MGQ Paradox Demo Translation v0.91

Site 1. Paradox English Demo V0.91:
Site 2. Paradox English Demo V0.91:!SVYFHCJJ!LU3fZp6ufyiakKrFBZ9i_flRJq3gNym6fARS_P_8xjs

Forgot a file, updated to .91.

All right, it’s still not done, but it’s getting close! All the NPCs (except one guy, I think) are translated. Still plenty of battle and castle lines not done, and h-scenes. The Dog Girl loss scene is done (Pochi’s castle scene is virtually identical, but isn’t in there). Both Melk castle scenes are done too.

FYI, if you load an old save, some strings like character names won’t show up translated because they’re part of your save file. The current map you saved on won’t be translated either until you leave and come back to it.

First, you need an RPG Maker Decrypter. There are a few of these, but this one is good:!SJ5GwIRL!WoFhGFcNjBarrJdbTB-9bPtgxOItJfqxf-juPw6GAMQ or

If you’re having issues with that one, try this:

0. If you already decrypted the RPGMaker files before, you don’t need to do it again. Just overwrite the translation folder with the new files.

1. Download and extract MGQ Paradox Demo into a directory. To avoid locale issues, you should probably rename the directory so that it does not contain Japanese characters.

2. Decrypt!
2a. Run the tool I linked.
2b. File->Open File, pick Game.rgss3a.
2c. Tools->Extract All Files
2d. Success! Close the decrypter.

3. Move decrypted Data and Graphics files from Extract to the game’s base directory, overwriting all duplicates in the game’s original Data and Graphics directories.

4. Delete or rename Game.rgss3a or you’ll get an error on launching the game.

5. Extract the patch into the game’s base directory, adding a Translation folder and overwriting Game.ini.

6. Launch Game.exe. That’s it!

Hopefully when Paradox comes out for real I’ll have someone make me an installer of sorts.


  1. Anonymous

    Nice job Dargoth you did good work here. Hope you enjoy your holidays. On another note I am still trying(and failing epically) to find people to help you, at this point I am honestly considering attempting to learn Japanese myself though from what I understand it is one of the hardest languages to learn and translate to english.

  2. Don'tbeangryatmeforsayingwhateveryoneisthinkingbutafraidtosay

    WTF? SMMG was delayed this long for a demo?!! and the demo is not even finished… SMH Dargoth get your priorities straightened out and actually stop being lazy.

    • Edale

      As this is a demo, which by definition is MEANT to be freely available, I don’t think I should get in any trouble for posting this, I won’t be doing the same for the full game:!LJQhgSQR!yhUtALftRhbv8w4SGFGqxhFF1YO8rD0KwYVcTajR96A

      Paradox demo with the v0.91 English patch pre-applied. My save may be FAR from 100%, but it’s far enough along to get to all the translated H-scenes so far.

      Speaking of which, translated scenes so far:
      -Dog-Girl loss
      -Melk 10 & 30 affection requests
      -sex battle in the tent by Illias Village

      If there are any others, please post.

  3. Anonymous

    There really is no excuse for taking this long on a demo but even if it takes years it’s better than nothing. Just make sure you finish them before I die and I will be happy.

  4. Anonymous

    Awesome Dargoth you are the best, even if it took a long time for you to do this atleast you did it. I mean it’s not like we got any other people who whats to do this to my knowlage.

  5. Anonymous

    So how different was the coding of the game compared to the original? It seems like its made translating and patching a bit more complicated than before.

  6. TimothyR

    As much as I appreciate this update, I don’t appreciate how long it took given that its a demo. SMMG was delayed since Aug its almost the last month of the year. If you were gonna pull this kind of stunt on us, I would have rather you not have translated this. It does not take 4 and half months to translate a small demo. This is why there is no progress % status, scripts status for this translation for the entire time. SMH, I support you Dargoth and I hate the trolls but this is pretty sad and insulting. Basically wasted 4.5 months. Please step it up.

  7. Anonymous

    Not sure if those guys are seriously this shameless. Rogue spoiled me, too, but one should be aware that he and dargoth are making this for free. So no one should complain about dargoth if he doesn´t work on this.

    Regardless, thanks for the work, dargoth!

    • CivilDeviation

      Well said! Please stop approaching this project in such an entitled manner, ya need to learn a thing or two about what motivates folks…. criticism without understanding of the other person’s values is contraindicated.

  8. Anonymous

    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I’ve been exploring town and talk to everyone so satisfying. Not sure if it happens somewhere else but i’ve noticed in the talk with Ernest, the guy who explain how Magiknights works some of the dialog goes out of the box. I’ll keep an eye for this and tell you if it happens somewhere else

  9. Anonymous

    Finished the demo, can’t believe you took a break this long for this little work. It’s tough not to agree with some of the negative comments here when all you have to show for it is an incomplete demo. Honestly, I supported you but its tiring when you disrespect your fan base like this. I think I’m just gonna give up hope for every translation here. It’s easy to label anyone who does not approve as a troll or hater, but that’s short sighted. I like Dargoth just have extremely disappointed in his work for this run. Look at it from Dargoth’s end- he’s coming up short. Before you reply, I want you to play the demo (incomplete) first, you will be singing the same tune. Unsatisfying. Gosh. Truly disappointing for a fan who has followed you this whole time.

    • Anonymous

      lololol. He might have disappointed you, but not me. I’m immensly grateful for this translation and for knowing that even if it might take some time the game will be translated. Even if he were to decide to drop the game translation i still wouldn’t blame him because he is spending his free time on it, and as a guy who doesn’t have lots of free time i know how valuable that is.

      Also to try and take this in your prespective remember that 1 slow translation > 0 translation. So even if you are not happy with the results i suggest you stfu

  10. Anonymous

    Are the things characters says in battles (not rape scenes) not translated or is it just me? I mean when someone asks you a question in the middle of a battle I would like to know what I answer and what I answer to.

  11. Anonymous

    I don’t understand the comment for rush,disappoint,or whatever.I mean Dargoth ask you for money? damn no this is free for everyone if you want rapid translation go pay money for that.People have they own life presume me example I work for 8 AM to 5 PM go home around 7PM. sleep for 11 PM. that mean I have 4 hour free time to do my personal.So I have to devote myself for you selfish guy everyday? Weekends it mean to rest well let’say it work to translate it necessary to do every weekends?Dargoth have own life too.May be Dargoth life don’t similar to me but I’m sure not difference much.Try to understand that and be more patient.

  12. Anonymous

    The fact that people are complaining about the speed of a free translation’s release is astonishing. Let’s go over some key points:
    1. These translations are good.
    2. These translations are free.

    It really says a lot about a person when all they have to look forward to in life (to the point that they would complain about delays) are erotic monster girl games. Stop being impatient brats and appreciate the fact that there are still translators out there that work to make YOU happy. I don’t even know how Dargoth’s speed can even be considered slow compared to literally any other translator apart from Rogue.

    I wonder how these kids would react to the abomination that is Dracu-Riot…

    • Edale

      No way I could complain about the speed of a translation project after waiting FIFTEEN YEARS for the SNES Ys V English translation (and that’s 15 years the team was working on it before finishing the game, not how long it took someone to decide to translate it). Or 9 years for the Fate/Hollow Ataraxia English translation.

    • Anonymous

      There’s a basic phenomenon where if something is free you’ll inevitably get a bunch of ungrateful people complaining about how it’s not better just because so many people have access to it. This is the internet, I’d hope Dargoth and everyone else knows to just ignore those people.

  13. Anonymous

    Really we appreciate what you are doing. All the NPCs done? That’s crazy. It’s great that you’ve accomplished all that. But maybe going forward you should do all the main dialogue and fight/h-scenes. That’s what matters the most.

    Just playing the game for a little while I realize how much work you’ve put into it, and how much it really is.

    Thank you Dargoth.

  14. Anonymous

    Good job keep up the good work, as for any other projects you can take your time. I have a good list of games to play, work for said games to buy and many other things so I can wait. I hope you continue your translations, I might try this demo soon.

  15. Sniper

    What file is missing? The game seems to be working fine. Is it working because I just applied the update over the previous patch overwriting previous files?

  16. Thank you so much! Personally, i’m going to wait until the demo is completely translated before i download and play, but nonetheless i’m excited! 😀

    This game is going to rock! ^_^

  17. Anonymous

    I’ve been waiting for this. Seeing how RPG maker games have shitloads of text due to NPCs, I know that the full version is going to be a monster project.

    Good luck though and thanks! 😉

  18. Anonymous

    I feel remarkably silly for asking this considering the content of the game, but is anyone else put off by the swearing in the translation? Was this something that changed in the Japanese versions between the first game and Paradox or is this just a change in translation style?

    A part of the charm the first games had for me was the old fashion RPG/fantasy anime feel that served as a backdrop to the whole thing. Having characters suddenly swearing has been a rather jarring change. I have no idea what is up with Sonya but for returning characters like Luka and Alice it comes off as out of character. I wont ask the translation to change on my account, though I would be interested in what tools I would need to make my own alterations to the English translation.

      • Anonymous

        That makes a lot of sense for Lazarus and Sonya. It seemed to fit her personality as well, at least what’s been shown. As long as there’s thought put into it I’m satisfied. I’m far from fluent in Japanese but I’ve studied for two years now, I understand the calls a translator has to make when it comes to translating rudeness to English.

        That said keep up the hard work. You’ve done a quality job.

      • Sevalle

        I too have to agree that you should try and keep it a bit down with other characters. Some curses just are a bit too much.

      • Thanks for the feedback. I agreed and toned it down for Luka and Alice. Lazarus will still curse like a sailor, and Sonya will throw in an occasional obscenity too.

  19. Anonymous

    It’s funny, everyone is waiting on Dargoth for these translations and they are all frustrated at him taking forever, but some people are huge pretenders and say the opposite of what they feel. They wait too but insult others for being honest. It irks me when they call for example the very above post:

    “It really says a lot about a person when all they have to look forward to in life (to the point that they would complain about delays) are erotic monster girl games. Stop being impatient brats and appreciate the fact that there are still translators out there that work to make YOU happy. I don’t even know how Dargoth’s speed can even be considered slow compared to literally any other translator apart from Rogue.”

    Then why the f**k are you are?! Anyways just pointing out the hypocrisy. Thing is don’t feed each other. Don’t stoop to low levels on both sides. Complainers annoy me but you guys also annoy me too. I don’t know what they call you in real life; kiss -ass? teacher’s pet, ingratiatory bitches? fake supporters,? Just shut the fuck up dont feed. Seriously its hella annoying on both sides. Sorry for the language but seriously the comment section is full of these all the time. Dont insult each other, dont complain and dont kiss ass. Kissing ass is just as annoying as the complaining. Just write things strictly related to the translation. It’s a translation, dont make yourselves stupid by fighting here. get over yourselves

    • Anonymous

      ??? I’m not frustrated at all. If it’s free, I seriously don’t care about how long it takes. The problem here is that there are people that feel entitled to a free translation, and they’re really not.

      Also, take in the fact that you’re complaining about a guy complaining about people complaining.

    • Anonymous

      No, I just understand how translations work. The problem is that a lot of these people came from Rogue, who was a translation GOD. He did more work in half a year than a team of people generally do in three or four years. That’s not an exaggeration. I’m STILL waiting for some Visual Novels being made by entire teams of people. Dargoth is NOT as fast as Rogue. That’s just how it is. Dargoth is doing this for free and likely has a life outside just translations. Whether they like it or not that’s the speed he translates stuff. They should be happy it’s getting a translation at all. I don’t even want to tell you the Visual Novels that were cool and amazing, but were never translated. Shin Koihime Musou being the biggest one for me.

      It’s one thing to be impatient, it’s another thing to belittle the person translating and insulting them. If they have a genuine problem with it, perhaps they should get of their asses, learn Japanese, and show us all how it’s done. If it’s so quick and easy to translate, do it. Do I want Paradox translated? Yes. Yes I do. But I’m not going to act like a self entitled cunt who bites the hand that feeds him.

      My ‘true feelings’ are that I’m happy it’s being worked on, and I’m genuinely surprised people are complaining that someone is translating something they enjoy for free. Simply put the people who are complaining irk me because of how spoiled they come across. Someone is translating an entire visual novel for them, for free, and they still feel the need to complain. This isn’t asskissing, I don’t give a fuck how Dargoth sees me, especially since I’m going under Anonymous. But nothing in this world pisses me off more than someone being blamed for something they didn’t do. Dargoth HASN’T done anything wrong and yet people are insulting him. Fuck that noise.

      And hypocrisy? What about it is hypocrisy? You wanna talk about hypocrisy? Well you’re the one whose escalating it, you’re the one who, more than anyone else fall under the term of ‘hypocrite’. You didn’t give anything worth while to the discussion other than spewing a bunch of arrogant bullshit, most of which is not only flat out wrong, but makes you out to be the biggest asshole in the entire comment section.

      As for why am I here? I’m here for Monster Girl Quest Paradox. Why? Aren’t you here for it too? If not why are YOU here? Mr. head stuck up my ass think his shit don’t stick.

  20. Anonymous

    Arigathanks! You are a godsend, Dargoth. Don’t let the bullies get to you.
    I’ve noticed that every so often, the text doesn’t seem to fit inside their boxes (at least in fullscreen). I guess this is a problem with the wrapper?

    • Let me know of any instances of that. I had to manually watch column lengths and insert my own line breaks, and I messed up a few times. Ernest and the BF scene have issues, but I don’t know of any others.

  21. Nice ! Congrats on releasing your patch Dargoth 🙂 Oh, and for those who are crying like little bitches….

    1) Dargoth stated a looooong time ago that he is going to drop SMMG in order to start working on MGP. If you can’t accept that fact then you are wasting your time and energy.

    2) The reason he intents to finish the demo is because you will be able to transfer your save file from the demo to the full released game. Plus he will be able to transfer what he translated to the original game once it comes out. Otherwise do you really think he would translate something that is short lived ?

    3) He is doing it for free and other projects take years to finish, so if you don’t appreciate his work, learn the skills and tools for the job yourself, start learning Japanese, or wait patiently. Sometimes the good things (especially the rare ones) take a longer time to finish.

    4) He inspired Never 1.0 to work on VH 4 so that we can enjoy that game too.

    • Anonymous

      SMMG is not dropped its temporarily delayed, and dont make up bullshit you dont know cause you cant transfer data from a demo. Get your facts straight especially since you took the effort to number them for us if you want people to take you for serious. Only half your argument is valid. I only come here for info about the translation, you should stop refueling an argument that’s dead cause its frustrating. Think of it as a forum environment. Say things that are related, ignore or dont say anything else. Just focus on translation only. If you cant take it then leave or dont talk at all

      • Only one of the things I said is wrong ( about the save data which I did not know and Dargoth informed me about that). When I said ”dropped” I didn’t mean that he canceled it, it was stated in a ”temporarily matter”. If you only come here for the translation then you have no reason to reply to me at all, and the things that I said are related, because people are complaining about the pace and intentions of Dargoth (if you read the above comments you will see what I mean). Forums exist to express your opinions about a certain topic and yes you might be misinformed which you can learn through discussion. If you cannot accept that then don’t reply.

  22. Anonymous

    Man. This game is extremely expansive from what I’ve seen from the demo alone. And if that castle is going to be filled with companions, well Torotoro is hardcore for going all out on an RPG Maker game.

  23. Anonymous

    Just to mention, the word wrap doesn’t work properly in some parts. The most noticeable ones are the NPCs that explain you about the jobs in Ilias temple. The text goes outside the box.

  24. pejman92

    I hope we can keep our demo save for the full version 😀

    Stuff to do : Get 4 bondage ropes on IMPS to put on your reserve members . Also be sure to recruit the Imp so you can get the 2 that are wandering in the village (1 in the fields 1 in the reserve).
    Mandragore is a really good reserve healer (she heals with sp, so you can heal at the end of each fight for free)

      • Anonymous

        Not so given Harem Collector updates and keeps saves. The main reason is probably if anything with the start needs changed the developer is free to do so without having to shoehorn the demo into the final. Hopefully it overlays well with the final so Dargoth’s hard work and dedication aren’t wasted… In any case I appreciate seeing all the demo shows off

  25. Anonymous

    First, Dargoth, thanks for the patch ^^ you are great, and second, in the north-west area of the castle there are two maids not translated, you have not mentioned so I guess that you have not noticed them.

    Good luck and good work. 🙂

  26. Anonymous

    Thanks a lot Dargoth. I know from the comments that there seems to be some people who might not appreciated the work progress despite the efforts you put into it, but I want to let you know that I really feel thankful for your work. And there’s probably a few others like me as well.

  27. fou_lu

    Domo Arigatou gozaimasu Dargoth-san. But I think with you this close on finishing the demo I will wait for the full translation. Torotoro has given any updates for when the full game will be released? How much time it takes to actually finish the demo?

    • Anonymous

      I’ll answer that for you. While I am not sure what she says as it has yet to be translated, the cg it self is the same, however based on the demo it seems that she will have a new scene (unfortunately its not view able on the demo)

      • Anonymous

        Or..were you referring to the defeat scene? If so then I don’t know, but I do remember Dargoth saying that some of the defeat scenes were basically cut and paste from MGQ, so maybe it is the same.

  28. Goddess Ilias

    Thank you very much for sharing this Translation with us. I thought i would never be able to play this since Rogue is in his Odinssleep. Glad im found your name on his side. Keep up the good work, i´ll always watch over you.

    By the way could somebody tell me how to put my Partymembers in the Castle? They say i should push Key 5 but even after trying for quite a while it seems i didn´t get which is the right button.

    • Anonymous

      If you rush plot, likely a half hour to an hour. If you’re like me and spend time messing around with NPCs, the class system and recruiting monster girls then you could have a few hours of play before exp begins to curve off.

  29. Anonymous

    Why are some of you so upset about that fact that the demo translation is still unfinished. If Dargoth never translated it, you would’ve never played this game at all, unless you have a crappy translator :/ just be grateful and happy of the fact that there’s someone in this world who willingly translates a porn game (still an amazing franchise though) just for you 😀

  30. Anonymous

    I’m sure he gets this a lot, but does anyone know why dargoth’s twitter link just redirects to the homepage?

    Anyway, even though this did take awhile, if it weren’t for him it might never get translated at all.

  31. Anonymous

    aww i was looking forward to imp castle scenes i-i

    cant complain though, theres so much info inside Illias Temple. keep up the good work! 😀

  32. Anonymous

    I have played through the demo and noted everything thats still untranslated just to help Dargoth in the case he did not know exactly whats left.

    – Most of the stuff in the Library menu

    – Combat Speech (Things said during combat including the use of the “Talk” ability)

    – Castle Speech (Things said when talking to people in the Pocket Castle)

    – Job selection screen (When talking with the priest in the temple)

    – H-Scenes

    – The top of the menu when in the Ability selection screen.

    – Some of the stuff in the “Status > Basic Info > Status Resists” screen

    – Some stuff when viewing info about weapons/armor/accessories. (In stores and in the status menu screen)

    – When entering a new area the text brefly displayed at the top left (I assume it is the name of the area)

    – Most NPCs at the Tartarus (South of Ilias Village)

    – The confirmation message when selling something to a store (Like a rapier because it seems it does not appear for all items)

    Anyways I hope this helps you a little bit Dargoth, I will keep waiting for a 100% translation so keep it up 🙂

    • Thanks! The new area that’s briefly displayed might not make it for the demo translation. It’s going to require a new version of the translation program or manual editing and rebuilding in RPGMaker.

      Cue laughs about never releasing a 100% translation.

      • Is the new area you’re talking about the Tartarus location or somewhere else?

        I’m crossing my fingers for a 100% translation of the demo to wet my appetite until the game comes out, but we can still expect everything to to be translated for the full game at least, yeah?

      • I mean the text popup that says your current location like “Iliasville” or whatever. That bit of text is buried in some file that ytinasni’s extractor doesn’t work on (or maybe I need to look harder). I’ll either have to get him to update it or translate it in RPGMaker and rebuild the map files. Come to think of it, that second option sucks because I’d have to redo it every time Torotoro releases a new patch.

      • The text box when you enter a new map is very low priority as far as I’m concerned. Every area has a sign or an NPC that introduces the name to the player, and the floors use B1 or F2 in the title so the important information is still conveyed. It’s probably not worth the effort until the very end.

      • Alex

        Have you thought about recruiting assistants to help you Dargoth? Also you might want to wait a bit because there will probably a update or three in the first few months after the games release.

    • Anonymous

      I noticed something else that you might have missed. The Reaper and the Bunny Slime is also untranslated when entering the spirit world (or whatever it is) using the hades key.

  33. pejman92

    BtW Dargoth, do you plan on “recruiting” some people here to help you a bit with translating stuff? (be it building the patches testing etc etc). I am sure a lot of people would love to help for free if that means getting the patch faster 😀

  34. HK-47

    Torotoro updated he’s blog with two new girls, unfortunately the guy who usually translate those news is not doing it anymore (at least for the time being)

  35. A very minor note but the level 7 noble ability is described as granting *1.5 experience when all other experience abilities are described in percents. I can confirm it works in percent like the other abilities because when used in conjunction with the Hard-Work Bracelet Alice gains 50% experience and 200% job experience.

    Which might be another thing to note: All experience modifiers seem to add or subtract percents. If it says 150% experience, it actually means +50% experience. As far as I can tell it stacks with other abilities that do the same, creating a total % modifier before applying it to the number. In addition, anything that tells you “double” or “zero” experience points seems to just increase or decrease experience by 100%. So in the Alice situation described above, she gains +50% from her Ability, and -100% from her accessory to her character experience, but +100% to her Job Experience.

    • Another thing. Ernest talks about Magiknights, but the man in the desert mentions Armamentalists. They both claim that they are jobs unlocked by mastering Warrior and Mage. Without the Master-required classes out yet (I’ve tried) it’s impossible to tell if this is an inconsistency in translation or if they are two different classes. Either way I felt it worth pointing out.

    • Nice find. That one looks pretty good.

      Angel Crest, made by the Desire Dungeon guys, is supposedly coming out this month, as is camel’s new vore game Card Quest 2. Should be a good Christmas!

    • Anonymous

      Seems interesting, of course, my lack of an ability to read anything leads me to wonder whether or not I am actually stuck.

    • Anonymous

      Trial is awesome. The sex happens on victory which isn’t as much my thing, but the game itself is incredible, you and all monsters have an attack+defence+hp stat and initiating a fight (you get to see the stats of the monster and choose) just makes you both hit each other for (attackers attack minus enemy’s defence) until one of your HPs hits 0, additionally you can get a ‘shield’ stat which is a little buffer HP that regens after each fight. There are three levels of key and you just walk around a small maze-like grid of each floor (whole floor is visible) choosing which enemies to fight and which keys to spend in order to access more keys, stat upgrades, health, and stairs to the next floor. Pretty easy to gameover because the inn at the surface is seemingly the only way to get health apart from the rare healthpacks, and it costs 80g (fights net you about 5-10g each). I managed to beat the first boss (watery slime girl) which ended the demo, at first I ignored her and you can go much deeper though

      Protip to anybody who gets the demo, talk to the shop guy before you go in and buy his upgrades, they’re over 100g each but upgrades in this game are godly. Same for the witch shop girl a few levels in, if you can get your defence near enough to the weaker enemies’ attacks it basically lets you reach all the skipped ‘not worth it, too heavily guarded’ upgrades on the earlier levels for free

      Seriously fun game, wish there were a more fleshed out non-hentai game with the same concept that I could pour dozens of hours into. It’s basically a puzzle game, not an RPG

  36. Kirigaya Luke

    Thanks man, and thanks for all the translation, but I think this time I will learn Japaness, I really love this game, but wait to be translated is not for me, before, I’ve just the luck that I’ve start to play eroge (yes, not visual novel but eroge :3 ) recently, so I’ve play MGQ in one run, but be patient is not for me, soo I will use for one time in my life my time for make something, and learn japaness

    Just one question, why I said that ?
    Err, I think I will learn to don’t talk too much first ^^”
    Ah, and imprve my english, I think i’m really bad…
    You know what ? Forgot that, just thanks for all, bye o/

  37. Carol J.

    Dargoth, concerns about the pace of your translation withstanding, do you have any plans for “prioritizing” different types of dialogue? Obviously the flavor text in towns and such is nice, but people would prefer story text first, right? Following that line of thinking, is there any planned “order” for how you’ll translate Paradox?

    Speaking personally, I’d prefer if the H-Scenes were taken care of before proper town dialogue. After all, it’s my understanding that you’ll have someone helping with item and skill descriptions, so with the battle system taken care of and the scant few lines that constitute the plot dialogue, I think it’d be a reasonable system to implement…assuming the people who want the H-scenes first are in the majority.

    Finally, thanks for your efforts. It seems like a thankless job most of the time from an outsider’s perspective, but you’re doing God’s work here.

    • I’m not sure people who want H-scenes done first are really a majority. Gameplay elements are definitely #1, but as you said, I’ve got MGL handling most of those.

      Tentatively, I’ll follow a similar structure that Rogue used with MGQ and try to translate area-by-area, including all the story, quests, and h-scenes for monsters that show up in that area.

      • Sevalle

        Oh God please don’t go the way Carol described. If you only want to translate H scenes then we might as well crop the images and use google translate and be done with whole game. Playing the entire game is what makes it a whole experiance great.

      • Anonymous

        IMO I don’t care much of whats said in H-Scenes as it’s not important what so ever.
        If I could translate it would be a very low priority. Gameplay elements and Story is top priority however 🙂

      • Anonymous

        For some games all I really want are the H-scenes, but for MGQ it’s nice to have context with the H-scenes. Makes it better somehow.

        I prefer it the way you and Rogue usually do/did it.

  38. Anonymous

    I just notice that the slime rape CG when you lose to her is the exact same CG used in MGQ part 1. Is the rape scene exactly the same?

  39. Anonymous

    Dargoth, not that I care about release dates or your projects because i can wait, but have you ever considered the possibility of maybe I don’t know, the idea of working on two projects concurrently. Even if it is just a line or couple every few days on just one of them. I get that some releases or more interesting than others but do you really have to stop time life and infinity and dinosaur go extinct boom boom just like that from a meteor falling from the outer space?! For real?! Well, I didnt know if you knew, so I just thought I’d tell you- that starting another project doesn’t mean you need to completely stop another one. Yes you can in fact work on more than one thing at a time, hard to believe. It’s a brand new idea, might sound crazy but you know that’s the jelly bean pie for you.

    • Yeah I’ve considered it. I’ve really wanted to do it, in fact. But let’s see… it’s past midnight and I’m typing this from work about to go home, straight to bed without dinner, and then up early to come right back. If I’m lucky I don’t end up working this weekend. Oh, and my cable at home has been down for over a week (temporarily up for one day). At least I don’t need the Internet to translate, but not being at home at all is quite a problem!

      It’s been a terrible December. If your company fucks off for the last half of December and expects everything for the month to be done and delivered to them by the 12th, I hate you. Let’s just say that the full paradox demo translation I said would take two weeks is still two weeks away. Merry Christmas. I’ll be spending it alone translating.

      I shouldn’t make blog comments past midnight either.

      • Anonymous

        Without you there’s absolutely nothing My dear friend Dargoth. Yes, I’m not gonna ask you about whether your company fucked off in August, September, October and November either because I don’t care like I said. It’s not a issue of doing more or less work, it’s more of hmm I think Ill switch it up today and work on this one instead this week. I didn’t know if that thought ever crossed your mind. You’re not married to one project. It’s not a relationship where you fuck one chick the time you dating her. you can be promiscuous. And feel free to take a break, chocolate pudding meister, dont feel obligated to finish on Xmas if itll interefere with your life. take all the time you require to rest and work at your leisure. Just trying to let you know that you can work on different projects at the same time. Isn’t That just crazy! Also, tell me the place you work, I will call them up and give them a piece of my mind. I’m not trying to insult you, not trying to troll or make you feel bad. You’ve done so much for this community I dont think anyone can truly have hateful feelings for you. Just trying to open your eyes cause you got them them so damn closed. You can eat curry one day and thai ginger another day. Dont live your life eating the same poop every day for a good year then changing it up to one thing. Happy Holidays Charlie brown i hope

      • Anonymous

        Oh wow, you really have it tough Dargoth. I hope everything gets sorted for you soon though. Atleast we now know the reason behind your delays, thats all I ask for at least.

        One thing I have noticed is people that work on projects I’m interested in tend to be like the busiest people in the world. Usally there are like 5 milion things that they need to do other than that perticular project. It’s really annoying but understandable xD

      • Anonymous

        If you ever find yourself needing to take a break from this for a few months or whatever, you should feel free to do so. Burn out is a bitch and all.

      • Anonymous

        WordPress doesn’t seem to show dates of stuff posted. When was “Let’s just say that the full paradox demo translation I said would take two weeks is still two weeks away” posted? N-not that I’m keen for this or anything…

  40. Anonymous

    Dargoth you should mother freaking make a short tutorial on basics and translating and post on your page. I think if more people got some sense on how to use kirikiri they could mother freaking help you because there are quite a number with basic sense of the language but are not good with using that shit. Like seriously. I took Japanese and wanted to translate some stuff possibly to help out but the Kirikiri program confused my brain

  41. Anonymous

    Dargoth, have you ever considered just not translating at all. No one is forcing you to do any of this. I would be perfectly fine if you went Rogue, and never wrote a single translation ever again. I mean there has to be a million things better to do. Just drop all your projects and disappear. If people hate me for suggesting this, then good I get lots of pleasure from denying everyone this. If not, then good Dargoth gets his life back finally.

  42. Anonymous

    Oh you fuckr. Don’t ruin it for everyone else okay. I’m jsut waiting patiently like others. Dargoth likes translating hes doing this because he wants to and because he enjoys it. Leave the man alone kk

  43. Anonymous

    While I agree I don’t want Dargoth to stop, I can see how unappreciative people are and take work to be granted. You guys shouldnt talk like that, you dont know what Dargoth is about. Dargoth, I’m fine with you taking a long leave of absence just to teach these bitches a mother fucking lesson

  44. Anonymous

    Yeah, you should definitely stop translating for a year or two and then return if you are still into it by then. People have grown spoiled and disgusting these last couple of years. They will be singing a different tune once they realize what theyve last. You should take a break, you’ve done enough dargoth

  45. Anonymous

    you guys shut up okay. let dargoth decide geez. and dargoth you better not forget your promise of finishing those translations which you’ve been promising for so long now. I want to see them done and on my computer before any of this garbage nonsense of you quitting. You need to keep working quickly and focus on finishing those translations. These guys are just distractions. Pay no heed to them cause I’ll rage if these translations dont get released after all these months.

  46. NoName

    *sigh* Dargoth, you may want to disable comments for a while or else we will have plenty of idiots spamming here. Or one idiot, because after reading that garbage it looks like one single person talking to himself, but oh well… Enable them when you feel it’s necessary.

  47. CivilDeviation

    Glad he/she got caught trying to manipulate red-handed; even if well intended, it is the same sort of tactic used by politicians via find a fall-guy to make a low grade counterargument to increase cognitive dissonance thereby strengthening one’s connection with the target idea. Slimy but not in that hot sort of slime girl way.

  48. matt

    Thanks for doing this. Just played the demo. Thought it was really fun. I’m impressed with the pocket castle idea. Game seems like it will be really massive.

  49. Anonymous

    Darg have you ever considered taking donations? Not sure if that’s inappropriate to ask, I just feel bad that you’re spending hours and hours translating such a massive game, and not getting paid for it. Sometimes I feel saying “Thank you” just isn’t enough.

      • Anonymous

        That’s great to hear! You guys really deserve it. We’re lucky to have guys like you and whoever’s helping to be willing to step up to the plate. I just wish developers like ToroToro over in Japan realize that they have a Western Audience who really love this type of stuff. Of course I’ll buy the game, I just wish other players in the West had that mentality. Perhaps Toro would take us more into consideration if the majority of people over here didn’t just pirate the game.

  50. Lying too your face

    can we get a text file that tells us what the buttons? unless its in the textfile with the game but thats not even showing up in japanese.

    • NoName

      Go to the Monster Girl Quest wiki and ask there anything related to Paradox. In fact a lot of your questions can be answered instantly if you go there and check the comments of the Paradox page. I’m not going to answer them because it will most likely create a chain of questions that should be asked somewhere else, not here. Here’s about the translation, not about the game itself.

      Also, if you have any bugs to report, be more clear, don’t just say “Oh, I found X bug hope you solve it”. Make it easier for Dargoth to find where the bug is, like writing the exact phrase, which NPC and its location.

      Also, please next time think about everything you want to ask before writing, don’t start spamming questions one after another. Make a list and post it when you’re sure you have all questions.

  51. apache2813

    pls the demo is okay right now we don’t care (i think)
    pld translate the motherfucking dinner pls…pretty pls…. dinner is at least complete…

    • Anonymous

      The demo is necessary for the translation of the full game otherwise Dargoth wouldn’t be even bothering on translating the demo. So no just wait btw most of the text in dinner is “slurp” “slurp”
      “gurgle” so yeah not a priority right now…

  52. CivilDeviation

    Dargoth thank you for all you’ve done already and what you choose to do going forth. It’s really a gift for all of us, that said, I hope you have a good season. I wish I could take some of the burden off ya or at least shield ya from the well-intended yet foolish pressured that get hailed on ya. Many of us recognize you have a life outside this game and are grateful enough to put our wants aside.

  53. Anonymous

    I can’t make him move to the right. I can’t figure out what’s wrong with it but I’m stuck in the very first room with him facing the wall. I can make him turn up or down but not move to the right and in menus I can only go down, not up. Anyone else having this problem?

  54. Anonymous

    is there an actual update post from torotoro except for the new monsters that come out once a month?.

    How far is the progress anybody know?.

    • Stoche

      I’d like to know this to, If I had to guess though judging by the release and announce dates between the trilogy.. I’d say it’s a little over half completed or a little under.. Hopefully more but this time the engine is RPG Maker, so naturally it will add on some time.

  55. CivilDeviation

    I can’t imagine that making a “good” RPG with a crafting system, weapons with sprites, and balancing a ton of playable characters would go at the same pace as a visual novel with a combat system. We may have a long wait on our hands.

    • Goddess Ilias

      I agree, judging after the Demo the full Game could become very big with very much content to translate in it. Will definitly take a while after release until the English Patch is finished but that make´s me also looking forward to the end product.

  56. lygarx

    I have played a lot of RPGmaker games and this one is really well made. I also translate a bit too, but I just go into the game itself and manually change it.

  57. shunrenhu

    Hi! I don’t know How do I translate Monster Girl Quest Paradox RPG Demo into English, Would you please translate it for me.

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