/she do first the history and format thing before the h-scenes, cuz this game is good af and play it seriously does not have nothing to loss

  256. Sans

    main theme of part2 is out was “how do i translate the game via manual patching”.
    main theme here is “is the translation dead\is there an progress”
    What is going to be the main theme of the next post? Waifu wars? I’d rather have waifu wars, then all of this BS.

    • Anonymous

      Ilias is more adorable than Alice, the Little Bandits have more character then the Heavenly Knights, Black Alice needs a chibi version, and a blender with glued on googly eyes along with a wide smile beats any of the Apoptosis. Raise your flag proud like Zion, let’s have ourselves a waifu war!

    • Anonymous

      Delphinus is best artist! Hey translators listen pls translate ONLY story / hentai / skills / casino mimigames / . We could also dig up the good ol’ “part 3 ruined EVERYTHING!!1!!!1” and apply it to paradox part 3 in advance.
      The possibilities really are endless, can’t wait for the next season of Dargoth Translations comment section.

      • Anonymous

        Part 3 better have that 1000+ h-scenes else there gonna be riots, the marketing was at least 2 per girl of a cast of over 500. Good luck DokuDoku Amateur Translation Team!

    • Anonymous

      mine would be “custom scenes when?”. so many characters have been left with such basic rehashed scenes that they’ve turned RR into something more vanilla than everyone’s favorite little vampire bandit. it would truly be a shame if this medium prevented people from adding more without compatibility issues based on the way scenes get merged into the scripts.

  257. wildhawk

    Ok gonna asking but not sure if anyone has said but i tired looking on the main stie of parodox to see if i could get any idea when part 3 is released no idea anyone know if they have said or still no details on the third part yet?

    • ArzorX

      next year toro toro resistance said so in april the only thing we have of part 3 is the preview of part 3 that you can watch in Hades and that’s all, toro toro is focusing right now in his new game (thanks to that game, we didn’t get part 3).

      • Arjisaj

        Is that what’s been posted on Toro Toro’s blog lately? What even is that about, if someone knows? It looks like a game about putting small weird monster things on your dick. Not monster GIRLS, more like monster-items… Anyone got a clue?

        • Anonymous

          Looks like complete crap to me tbh. It must be SOMEONE’S fetish or they wouldn’t be making it but for a group that built their brand on monster girls content it’s kinda weird. Oh well.
          I think it’s one of those “games” that only have a couple CG sets, 2-3 dialogue choices, and no gameplay, so it can’t take that much time to make.

  258. Anonymous

    Is there a way to merge the translation from the original trilogy with Paradox? None of the original monster’s h-scenes are translated.

    • Caiga

      The scenes are not identical to the original H-scenes (apart from most of the CG) so the amount of effort needed to keep them accurate would make that plan not work out too well even if it were easy to do.

    • ArzorX

      there is a way to do it (I know how to do it since I was in charge of the translations of the vn scenes), but like caiga says there are some new lines that are not present in the original scenes that needs to be translated, but other than that is easy work if you know how to do it.

  259. Neripheral

    Hello, may anyone tell me if the Discord channel is still up? I followed the link from one off the first comments but it isn’t working.

  260. Doctrinus

    Why doesn’t anyone post anything anymore in this blog?(don’t you dare say comments) shouldn’t dargoth or anyone just post something, or ANYTHING at all, just a simple hello would be nice, ANYTHING to prevent this massive amount of comments from increasing. (I know that the translation is still progressing even though there are no posts)

  261. Kajukin

    *cheer* Translation Team *cheer* Dargoth *cheer*
    We didnt see something for a longer time but our mind and hope is still by you guys!
    Awesome work…could say that often enough.

  262. Anonymous

    I loathe to be “that guy”, but progress seems slower than usual. The updates on Bitbucket, when they do arrive, are quite smaller than expected.
    I do hope this means that there are larger updates incoming and not a sign of actual progress made.

    • sans

      would you go beast-mode on doing something, knowing there will be a p3 soon, that will put everything you made pretty much useless?

      • Anonymous

        Not suggesting that they go all-out, just an observation or opinion based on the pace of updates. But if that’s their decision, I can fully respect that.

      • Anonymous

        It’s just being over dramatic about the amount of wasted overhead involved with updating a translation project in real time given how Torotoro rolls… When part 3 comes out a few things will change (revisions, redactions, new content, bugs, etc..) so if there were any typos with part 2 they might need to be reviewed if they were not caught by the translation team on the original pass, certain scenes might have been altered for what ever reason (sometimes Torotoro puts in placeholder concepts and massively altered them later and if you translate any of those then Ba-WOOSH!), of course new content which would mean databases and what not need reviewed again, sometimes translation errors occur if a scene if vague and the intent of a line isn’t fully understood until later, along with any bugs that need corrected. It’s just somethings to consider why some translation teams choose to wait for the game to be complete before they even start working on it so lots of these hassles are not a concern. However if people are that concerned about how long the translation takes perhaps they could start their own translation group and do it faster since some competition couldn’t hurt and getting their hands dirty might help them develop some humility…

  263. Anonymous

    Don’t know if anyone will see it, but just wanted to say that there’s a mistake in the translation for the strategic meeting at the start of Part 2.

    With Alice, for the choice concerning the seraphs and the lilith sisters,

    “We don’t whether the remaining…” should be “We don’t know whether the remaining…:”

  264. hi guys. i got the old version of the game (2.11) from igg and it already patched , i wondering if it’s possible to install the newest patch to the game. if so how do i do it , i never done it before. what do i do after downloaded the “RpgMakerVXAce Translator 0.10c.7z” and the “master” file. (sry for my bad english)

    • sans

      Do you mean the new translated stuff to the 2.11? I dont think that is going to work. Or do you want to update your game to 2.20whatever version is out now and then patch it? In the later case you just use the gameselector and show it where you game is. It will unpack the game files into .txt’s, then you replace those .txt’s whit the ones that where in the master files (since those are already translated… a bit…), if i remember correctly they are all in the “script” folder… or maybe “scriptS”… so you can just copy that folder from the master files, and replace the one your gameselector made whit it, all the other stuff is irrelevant, its just that folder you have to change, since all text is there. And once that is done you run the translator or whatever .exe file and it will pack the files back in to a format that the game can read. The translator even makes a whole folder called “out” the whole game is there, so you dont need your moonrunes version anymore, you can just play the game from the “out” folder. The 2 things you have to watch out for is ; 1) simple structure. No bullshit symbols and japanese runes and shit like that in the game path. 2) pay attention what you are unpacking and where, so that you gameselector or translator does not put the files in some c:program files, and you cant find it. Or for instance it puts them into a folder that already has some shit in it, and then you have a clusterfuck of files, and can’t make head’s o tail’s from it. So pay attention where those will put the files, and at best – make some “folder 1” and “folder 2” and tell the programm to put the files in there, so that you know for sure where is what.

    • Also how do i carry over the save file from 2.11 do i just need to copy the “Save” file over to the newer one . where can i buy the game and do need to re-download the whole game after an update.

      • Sans

        The translation scripts are for the combined p2 and p1. (you just put the p1 pictures to the p2 pictures and ta-da, no polymerization card, or other B.S. required)
        I dont know about the saves, people where complaining about them, but if it does work, then yes, you have the right idea of how to do it.
        And about buying the game… well its none of my bussiness, but i would wait the extra half-a-yeahr-or-so and buy p3. I was thinking the same thing about p2, but the translation was not as fast, as i needet to buy the game, since 20+ bucks.. thats like my “me money” for a month =) And p3 will be the final product, so there is no going oround on buying that.

        • By pictures you means the “graphics” file ? if so how can i copy over to p2 if there is no p1 pictures, do i need to buy p1? .
          The game is pretty expensive for me too, but i already play the og MGQ game a long time ago for free and jesus it is good so thought i would show them a little bit of support with this version 🙂 and i might donate a little bit for you guys sometime in the future cuz i really like what you doing here.

          • sans

            Yeah, you would need a p1 game. Or you could try finding just the picture folder. And yeah it is JUST the picture folder, not the entire graphics.
            And that “you guys” below my comment makes me think that you think i have something to do whit the project. IN CASE it is so – i don’t, i’m just the foren guy whit bad grammar and silly jokes.

            • sans

              That is more or less what i am planning on doing, by then p3 should be done, and patched once or twice. I will however buy only p3 and just download the pictures. Sorry ToroX2, the game is good, but its not a 60$+ project for a country whit around a 150$~ paychek. Who knows, maybe i’l go to Germany or something a a guest-arebeiter, ten i’ll buy all 3 parts like nothing.

            • Sans

              Yea, that is a bit of a thing. Spending 60$ on some doom game when you have like 2k buks as a pay, and doing the same when ou have almoust 20 times less – makes a diffirence. I’d like the prices to be scaled for the countries differently, but that would open options for some sleezy actions as whell.

  265. Nightmare054

    for those who keep complaining, just stop it
    better you supporting them or help them
    your complain can make them(who currently translating this game)drop the project
    unless you can translate it on your own and faster than them, just stop complaining and keep supporting them
    if you are unsatisfied with how fast they translate, just help them translating then

    even if i’m not the translater, those complain comment really piss me of
    no wonder doku doku team drop these project

    • Anonymous

      for those who translating this game, keep up the good work
      just do it with your own pace, don’t listen to those who keep complaining
      there is no use in it

        • Sans

          It just looks like the same anon wrote 2 different comment pretending to be 2 different people xD I mean no hate bruh, just poking a bit of you guys for not even writtting some nickname like “anon 1” “anon 2”. Or “i eat ass 1″ i eat ass 2” i mean just so we can tell you guys appart =)

    • Anonymous

      No one drops a project because of a couple of complaints on an internet blog. Any dropped project is due to other underlying reasons. Overall lack of support or interest for instance.

      • ArzorX

        Well then I invite you to translate the h-scenes of this freaking game and no recieved praise or thanks for your efforts, just to only hear everyone said that they don’t care for the h-scenes, so be my guest to waste time translating something no one cares about and tell if that doesn’t desmoralize you.

        • ArzorX

          good thing after today I’m done with this game. I will only help when I feel like to help in the translations, so dargoth take more years to translated this game so you the story fans have to wait the year 20XX for the complete translation of the game.

          • Anonymous 2.0

            Mini ilias used puppy eyes:

            But that’s so cruel =(

            Anyway, thanks for the hard work till now even if you decide to stop. I know that having some of the H-scene translated is definitly something I’m awaiting for.

            Though, the story was quite good in part 1, you can hardly blame those guys for wanting to know more.

            And if you drop this project, then I will have to learn Japanese faster^^.

        • Anonymous

          Ok I sympathize for you guys, but I also have to call bullshit on this. I was on the Discord at the time. I saw people praise you. I praised you. If you wanna say you were hurt by people bitchin at you, that’s fine. We’re all human and we don’t like to be harassed. But don’t act like nobody was appreciative of what you were doing.

          • ArzorX

            Ik there are a lot of people that praise my efforts for a reason, I still look this blog and offer my help to teach how manual patch the game or answer questions about the game. If I were really piss off, I will not bother to offered my help with anything, but my position stays you all will have to wait more the complete translation of the game because dargoth is sure taking his time. (and who are you exactly, I don’t reconize anons I only reconize user names from the discord server, so tell me your user and maybe I will remember who are you)
            and you really think I’m only in dargoth server, I’m in 4 servers of mgq and in the other 3 they don’t care nothing about other things the only want they story, and just check the 4chan thread about what they want, but I won’t denied there a few that care for our work, If you praise I’m very grateful for your support but no more translations from me so cya in part 3.

      • Anonymous

        While I agree that there had to be other reasons too, it could very well be the thing that pushes someone over the edge. I think the majority didn’t say anything/didn’t even know it happened (I think it was on discord? Dunno, I’ve read about it here after ArzorX had already said he’s done) and the bad comments will always stick out more, it’s just the way it is. Imagine you do it for free for the love of the game and the one guy who bothered to give you feedback is some fuck complaining you’re translating the wrong thing.

  266. sans

    Guys i finally get it. I Know why i’m into this game. I wonder what took me so long thou. ITS THE PASSIVE’s CARl! THE PASSIVE’s!
    I mean think about it, remember the last few jRPG or RPG games you played. Porngames non-porngames – it does not matter. What do you get when you lvl your char? Some f**ng bul**it thunderbolt spell? Does my char look like Pikachu to you gamedev? Does that sick 67 mag. thunderbolt gonna kick more ass then my 400+ auto-attack? Its a phys attacker, why in the name of the GOD of tits and wine would i want that on him?! Why do i need a fireball lvl 213617461278 on my mage? And all the previous ones still in the book? Just give me spell boost 30% and im fine. I completed the quest of collecting rare materials like the fether from the ass of the where-owl-tiger from the desert oasis, and what does the npc teach me a reward? the 26-th freaking sword skill in a row. I does not even do all that much more damage then the rest of them.
    I think that is it. Passives, perks, traits, permastat increase items. We need more of that in any RPG game. Not too much, but a lot of games are lacking these entierly.

    • Ikr for me it’s both the mechanics of the game and the story . All the jobs the skills ,how the game dev build the world and the NPCs interaction make me feel likes this crazy world truely exist somehow. That’s why i need english patch for this game because it not just any normal H-game that i can just mindlessly playthrough and get the H-scene. I want to experience the world and the story. That’s also why i very grateful to the dargoth team for translate this game for free, i don’t mind the process is slow i understand that you don’t get paid for this so you can’t do it really fast and you got many things to do. Btw i do read alot of the H-scene of the character i like.

    • sans

      Story? Oh you mean the stuff in between grinding, yeah it peeked my interest as well. I also like to know the exact reason why am i finding this specific speciment of the monster-kind (Althou if you ask me – they are more like MonsterMEAN then MonsterKIND)

    • Outy Banjo

      Yeah, a new, slightly-better ability really doesn’t do much for an ability menu, full of obsolete, lesser abilities. I like cumulative gains to existing abilities. As to the grinding though, after hundreds of hours, I took some time to rethink my life, and decided to just cheat. Grind making real life money or something–Don’t grind games. You’ll thank yourself in 5 years.

    • sans

      You dont need to be defeated to come, or get raped. Its not uncommon for these to be the same number, but they can be different

  267. Anonymous

    Having just finished the story and most of the content in part 2, I wanted to take a moment to deeply thank everyone working on the translation. While unfinished, it was more than easy enough to use translator tools to pick up what was left of the game.
    So happy I’ve had the chance to play through this, looking forward to the release of part 3.

    • sans

      Pochi? Is that the dogo-girl? Man is she broken early game. 500+ speed if auto attack, chance to stun whit auto attack, 33% chance of using “dig” and getting a random item.

  268. Anonymous

    So I’m at the postgame of part 2 and I didn’t recruit the Sea Horse (Tatsuko) or Sea Slug (Stacy) during the Navy scene, Have I missed them forever now? Or is there any way I can still get get them to join?

    • Anonymous

      If they didn’t join, that means you sided with the pirates and recruited the captain and her first mate. You have to start a NG+ and side with the Navy to get Tatsuko and Stacy. They’ll join automatically if you do. All characters aside from Alice/Illias, Sonya, and Lime (those 3 have to be re-recruited) carry over, so you’ll be able to have both this way. Same with stuff like Lily and Lucia or Natasha and Succubus Mayor (Natasha only joins if you side with Lily that playthrough and Succubus Mayor only joins if you side with Lucia).

    • sans

      Rly? No i mean rly nigga? Why don’t you grow a pair and join “the watch”? OR you dont join “the watch” and go cry somewhere else.

  269. Jack

    Hello, I have a question is their a tutorial on how to accomplish adding this patch to the game if so i would greatly appreciate some instruction for i am no a smart man.

    • Nope, work is still being done on the bitbucket fairly often, which people can use to manual patch. Dargoth just hasn’t made a new post/comment or made a formal patch in forever.

    • Gag180

      It seems when enemies are affected by sexual status effects they attack Luka even if he’s in reserve. Don’t know if other male party members get attacked in the same way though. Same goes for if allies are affected by sexual statuses, they seem to focus on Luka.

    • sans

      coz he’s a little winy bitch. Grow a pair and go fuck them monster girls back, why am i even training you on all these battle-fuckers? We have to send Luka for some special training whit Klurus and the Protag of the ROBF series, the the game will more fun for me. And then we send him to the “Temple of Drax:, where he will learn the magic of making all life on planet virgins, until he decides to change that status.

    • sans

      Not till the end, not till the end my friend. I cant remember honestly, past goldport if i’m not f**king up the name of the city.

  270. Anonymous

    Im seriously thinking in learn japanese only to help with this thing.

    Im fucking seriously thinking on do it.

    ( i just don’t have the willpower )

    • sans

      Everyone does, and everyone does not have the willpower. I currently am writing down links to all sorts of portals that have some material, that would help learn the language of moonrunes. I just cant find any time for it, coz i’m busy moding Gothic 2, and moding without knowing any of the coding languages – that’s a ride let me tell ya.

      • ありすのるか

        As someone who has been learning japanese for years, let me tell you: by the time you learn enough for it to be of any use, Part 3 will be out, and likely almost complete. Kanji is a pain, and you’ll need to know it to make any headway. It’ll take you about 3-5 years to get the bare minimum you’d need to start trying to translate.

        • Anonymous 2.0

          I thought only Hiragana and Katakana were important.

          Well, I’m still in the process of learning Hiragana.
          Damn =(

          • Anonymous

            With just Hiragana and Katakana you’ll be able to read some words phonetically (and potentially guess the meaning of the ones loaned from English) or navigate simple game menus/websites with stuff like はい / いいえ but that’s about it. There is no way around Kanji.

            • Sazaju

              Although it is generally true (there is no magic), you may have some facilities depending on your situation. If your only familiarity with Japanese is this game and your kanas, then I totally agree: it takes time to learn from scratch. However, if you already have a good ear practice, like looking at subtitled anime since years, you do have a solid base to exploit. What you need then is to transfer your “ear” experience to your “reading” experience.

              In particular, you can use PC dictionaries like JWPce or online dictionaries like to type the words that you heard (in romaji or kana) and find out the various ways to write them in kanjis. It gives you a basis to build your (kanji) vocabulary from anime. In parallel, by using the sentences extracted from the game (available in Dargoth’s repository), you have plenty of words and sentences in kanjis to put in these dictionaries for you to learn what they mean. At the beginning it may be hard to find where the words start or end, but after some trials and errors you may quickly learn how to split the sentences. Additionally, you can also practice kanjis themselves on free apps for smartphones/tablets. There is plenty, but few are really efficient. I would recommend Kanji Tree.

              After some practice, you should quickly learn how the sentences are built and how to split them in words by yourself, even without knowing the words yet (looking at kanjis & kanas). After that, it is a matter of time and willpower to grow your vocabulary and learn. Depending on your involvement, after some weeks you may be able to do some decent translations, although it would take time for you to do them (time to search everything in the dictionaries). After some months you should have acquired a good amount of the most common words of the game, so you can do it faster. The speed may drop significantly if you go to another game (or something else), but then it grows again quickly. After translating different stuff you can get good basic translation skills.

            • sans

              To add to what Sazaju said : i learned 2 languages in the way he describes it (watch shows in the respective language). Well moonrunes-speak is a lot more difficult then german and english. But in school i was studying german and i was like 10 miles ahead of my peers. Even when contest where hold i got into top 5 just like that, and i never read a single book or rule or went to a tutor (and when its the country-finals everyone had a expensive tutor). So you can imagine how much of a advantage that is. + you aren’t really studying, the learning is more or less subconscious, so its not that mentally straining. And once you get a good feel for the language the rules and stuff start to make sense to you on a logical level.

        • Anonymous

          Can confirm. If you’re an average dude determined to learn japanese, don’t start it because you want to read/translate something within a few years that isn’t kindergarten level. I’d say only go for it if you’re ok with your goals being maybe 6 to 10+ years away.

          Been learning since 2012 at a somewhat casual pace, but a highly persistent attitude to not skip days. Where has that taken me? For example, I could start playing now and likely get the gist of the story without having to look up kanji very often. I won’t. Why? Reading extreme amounts of text to get anywhere will still be a bit too slow and painful for my taste and I’d prefer to fully understand the story of rare gems such as this. If an H-scene stands out on the other hand, I can expect to get through it without too much effort (let’s face it, those aren’t known for difficult language). Finally there are the various automated messages you might find in battles and whatnot. I don’t even want to know how many more years it will take before I can keep up with those given how speedy they tend to be… At least they usually get translated fast.

    • Anonymous

      I feel you dude. I actually started learning japanese. I can read Hiraganas and Katakanas and I know like 100 kanjis so far… and it took me a few months of learning on my free time.
      As things are going, I honestly think it will take me a year or two before I can translate stuff in a “not too crappy” way.

      To be honest, I’m lucky to have a french youtuber (Julien Fontanier) doing very good lessons of japanese and it’s very interesting to see how logical is the language and all. The biggest hardsdhip so far is the learning of kanjis. But when you’re translating, you can write every kanji meaning on the side to understand the sentence so in the end I guess it will be ok, I guess ?


    • ありすのるか

      You applied the patch incorrectly. Text displays normally, but translated, when applied correctly. Also, the UI is fully translated in the manual patch.
      Did you download the newest translator from dargoth’s repo, and overwrite the scripts subdirectory with the latest version of the translation? I remember I got a similar issue as you when I was first trying to translate, but the problem was that I was copying everything into the directory of the translator, not the scripts directory.

  271. Anonymous

    so is there going to be a new post any time soon? its been a while since the last one and this comments section is getting reeeeeaaaaaalllly long.

  272. ArzorX

    to the guy that was waiting for kappa scenes today is the today, I have upload her scene but forget about urscylla, the translator is gone, well enjoy your scene and have a great day cya guys later.

  273. Outy Banjo

    MGQP pt.1 Release Date to Last Patch by Dargoth:
    03-14-2015 – 06-22-2017 – 2 Years, 3 months

    MGQP pt.2 Release Date to Present Date:
    06-23-2017 – 09-18-2018 – 1 Years, 3 months

    pt.1 Also had a head start with the demo.

    Looks like we’re in for more time yet!

  274. Gyboo

    Is there any progress going on?:) I found out that story translation ends in Grangold (or am I doing something wrong maybe?) and I would really like to understand the story before moving on in the game…
    Also… Is paypal donation button still working? I donated a little last saturday and on my account I still see the transaction as “unaccounted for” which usually means noone on the other side is accepting it….
    Any info for me?:)

  275. Anonymous

    Not sure if my first post worked so attempting a second – The link to the discord doesn’t work anymore, could we get a new one posted here? And if not, how ought i go about being added to it? Id rather avoid harassing ArzorX with DM’s over discord if possible.

  276. Kirashi

    One questions guys: since the most recent available translation script is dated from 17 January 2018, does it mean that all the progress that followed are not available yet?

    • Gyboo

      Hey mate! I was little confused from the bitbucket interface first too.
      You will find the latest version of translation here: Downloads, tab Branches and the one named “master” is the latest version. Download zip, replace files made by RpgMakerVXAce Translator (you know this part i guess;)). Also good way to watch progress is probably the Commits page (same page left menu), where you can see when translators make any changes to any of the files. And when you see message new about “Merge branch ‘master'” it usually means you can get next version of translůation;)
      Hope it helped!

  277. Rye

    Just want to say thank you to everyone on the translation crew. Game is looking great so far. Cannot wait to see it 100% translated.

  278. Jeiber Miguel

    Oh, translators, i will make an altar for every single one of you, this translation seems to be a good one like the other before.

    All my good wishes.

  279. Max

    Probably being an idiot asking this, but I keep reading about ArzoX’s work on the H-scene translations, are these included now in Dargoth’s repository or not? Only asking because after checking the link it seems ArzoX’s repository has gone down, and I can barely even use Bitbucket, let alone figure out if the files are together or not…. If they aren’t, is anybody able to include a working link? Thanks for any help!

    • Sans

      well you are not an idiot for asking this, coz dargoth cheks the scenes, and then he adds some, and some he does not add to the main game… and the doku-doku have thier seperate files, but not all (if any) where includet in dargoths patch, so its a bit… complex from a side-view perspective…
      I mean you can do what i do – go annoy the hell out of Casian on discord, and get the scenes you want that way, or you can wait till AzorX gives a reply. OR go annoy Azor on discord, most of the oldscool people moved to discord, and there are more poeople to talk to and get a fast reply, i just dont like the fast moving text, so i stick around more in here.

    • ArzorX

      not all of them only some scenes, my alma scenes, the four spirits scenes and some of the scenes of part 1, there a lot of scenes that hasn’t uploaded into dargoth repository, if you want to all the scenes you need to download the files from the doku doku repository or the other repository I have for the trasnlations of the moster girl quest paradox server, the recent update (and maybe the last of the team) is from one week ago with kappa scenes the files in the repository have all the scenes translated so far, all the maid, milk scripts and the talk scripts completed translated.

      • Is there an actual given reason why the the scenes from doku doku aren’t in the dargoth bitbucket yet? It sounds like a quite a bit of the in battle stuff is translated along with a decent number of scenes. Does dargoth just not have the time to check/add them or something?

  280. Law24

    I bet a lot of people asked this. But how does one use the translator?
    I got the Download repository, MGQ-EventsReorderingTool.jar, Monster Girl Quest VN, RpgMakerVXAce Translator 0.10c.7z and the game of course

    Now im here scratching my head on what to do. Google was no help.
    Anyone got a link to a guide?

    • ArzorX

      How To Manual Patch MGQ PARADOX PART 2.

      1. Have a fresh latest version of MGQP 2.23

      2. Download the RpgMakerVXAce Translator 0.10c.7z and unzip it preferably in the game folder.

      3. Run the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.GameSelector.exe, give it the path of the game and let it run its course. It will generate a “Script” folder.

      4. Download the latest master file among the branches and unzip its contents into the aforementioned “Script” folder. It should ask for overwriting, do so.

      5. Run the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.Translator.exe and let it run its course. If it encountered problems, you’ve probably messed something up. If it finishes without a hitch, it generates an
      “out” folder. That’s where the translated game resides.

      6. Profit! Enjoy your semi-translation!

      Until there’s a new game version, you’ll be able to update the translation starting from step 4 every time the master branch is updated. If there’s a new game version you’ll have to start over.(edited)
      don’t worry I will ask him or work in that lines with gemini I will come up with something.

      (how many times I have to post this in the blog).

  281. Anonymous

    It’s fun to see how they update the bitbucket, i don’t know very well how that codes and program thing works but it’s good seeing they are doing well (?)

  282. Anonymous

    I feel like this might be a noob question, but.. Why does it take so long to translate? I don’t mean anything bad by saying this and I wish I could help, however I can’t read or speak japanese 🙁

    Shouldn’t it only take a few months to translate, like you read the lines and translate them and that’s all? Or is the process a lot more grueling than that? I understand how this is a labor of love and people have their own life if that’s the reason. Sorry for my ignorance.

    • Because translation isn’t a one to one thing, especially in languages as different as English and Japanese. In essence, they’re translating intent more than words, so it requires some writing skills and an effort in remembering to be consistent in your choices as well. Also, they’re not doing this full time, they’re doing it in their free time. It’s nowhere near as fast as someone paid to spend their entire day translating, and the sheer amount of text in this game makes it take that much longer.

      • Anonymous

        Ahhh I thought so, I did not know about the English to Japanese was more complex than that. Thanks for the clarification 🙂

        • Sans

          Did you play p2 already? I mean i’m gonna tell you anyway. So there is a village in the start of p2, where we encounter one of the neo-serphims (ghnosis if memory serves me). So if you played it, you will remeber that its like 2 min of gameplay. So using google translate, and rewritting the scenes to my taste took me around 3 hours. 3 hours of work = 2 min of game. And the games take 10ish hours to finish (or like 1-2 if you ng+ it). 20-30ish hours if you read the text and stuff. Now there is a lot off whit theese numbers : i was doing it poorly, i was not effecient in using the .txt file and stuff, and not all gameplay is reading new text, but i think you should get a give-or-take estimate on what it takes. Now remember, the man does it when he has leisure time and the mood for it. Remember ALL THAT FREE TIME WHEN YOU GET BACK FROM WORK AT 8 PM AND NO ONE DID THE COOKING, THE CAT BROKE SOMETHING, THE SHOWER IS NOT WORKING AGAIN, THE FUCKING DOG DIED, AND THE STUPID NEIGHBOUR START TRYIN TO HAVE A CONVERSATION WHIT YOU, AS IF YOU CARE ABOUT THAT VEGTABLE OF A HUMAN BEING. Yea its that time he does this shit. And all of that for our humble gratitude that sounds like “uh wehre is the translation”, “uhh man you are so slow, stop it”, “uh you lazy ass, cant you do it faster?11??1!!??11!one!11!?”. BTW, people here are soft so to say, so dont take this to heart, i’m not mad whit you here, just summing up 95% of the “fan” base.
          I love you Dargoth & Co. May hentai God bless your souls, and take your spirits to the land whit just 1 language – the language of momusu.

          • Anonymous

            Damn that long for 2 min of gameplay! I’m up to Grandeur in p2 atm because I thought the translation was at that point so far. I totally understand you though. And yeah I tried my best to not sound like the guys that get mad over it not being finished since it’s a labor of love from you guys. I was just curious to see how the inner workings go about for the translation. To me personally, I don’t mind how long it takes since I find the anticipation fun. 🙂 I had no clue for the amount of effort that goes into that! Hats off to everyone that’s worked on it.

            • sans

              I mean, as i said – i was no where near as efficient whit it as dargoth-san, or even AzorX, since it was just a one-shot-try for me. But there is only that much you can cut from it, make it not 3 hours, make it like 40 min+-, and then redoing it, coz something is gonna bug out half the game at some point. Still a lot of work thou.

        • Anonymous

          Just to add what Sans wrote: I’ve done some translation (I don’t know Japanese and English isn’t even my first language so I can’t really help with Paradox more than anyone with google translate) and it’s takes A LOT of time to produce something ok-ish, re-reading, re-writing, corrections and producing something that actually reads like it was written in the target language and making sure the punctuation and shit are in order takes even longer. Oh, and I’ve been doing it for money, so I was motivated to do it. The standard is a little lower for a fan translation of a hentai RPG but just looking at the sheer volume of text in Paradox… damn. Even getting to the ok-ish status would be MONTHS of work for one person (work as in a job that you do for a living), and Dargoth and the rest of the guys are doing it for free in their spare time. Frankly, I’m impressed as fuck they have the motivation to do it at all. Good luck, you crazy people.

          • ArzorX

            same as you anon, english isn’t my first languague. I’m an spanish user with some knowloague of japanase and an very advance knowlogue of english. I studied english since I was a child and yeah, like you say, it takes a lot of time.

            • Atomsk

              I’m curious because it’s been said time and time again that we’d throw money if it meant churning out the translation more quickly but in your experience is throwing money around impactful? If there was enough cash thrown around to support a team of translators full time until the game was finished would you take part in it?

              I mean it’s been batting around my skull for a while now but even if that was something on the table is that even worth it to you or the majority of translators you know? Grace me with your insight please.

            • Sans

              Well the best way for this to go is having 1 man who is going to be some sort of manager, and who will pick projects and plan production, so that the poor translator dont die from hunger, coz they dont have any work, or they do a non-popular game, that is not making any money. As long as you can promise the man(or woman… man why dont chiks doo h-game translations, that be awesome… i gues) that he will constatly have work and money – yeah, there would people fine whit theese terms. In any other way we would be having the same as here – someone doing it on thier free time, coz they wanna eat and they want that new BMW, and the few $ donated arent covering theese types of bills.
              And that is if the game-creator does not have a beef whit a payed translation. I mean look at ROBF, in plan of hentai it blows MGQ and MGQP out of the park whit ease. But a lot of people never heard of it at all coz there is only a p1 translation, and boy does it take time to find it. And p3 translation – you have to be in a certain community to even know who to ask for it.

            • sans

              Go read the comment section again, if there would be a patreon – people would eat them alive on the “when game done?!!!11!!one1!!”. The worst part is – considering the games D&co does, they would even like the eaten alive part =\

            • Anonymous

              Several problems with Patreon:
              – Dargoth wouldn’t magically have more time and now people would have a good reason to expect deadlines
              – But let’s even say you get enough $ to focus only on the translation. Do you quit your job? What do you do when the translation is over? “Hey boss now after 10 months of translating MGQ: Paradox part 5: Violent Hora Inferno for donations, I can just come back on Monday right?”
              – Torotoro is fine with the fan translation, but would he be fine with it if Dargoth was making money from it? What if the Patreon was getting more $ than they got from game sales? This is a potential giant shitshow.

              And btw there are people doing h-games translation on Patreon, =Together= is one group, but the games they’ve done are like 1/100 of Pardox’s text. One of their translation is now officially on the DLsite. So it is technically possible, but afaik Dargoth said he wouldn’t/can’t do it, and I can see why.

  283. Anonymous

    Hi I’ve been missing a lot from this game. As a returner i can say last time i played it was a partial translation of part 1. I heard part 2 is here. My question is, how am i supposed to use that “bitbucket” thingy you guys here mention alot and provide me a link please. Also, what is the latest version of paradox, where to buy it? Thanks in advance mates 🙂

    • Law24

      Quote ArzorX

      September 25, 2018 at 2:25 am

      How To Manual Patch MGQ PARADOX PART 2.

      1. Have a fresh latest version of MGQP 2.23

      2. Download the RpgMakerVXAce Translator 0.10c.7z and unzip it preferably in the game folder.

      3. Run the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.GameSelector.exe, give it the path of the game and let it run its course. It will generate a “Script” folder.

      4. Download the latest master file among the branches and unzip its contents into the aforementioned “Script” folder. It should ask for overwriting, do so. (the download repository)

      5. Run the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.Translator.exe and let it run its course. If it encountered problems, you’ve probably messed something up. If it finishes without a hitch, it generates an
      “out” folder. That’s where the translated game resides.

      6. Profit! Enjoy your semi-translation!

      Until there’s a new game version, you’ll be able to update the translation starting from step 4 every time the master branch is updated. If there’s a new game version you’ll have to start over.(edited)
      don’t worry I will ask him or work in that lines with gemini I will come up with something.

      (how many times I have to post this in the blog).

      • Anonymous

        Ok i got the game and did those 3 steps, but when I’ve got to those “Branches” i found master file, but i have literally 0 ideas how am i supposed to download this. I spent more time trying step 4 than buying game and doing all other stuff… If anyone can help it would be amazing. Idk how to use bitbucket.

        • Sans

          just press the “zip” at very right of the row of “master 2.20”. if you dont see one – that means you opened the wrong “branches”, since there are once in the main colum – those are useless for you.
          Okay, its hard to explain simple stuff, but here i go : use dargoth’s link in the very top of the post, it will send you to downloads , now click “branches”, not the ones in the very left menu, but the ones above the 4 row table. once clicked you will see a table whit more rows, t there at the very right, in the same row as “master 2.20” press the “zip” and you should be fine.

  284. Anonymous

    How can i see the new Sonya scene? All I get is an error. What are the steps to get the scene? I remeber you have to get stuff first but I dont know where to start.

      • Crom

        Probably because she is drawn by Xelvy, the worst artist the series has ever had by far. That guy can turn everything into a twisted and deranged looking mess, even the one average girl among countless monster girls. And don’t get me started on the chaos and tartarus crap, i am 90% sure this element was invented so that they could take most of their artwork from this guy and spare some expenses.

        • Anonymous

          Delphinus is far worse. Xelvy’s style is actually really cool, just maybe not what I want from h-scenes, but the battle cut-ins and generic poses are good. Delphinus does the same thing Xelvy does, just poorly.

          • I like Delphinius’s stuff, tbh. His character’s have some pseudo depth to them, looking almost like they’re made of clay, that just looks neat. Granted, I don’t think his style is very “attractive”, but I find it visually interesting. Xelvy and UN_DO probably have my favorite style, though. Just love the way they shade, especially Xelvy. My least favorite would probably be the artists who tend to do a lot of very samey looking characters, like whoever did the BFs.

          • Crom

            Delphinus is ok, not exactly top compared to some of the others but not too bad either. I think most of the artists range from decent to really good, there are only 2 i dislike.

            I dislike Thomas because he is too lazy to make actual CG’s for the scenes so he just edits in a small window instead. The only exception he made were for the Chimeras and those scenes made me understand why he usually avoids doing it.

            The other one is, as i mentioned, Xelvy. It isn’t even about how disgusting and unwatchable i think most of the fetish stuff is that he is doing, the series always had a huge range of fetishes so it’s clear you could not like all of it, it is the fact that he even makes basic things unwatchable. Having important characters like Sonya or the arc angels drawn by a guy who manages to turn a basic blowjob scene into a boner killer is a huge waste of potential in my opinion. Also the sheer number of girls that are drawn by him means that a significant part of the new roster is a turn off by default for me, both in terms of design and the way that guy makes them look in the scenes. I would not complain about it if they kept him for a handful of girls like in the original trilogy, but it feels like that guys creations are everywhere in paradox.

            • Anonymous

              Yeah, I gotta admit giving Sonya to Xelvy was very unfortunate. They couldn’t find a better artist for the apopstis or the weird mecha-monsters from the original part 3 though.

            • Max

              Tbh, Xelvy was given just about all of the Apoptosis, it would be extremely off if he wasn’t given Sonya as well. They are all meant to be otherworldly and out of place, none of them are meant to be canon existences. Giving them to Xelvy’s strange art is in terms of story probably the best move to make.

              It does sadly come at the cost that his brand of art is rather off-putting and the loss of a central character to it, but in terms of plot thematic’s in how the Apoptosis are all warped, unnatural entities it actually fits pretty well.

      • Sans

        Uuuuu i know that one, i know that one. If the game runs correctly than that means – she has a job that does not doo cooking skils. And i if that is so, then i know what you are thinking “but she has a trait that allows that kind of stuff”. Yes, but for the trait to work you need to equip a abillity whit the same name. And i know the random move part of the abillity sucks, but that is why you keep eva in the back row cooking before battles, having map-effect skills and drop skills equiped and just looking pretty.

    • Anonymous

      I would say he’s good artist but his style can make people not in this fetish uncomfortable. The drawing quality is good but it’s still disgusting (in my personnal taste) to look as most of them.
      On my end, I’m pretty fond of Shiki’s style (the 3 succubi, evil Tamamo, etc..) I love the eyes !

    • Sans

      the tning whit art is – you can draw some blood splatters and sell it for billions. Art is weird…. so maybee he is cool. I mean there is no concrete way to judge that kind of stuff. Like for instance this is a h-game, the goal of the game is to get your dick hard, and his art does a bad work at it – therefor we can rate him as bad. But then agagin – was his goal to get our dick hard? Mabee his job was draw something so bad – the other stuff looks good, Or it was “hey guys, them gals are MONSTERgirls, so some of them are more MONSTER than GIRL”. I still a have some leftover dread (dred?… i dont know the spelling… you guys are smart, you’ll get me anyway) in my heart from the flash-back in admin tower, where the kids where killed of by apopstis, traped in a room and no one left to protect them. So there is a lot more then just fap material going on in the game.

      • The admin tower was a place where the game kinda hit me in the feels (especially if you have crome with you). And i understand that the game wants to make sure that some monster girls are actually monsters. Some people still get off on the art that xelvys makes. I will not and can not judge.

        Giving sonya to Xelvys does make her special, because she is the only main with his/hers Art styl. I think and hope he/she is proud to be part of the people making a main char in this awesome game.

  285. sans

    So i’m cheking this torren….. legal site for buying h-games once-twice per week. And once per month there is like maybe one translated jRPG, and i don’t mean that female-protag trash where its one and the same girl over and over again. i’m talking like real man games. And today i’m cheking in, and there are like 7 games on Eng/Rus…. holly fuck what happend?! how long was i sleeping? Is it still 2018 outside?! (don’t even start that 2XXX bullshit here, i know you wanna)

    • Anonymous

      Small games are easier to translate… Some of them have less dialogue then Iliasville. I Was Reincarnated Into A Game Where I Can Violate NPCs is a simple starter town with generic npc dialogue tweaked slightly for h lols so that probably took less than an hour to fully translate.

    • Sans

      I mean that was the case always, but its just 1 day and BOOM, there are more games then there was for the last half a year.

  286. Supreme Overlord Luka

    Is there anyway to assist by sending in minor typo corrections and such? I had some minor corrections that I made, but couldn’t push them due to only having read access on bitbucket. Would also be happy to help with tasks that don’t involve speaking Japanese. Not sure if there are any tedious tasks that can be accomplished, like mass-renaming or something, but if so I’d be happy to pitch in.

  287. Kirashi

    Hi, everyone I have a question: In Illyasburg, there is a prostitute at the South of the city not translated. If my japanese is correct she says that she is sorry but she won’t work for the day, and Sonya answer that she is fine with this.
    The probleme is that if my memory is right, this part was translated when I played part 1 some years ago, is there a problem with the merge? Maybe I am wrong?

    • Sans

      To be short – carrying translation over from p1 to p2 is a bit of a bitch, so some lines are missing. So no, you did not f**k up, it’s the same by me too.
      And yeah, f**king up is my bit sir, so would you kindly back the HIFL up?)

  288. Anonymous

    How much % of the main story is translated?
    Also, what do you guys use for machine translation? Whenever I’m using VNR it somehow incorporates the names of speaker into dialogue, thus messing up the sentence.
    Is there some h-code to capture only the dialogue?

    • sans

      from what i have been hearing its like 35%+-, someone was keeping track of the %, but i cant remember who.
      Chii-trans is good for this game, needs atlas to run thou. And as far as i remember there was a way to show the names as exeptions, so you type in the moonrunes that stand for the name, and the program wont translate that combination of moonrunes. Should solve the problem.

  289. Steven

    Hey Dargoth & Team. You are my personal Heroes! It is true that I cant wait to experience the full game, but without you, we would´nt experience it in english at all! So I just wanted to express my eternal gratitude and hope you guys keep up your excellent work!

  290. Kirashi

    Another questions guys

    1- Where was Remina on the map before the apparition of the great disaster?
    2- I amy be wrong but I thought Illya stated that she was against the use of Makina (at lest I remembered this) but I didn’t see that yet while playing. Was I wrong?

    • sans

      I never heard of them, i only read them.
      Its alive, they just do a poor job at keeping us updated. Srlsy Dargoth, just gimme a skype call once per month and i will be answering all these repedetive questions for you.

    • Anonymous

      Last translation update was only a couple of days ago. Just no posts since January… that’s just how Dargoth rolls. I imagine he’ll post once he decides to make a partial patch (50%?). Maybe? It’s very much alive if that’s what you’re asking.

  291. Cruzwindt

    Hi, I’ve got a question, what auto translator program do I use to translate the game while the wait for the full translation continues ??

    • Sans

      chii-trans, or VNR. Thou people say chi-trans is better. Used it myself for a bit and it was okay-ish. I mean i am a lazy butt, so i aint use any and am just waiting for the trranslation.

  292. Kirashi

    What is the best job for fighter with a scythe like Nero?

    By the way is it me or is Luka WAY more clever here than he was in the original MGQ? I wonder if it’s just the difference of translation from rogue and dargoth that make it like that?

    • S45

      He does seem smarter…and Alice doesn’t call him an idiot nearly as much lol! I actually prefer the MGQ Paradox world to the original too, because the people aren’t as douchy as they were in the original. I mean, the scene where Luka’s mom was dying in the original was horrible

      • Crom

        Well it made sense for the original setting, i think you can go as far as saying the original story would not have worked so well without the trauma Luka has suffered. He is a hopeless idiot at first glance and Alice ridicules him for it, but she also gets a lot more understanding once she hears his story, she even says his background is much darker than she ever could have imagined. He needed a good reason to go and defeat the monster lord, and one to not be a mindless drone that blindly fights for the humans, his background managed to justify both.

        I think the reason he gets away better in the new games is not only him being smarter, but also Alice having to share a lot of her screen time with far less vicious characters. He can also grow because he does not get thrown into the big game nearly as quickly. In the original you have seen like 3 of the 4 knights over the course of an hour, you have fought queen tier monsters and meddled in big incidents, while the new games take it much slower.

        • S45

          That’s actually a very good point. We don’t meet any of the Heavenly Knights until Chapter 2…and even in Part 1, the Tamamo intro wasn’t actually ‘real’. The game comes off as a lot lighter, too, with certain darker themes from the original not being present. We don’t have Ilias Kreuz here trying to kill mermaids, Lazarus is instead an underworld figure who raised Sonya, and for the most part, people are much more accepting of monsters. Iliasville even has Slimes living in and around it, and there are monsters in the temple, which would’ve been unheard of in the first one.

          Another aspect that makes it different from the original, facing incredibly powerful monsters early on aside, is the ability to grind. When I started playing, I’d already merged the two chapters, and spent long enough battling and recruiting characters that, when I faced off against Nanabi, I was already past level 30 and was able to defeat her without too much trouble.

      • Sans

        I miss Bitch-Alice, it made the moments where she was showing some compasion for Luka a lot sweeter. The new Alice is boring. She is not bad, but she aint any good as whell… so far…

        • Sans

          I mean i just like bitches since can i handle them pretty well. And just knowing that this mean person is not as mean to me, that she shows compasion for me – its doing something for me… im kinda weird i know. That is the reason why i liked Original Alice, since she was a lot like all the girls i dated =)
          And it was kinda funny to read her roasting Luka… i mean the game is kinda torture porn, so i enjoyed some aspekts of it xD

    • A big part of the that is probably the difference in how he was brought up. He has a friend he was brought up with, Lazarus was around to kinda help out, the villagers didn’t ignore his mom and him until they mostly died out and so on. This Luka was likely able to attend something like school and actually learn. The original was basically ostracized until a few years before the game started. That alone can make a huge difference in how a child is.

  293. Kirashi

    Is it normal that Ilia does insane damage with her bow while Luka hit almost nothing with a sword/dagger? I tried to give him the best build I could but I feel like the bow overpower the blades in this game

    • Sans

      Dunno, my Luka was doing like 30k in p1 whitout LoC gear, and no one could get anywhere near him. The thing whit bows are – they have slayer skills, so my Barbun hitting a plant whit a plantslayer skill and having plantslayer abbility equiped is doing huge damage as whell. The thing whit blade skills is – that they are not narrowed down to some type of enemy, and mostly do the same damage to everyone.
      Also i notice a lot that just buying new gear is not always a good choice. Example : you can get gale bow + near midgame of p1 i think, and no bow in game (exept LoC) comes near to it. I mean yeah, they have more attack, but far less agility, and the AGI is counted in the damage whit bows as whell, so its simply better than all the other bows you get in p1. Same whit armor – you can get a bodygear and a helmet that give you damage. Sure they dont have so much armor as endgame gear, but they give you damage, and it is much more important for a DPS than armor. DPS survive on evasion and buffs and stuff, so giving up armor for attack is the better choice.
      Also jobs and skills, a swordsman dps whitout dual wield isnt whort crap, so you want a job\abbility that coveres that. And Luka has a boost to heroic skills, so you want to use them, unless you have some slayer-type skill that would be good against the current enemy.
      And dont get me started on all the bullshit setups and stuff, that would make you able to 1-shot the last boss of p3 once it is out.
      Trhow your save at me ( and i will look what could have gone wrong if it annoys you that much… or dont, if you dont wanna… i mean i just wanna help, its up to you how far you wanna go whit this.

        • Hmmm i also use luka, barbun. But i have to say my fav is king of grangold, with all the Abilitys he can unlock u can boost his magic to 10k without loc gear. So his nuke skill is pretty much a one shot.

            • Kirashi

              Ah by the way, the 2 monsters are only in fight for affection, it’s a Luka/Ilia only team, so you can consider that all monsters on the team don’t exist.

            • sans

              Okay lad, i got your save, but i cant load it. I will try updating my game, since i have not played for a year or more. Once i’m home i’ll download “2.whathever is the last version” and try again, it should be around 12ish ours from the time this comment was posted.

            • sans

              holly crap i have a 11 hour difference whit this site, i never thought of that before. That means if i write something real early i’m writing from the future lol.

            • Sans

              Nah lad, you are fine, its natural that your Illias deals more damage – she is better buildet.
              She has better abillities, better gear, a better race (you will unlock a better race for Luka after amored berserk), her job is higher lvl – the poor shota does not have a SHOT at this mhahahahahaahahah…. sorry….
              GIve Luka a Attack accesorie, upgrade his custom sword (you can see in the library where to upgrade it next), after maxing the hero job go for battlemaster (whit 2 swords you will start doing more damage), change his race once you are able (there is 30% attack difference in race only) get him a sword boost abillity to miror the bow mastery from Illias, you can even go as far lvl him the rest of the jobs to give him forest strenght like Illias has. I mean whit no slayer boosters and stuff, and Luka having just the holy custom (i dont have time to lvl battle master and test 2 swords damage) there was like a 500-700 damage difference, and considering how much better you Illias is buildet then your Luka – thats not even a difference. And i was using just some low lvl hero skill, you will get better ones later.
              Dunno how to help you whit your dagger dillema thou, i dont do dex builds, only swords, only hardcore.

            • Kirashi

              So you saying that it is normal that Luka is weak until he changes his race?
              Battle master allow to equip 2 weapon? Is this the only job that allow this?

            • Sans

              pretty much yes. The main reason for the difference is that you are pretty much not that far in to the game, so you dont have many jobs. Illias pretty much has the back-bone of what she needs, where Luka has plenty of room to still grow, so once you get on the jobs the gap will start getting smaller. (once you get your boat you will be able to travel around the seas, and there is a Island whit mimic only encounters. So whit “job xp full force” thats 30 50 or 60 job exp per battle, that would be the best time to grind out the rest of the jobs you find fancy)
              But i said – get a better sword, you can upgrade your custom sword to holy custom even now, and change the gauntlet for def for a attack accesorie. Also Luka does not have sword boost like Illias (15%), he does not have forest strenght (20%) and you hero job is lvl 3 against the bow master lvl 10 of Illias, so you will get better skils once you lvl your job. The thing why i’m pushing the hero job is because Luka gets a 30% boost to heroism skills and you can use them whit any job. So you get the skills from hero, then switch to a dual wield job and the damage starts going nuts.
              Yes battle master gives dual wield, some p2 jobs also give you that skill. Pirate king for sure, but dunno about the rest of them, i want the full translation before i start playing. There is even one job that can give you a abillity, so you are not even locked into the job, you will be able to just equip the abbility. But that is p2 midgame from what i hear. And while i am at it it would be nice for you to get overpowering fist as whel, it gives 30% crit around lvl 7, thats a nice boost for dps chars.

            • kamige_wanted

              luka WILL become a beast surpassing ilias. Don’t be surprised when you finish that luka has like all jobs.

              Just on the dual wield, it’s good that you have put levels in thief.
              Thief -> ninja -> master shinobi = dual wield ability that you can now equip on anyone
              Otherwise, jobs with passive dual wield are the ninja classes, pirate king, and battlemaster.

              Prioritise warrior skills with luka (hero, sword are usually my go to skillset), but basically all DPS characters will give good passive abilities. e.g.
              Katana skills – really powerful self-buffs
              spear skills – party wide buffs, AGL boost
              hero of justice – Transform, nuff said
              fist users – self buff atk/agl/critical %

              My luka eats illias/alice/aliceometria any day of the week in game play. Canon story of course is another story.

            • sans

              Luka does eat Alice 16, canon fact. In the original hes is trying to participate in sex when they are making babies… i mean he still does a poor job at it, but he tries to do a 69 on Alice. I take that, i’m a desperate man =)

    • Sans

      i dunno why no one is answering you, im holding out on p2 so i dont know for sure, but from what i read there should be a sparkle on the beach – click it and you will get to her dungeon.

    • Gag180

      Have you found the water temple (the second one, don’t remember the name)? You should be able to access it the same way you found the first one, a sparkle on the beach at the edge of the water

        • Gag180

          Maybe there’s still story to do? I don’t remember the order of sequence, so I don’t know where abouts you are up to, based on you saying what orbs you have. Unless you are actually up to that point, she may not appear before then. Try reading the guide, that should give you an idea on what you should be doing (I couldn’t find a link on here, but maybe try the 4chan MGQ general on the /vg/ board). Sorry if that’s not much help, but no else is answering so I thought I’d give it a try

        • sans

          “Yeah, I went inside the sparkle and it’s Gold Coast.”
          Now i might be wrong about this, but from the way you wrote this it looks like you are trying to get in to the dungeon from the world map. That is not how it works. You enter Gold Coast, and IN gold coast you find a sparkle near the water, and that sparkle IN Gold Coast leads to the dungeon. There should be 2 of them actually, 1 for the dungeon and for Alra priestess event, but i can see the later one apearing only when the event is triggert.

          • Anonymous

            Well, there is no sparkle IN Gold Coast, only treasure boxes. I read the guide, but it says something like “Go to the coast and use the bell of guidance to reach the northern sea temple”. Wtf is that bell of guidance?

        • Gag180

          I think I worked something out, I just did Selene’s sidequest on the ghostship then recruited the Beelzebubs in Yamatai and the game actually directed me to go to the Northern Undersea Temple i,e where Poiseideness is. Maybe that’s it

            • Gag180

              Then I don’t know what else to tell you. The moment I recruited the Beelzebubs, it told me to go the the undersea temple. I did that and Poiseideness was there. Mind you it was related to Kraken who was in squid form as a result of Meia’s questline back at the Southern temple from part 1. Other than that I’ve got nothing

      • sans

        About the bad – better now then after p3 final patch. I mean i am holding out on a lot of stuff, but can you imagine some guys waiting for p3 and full translation and only then do thier first sitting of the game? Just people who never got to ask “how do i patch manualy?” and “is the translation alive?”. People who will never loose the armored berseker fight coz – holy cow did Luka got buffed in p2, and i imagine same will be in p3.

      • Anonymous

        Better if someone just grabbed a beer, reviewed the stuff in the database the first time, hash out a proper translation then, and if anyone said a year later how about changing it they were told “no, please go work on something useful”

        • Sans

          Yeah if i grab a beer – there is no working after that. that’s the offical start of “fuck woking” time.
          The thing is – it was not a full out translation back then, it stoped some time after the main story, since p2 came out. Some things where made to just be there, untill Dargoth finds the time to look at them. And when you have little time that day – you wont be taking on huge map files, you will do something you have time for, like thoese names that need some cheking for a year now.

        • Anonymous

          well, the 2nd one is the “reverse mermaid”, so… what’s “mermaid” spelled backwards. whether it’s the “right” way or not, one keep a literal flip, the other converts it to actual english then flips it.

          • kamige_wanted

            that’s the eternal battle between a literal translation and a figurative translation.

            What dargoth and co are trying to recreate is not just whatever they called it in japanese, but to appropriately add in the “in jokes” in a way that works in English, i.e. what professional translators do. In order not to have any shenanigans such as “just according to my keikaku” ( and “ppl die if killed” ( fiascos, just to use two famous examples.

            In the mermaid’s case, keep in mind that japanese combines sounds, so mermaid in japanese is MER-MEI-DO, which reversed becomes DO-MEI(Mai)-MER. This does not work in English, where we use letters to spell instead of symbols for syllables, and thus, M-E-R-M-A-I-D is reversed in English format to become Diamrem.

            For someone who has no understanding of the work that goes into the translation, domaimer would have no real meaning, whereas they can see the small joke that went into Diamrem.

            TL:DR? Translation is goddamn context dependent and super difficult to ensure a similar experience for users in a non-compatible language, so all praise Dargoth, sans, azor and co for the work they do, despite already being capable of playing this without helping us plebs.

            • sans

              In the name of illiases tits – i’m not a part of the crew xD
              Jeez, you just have to be loudest one, and people will think you have something going on. But DO praise ArzorX, the man needs a hug, he seems to have given up on humans =)

            • Sazaju

              For the sake of correctness: ドーメイマ is not the full reverse of mermaid, they only swap the first and last characters. Either you do the same in English by swapping the first and last letters (dermaim), or if you want to be more obvious the first and last syllabs (maidmer), but doing a full reverse is just something different.

            • Anonymous

              I think that’s because they read メ イ as one sound bit (MEI) even though it’s two kana and two syllables. イ is just one vowel.
              Thus MER-MEI-DO => DO-MEI-MER and not DO-I-ME-MER. It’s a full reverse phonetically.

            • Kutao

              I think keeping Domaimer still would’ve been a better choice for the sake of consistency. Just think how horrible Aimal instead of Amira would sound. Or Yprah instead of Pyhar… actually Yprah sounds kinda awesome, but the unlucky bunch shouldn’t sound awesome. And it’s not like there’d be a problem with understanding the context. While this may just be an assumption of mine, most of the people playing this already have had a lot of exposition to anime/manga…

        • Anonymous

          I guess we gotta change Luka to Ruka and Lazarus to Razaro then. Because that’s what ルカ and ラザロ literally say. Can’t change anything to make more sense or not sound retarded in the target language, no sir.

          Garfunkel is Garfunkel because that’s how it was translated (for a joke, dunno what she was called in the Japanese original) in the first game. It’s not like the name Santos is important for anything in the story, it’s not a joke, it’s not a pun (that would make sense in English at least) it doesn’t matter.

          • Sans

            Ruka does not sit whit me. Razaro sounds edgy as hell so i’m down, but leave Luka be, the poor shota has already every bitch in town wanting to rape him. At least leave him a nice soft name.

          • Anonymous

            Well if you’re going for a soft name then Luke works better than Luka, I think some ova translators did that besides he still needs the part 3 rapings

            • kamige_wanted

              OVA translated it to “Luke” because they were not familiar with the original media. Given that there is no “L” sound, and all “L” sounds are subsituted with “R” in hiro and kata, Ruka = Luka makes perfect sense, as Luka is an English name. Cos that’s what speedsubs are. Later subbers used Luka properly.

              Lazarus just sounds so much more badass than Razarosu

              LoC maps basically you need no translation. bonus maps are generally pretty straightforward

            • Anonymous

              Luke rolls off the tongue easier than Luka

              Etymology & Historical Origin – Luka. Luka is the Russian and Slavic spelling of Lucas (Latin) from the Greek word “Loukas” meaning “man from Lucania”, an ancient district of southern Italy. The Latin Lucas was often used in the Middle Ages as the official written form for the more colloquial “Luke.”

              Lazarus of Bethany was probably the inspiration for his name.

              All content should be translated, even the comedy skits in LoC

          • Sans

            Whit the way i’m reaading “luke” it gets too starwars for me. And he needs all the rapings he can get< bot just the p3 ones…. that little perv…. what true hero does hava a surender button?! If i'm ever gonna make a game – you will get a "heroes never surrender" text by pressing it.

          • Anonymous

            I love how a joke comment about changing Luka to Ruka started a discussion the origins of the name.

            Both would make sense IMO, Luke is anglicized, so it would make sense in an English version of the game, but Luka is an actual name used nowadays in some countries too and it doesn’t sound bad or anything. RT went with Luka in the original and everyone is familiar with that, so it should stay that way. Who knows what they had in mind originally? Luke is ルク so probably not that.

    • Sazaju

      That’s nice, although I would add a link to some existing tutorials for the Ytinasni parts, rather than just saying “search for it by yourself” (especially if you already know that it is a very frequent question). The power of the Web is hypertext (links), so better to exploit it fully to minimize the chance that we ask you the same thing again.

      • Anonymous

        you should maybe try giving feedback to the guide to the person who wrote it? I think arz is just linking it to people to be helpful with what’s available

    • ArzorX

      nope, the team that was translating the loc maps haven’t reported anything, but they said the maps were almost done.

  294. Anonymous

    Somebody can told me the best way to get XP/job XP?

    In the first part i used to put on the “Quintuple encounter” on the hardest dungeons, but i don’t know very well if it is something most faster (?)

    • Sans

      in p2 once you have a boat you can find a island whit mimic only encounters. So quintiple encounter on 2 chars + frenzy mask on everyone in the active partie and just hold a+z and you are set to go.

        • kamige_wanted

          1. get access to boat (and access to outer seas if I remember correctly)
          2. warp happiness village/harpy village, boat should be nearby
          3. travel STRAIGHT EAST, you are looking for an island like a key
          4. walk to the centre of the island and you will enter the village
          5. massacre the poor defenseless mimic/mitsuko villagers just minding their own business
          6. lvl up

          I personally find both the LOC trials (+1000 job XP no multiplier per like 10min) and the mimic island (30-50XP*3 per 30sec, especially if you have berserk statuses) to be slow compared to top level colloseum. Have job XP increasing items and LOC weapons, 1round wipe round 3 (yamata/sphinx/admiral) for like 225XP * 3 job XP, all in like 3minutes.

            • kamige_wanted

              LOC = labyrinth of chaos, post game dungeon.

              Trials = 10 levels of LOC with boss, at 5 different levels. Top level nets all 12 party members additional job XP, real XP and money.

              LOC weapons – special in that all weapons have several prefix/suffixes which gives corresponding boosts, out of all the variables in the game. Basically, the most BS OP weapons that beats even excalibur easily. LOC weapons generally totally breaks your character in vanilla story mode play.

            • Sans

              And that is why Loc grinding is not recommendet. It may be fast, but it breaks your chars. Once you go there, you never come back…

            • sans

              But LoC chars are on a seperate save file, coz even vanila story chars are ripping people appart left and right. I gues we need something beyond Paradox difficulty.

  295. Anonymous

    If Darg is translating the Succubus Village, I believe he’s pretty far into the Main Story. I wouldn’t say he’s close to finishing, but I believe he’s definitely more than 50% done if he’s reached that point. The Banquet is pretty much the halfway point of Part 2 if I’m not mistaken.

    • sans

      darg takes his time to take on a big map, but once he does – he does it to the end. So yeah, thats neet progress considering the amount of text in game.

      • Anonymous

        Yeah I was worried for awhile, but I gotta admit once Darg finally got started for real, he’s been going at a pretty fast pace all things considered. I feel like he’s leveled up in Translation Speed.

    • Anonymous

      Also keep in mind he wasn’t doing much work for quite a long time after part 2 came out because of patches fucking things up constantly. Maybe I’m too optimistic but I think the remaining 50% won’t take nearly as long.

  296. Kajukin

    Hey guys.
    Somebody knows when part 3 get finished? And do we have some informations about part 3 now? Like how far it is produced?
    In my mind was it like end of 2018 or beginning of 2019.

    The real translation beginns on the arrive of the final patch of part 3.
    Before it fucked up all time if the part3 comes out and a new patch comes out.

      • Anonymous

        Q2 2019 is likely. Part 2’s development was delayed by a couple months, and during it’s production TrTr apologized a couple times for the wait, which leads me to believe they were probably behind schedule. Part 3 on the other hand was in development before Part 2 dropped supposedly. So if TrTr wasn’t happy with out long Part 2 took to release, I’m speculating that they’re not aiming for Part 3’s development to take longer than 2 years.

        I think we’ll get a big update on Part 3 in his blog near the end of the year (close to New Year’s). If I were a betting man, I’d say March – August 2019 is the release window, which I know is a 6 month gap, but I only have TrTr’s development history to work with.

        I mean if we have to wait longer than August, then….what the fuck. But if I were to really place my finger on the pulse here, I’m thinking we’ll get Part 3 before next summer.

  297. Anonymous

    hi so i found a typo in the description of the hard grow wrist, and the hard job wrist, it says it changes xp to 150% but it actually changes to 200%.

  298. Anonymous

    ok so i must be missing something but, why where the resists removed from the job/race descriptions?

    I was looking at the commits and, i have no idea what to make of this, is this temporary or is it going to be replaced by something else?

    • Anonymous

      I think that’s because not all texts fit in the job/race descriptions. So they decided to crop something and that is the resistance passive.

  299. Hazimuka

    Can anyone help me.I am having trouble patching my game.After running Runme the patching stops on the translating part saying” The key item cant be found”.This happens when its trying to process the maps.rvdata2

  300. rata5

    So after downloading the files i ran the “Ytinasni.RpgMaker.GameSelector” but after i insert the script directory it says that it’s invalid. I have tried everything ,please help.

    • ArzorX

      Step 1: Have the latest version (2.23) of Monster Girl Quest Paradox

      This is important: you must be patching a 2.23 game of Paradox.
      You can tell what verison you have by the number that appears on the top-left of the title screen when you run the game.
      If the version number is anything other than 2.23, you’re playing an outdated game and need to acquire the latest one.
      If you’ve purchased this game before on DLSite, you can redownload the latest version without having to buy it again.

      At this point, your MGQ Paradox folder should only contain the files you extracted from the .zip package it came in–nothing else, not even save files. If you have save files, please move them out of the folder until you have successfully translated your game.

      Step 2: Obtain the RPGMakerVXAce Translator
      Now we need the program that will allow us to apply the translation, which is the RPGMakerVXAce Translator.
      You can find it at Dargoth’s Bitbucket repository.

      Click the Downloads tab, and you should find “RpgMakerVXAce Translator 0.10c.7z” among the available downloads.
      Save it, and extract its contents wherever you like–preferably in a new folder outside of your MGQ Paradox folder.

      Step 3: Run the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.GameSelector.exe
      There should be a file called “Ytinasni.RpgMaker.GameSelector.exe” among the files you extracted.
      Run it, and it will prompt you to input the directory of your MGQ Paradox Game.exe file.
      If you don’t feel like typing it all out, a simple method is to right-click Game.exe, click Properties,
      copy the file path shown there, and paste it into the prompt. Press Enter, and let the program run its course–during this time,
      it will generate a bunch of files, most notably a Blobs folder.

      This might also be a good time to mention you should have some disk space available–as the Blobs folder can grow quite large–mine is up to 10GBs
      in size, so that should be about how much disk space you should set aside.
      You’ll need to set aside a few GBs more later once you actually run the translator a few steps later…

      As the GameSelector nears the end of its process, a folder called Script should be generated.
      This is where the game’s text script is located, and what really matters when it comes to translating your game.
      Once the GameSelector is done, it should tell you to press any key to exit. That means it’s time for the next step, which is…

      Step 4: Replace the Japanese scripts with the translated ones
      The Script folder contains all of MGQ Paradox’s text inside of it. Right now, all of the scripts are in their oriignal Japanese state.
      The way we translate our game is by replacing all of these Japanese scripts with the translated English scripts from the translation team.
      First off, there’s Dargoth’s translations–which is pretty much the bulk of the translated script. Once agian, go to his Bitbucket repository

      Click the Downloads tab, and click “Download Repository” to acquire all the scripts in a single zip package.

      The next place that most people probably aren’t aware of, is Dokudoku’s bitbucket.
      This contains the scripts for things like Talk scripts, H-scenes, Pocket Castle interacitons, and all that fun stuff.
      There are over 900 or so translated scripts here. Do the same thing here, go to the Download Tab and download the repository.

      Once you’ve download the script packages, start by unpacking the contents of Dargoth’s package into the Script folder that was
      generated by the GameSelector. Click Yes whenever asked to replace the existing files.

      If you want to use the additional translations from Dokudoku’s bitbucket,unpack the contents after you’ve replaced the original Japanese files
      with Dargoth’s. Doing it in this order ensures you have both sets of translated files.
      (There may be a day when these files will finally be merged into Dargoth’s bitbucket, but for now, this is what you have to do.)

      Step 5: Run the Ytinasni.RpgMaker.Translator.exe
      Once you’ve replaced the Japanese scripts with the translated ones,
      it’s now time to translate the game by running the “Ytinasni.RpgMaker.Translator.exe”. Just run it, and wait a while.
      It will check all of your scripts first to ensure there are no errors (and there hopefully shouldn’t be any, or our translators have really screwed up),
      then begin compiling them. You’ll know it’s done when you get the “press any key” line.

      Your translated game will be generated in a folder called “out” along where your RPGMakerVXAce Translator is.
      Look inside it, run Game.exe, and you should now be playing a (mostly) translated copy of Monster Girl Quest Paradox!
      If you had moved your save files out of the original Japanese Paradox folder,
      you may now relocate them into your translated Paradox folder to pick up from where you left off.

  301. kenshun

    i know that there are alot of people posting how to’s and what whatnot on this page, but can someone post a video?

  302. Rizal Ms

    someone know where i can download MGQ Paradox part 2? mine is accidentally deleted, so I want to download it again…… please

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